Wednesday, July 07, 2010

President Obama on Zakat. . . .WTF?


One blogger wrote:

Support islam: Be a polygamist. Beat your wife. Kill you daughter for premarital sex. Make your wife walk around in a garbage bag. Death threats for free speech! Assassinations! Terrorist attacks! Death penalty for gays! Death penalty for becoming a Christian. Sharia law! Hate the Jews!

Obama is a nauseating appeaser and an insult to the United States of America.
Zakat is distributed among 8 asnaf (categories) of people, namely:
Fakir - One who has neither material possessions nor means of livelihood.

Miskin - One with insufficient means of livelihood to meet basic needs.

Amil - One who is appointed to collect zakat.

Muallaf - One who converts to Islam.

Riqab - One who wants to free himself from bondage or the shackles of slavery. (In Singapore, zakat due to this category of recipients is spent on those who need help to pursue education or to improve their standard of living).

Gharmin - One who is in debt (money borrowed to meet basic, halal expenditure).

Fisabillillah - One who fights for the cause of Allah. (in other words TERRORIST)

Ibnus Sabil - One who is stranded in journey.