According to jammiewearingfool.blogspot.com:
You don't really think she's going anywhere, do you?
Authorities will decide by May at the latest whether to deport an aunt of President Barack Obama to her Kenyan homeland, the Justice Department said after a hearing in her case on Thursday.
Zeituni Onyango, 57, a half-sister to Obama's father whom Obama called "Auntie Zeituni" in his memoir "Dreams from My Father," moved to the United States in 2000 and applied for asylum in 2002, citing violence in Kenya.
According to Van Helsing at moonbattery.com:
Our Affirmative Action president — who rode into office despite his radical background and lack of qualifications on a wave of political correctness — isn't the only member of his family to exploit America's misguided niceness toward those who don't particularly deserve it. There's also Zeituni Polly Onyango:
. . . .Aunt Zeituni donated $260 to her nephew's campaign for president — which is also against the law because she's not a U.S. citizen. How against the law is it? Remember when the president launched his unprecedented attack against the Supreme Court during his State of the Union? His complaint was that foreigners might donate money to influence U.S. elections.
. . . .Aunt Zeituni's case puts the lie to the old canard that all criminal immigrants are here to work. She gets a stipend from a city program, along with her housing. In fact, as the Center for Immigration Studies points out, illegal immigrant households are far more likely to be on the dole than the average American. She also highlights the obvious truth of the Heritage Foundation study that our 12 million illegal immigrants are a $2.2 trillion net drain on the taxpayers over the course of their lifetimes.
Wait until Chairman Zero turns his attention away from destroying our economy and toward reengineering American demographics more to the Democrat Party's liking. There will be literally tens of millions more where Aunt Zeituni came from.
Auntie Zeituni sure doesn't look like someone living "illegally" in "public housing" and receiving handouts from our government. . . .She looks better dressed than most hard working Americans. She is also "disabled", so I'm sure we're paying for her healthcare and her shiny white teeth too.
Why does this matter to you? Well let me tell you. . . .When you go to collect that measley social security check that you have paid into for the last 40-50 years and there is NO money in the pot. Or God forbid, you become disabled and try to collect disability and you get rejected time after time. . . .Just remember it is people just like Auntie Zeituni that has sucked the system dry.
According to Glenn Beck:
The first person to receive monthly social security benefits was Ida May Fuller of Brattleboro, Vermont. She received her first check in 1940. She only worked for 3 years and paid in a total of $24.75. Over her lifetime she collected more than $22,888.00. She was paid 924 times what she paid in.
Wonder how much Auntie Zeituni paid in taxes for the benefits she receives? You know that illegals are just hard workers that pay taxes, but never receive any reward. Right? And we wonder why social security and other tax payer funded programs are going BROKE.