According to angrywhitedude.com:
Sheikh Muhammad Kamal Mustafa (may a severe ass-kicking be upon him) has written a book called “The Woman in Islam.” It should have been titled “The Pitiful Woman in Islam.” Sheikh Muhammad (aren’t they all?) has ruled that the way to keep your Muslim wife in line is to beat her! Now don’t get the wrong idea. The Sheikh is a man not without feelings. In fact he’s a kind of tender guy who beats his wife. He does it because he loves his wife! He says:
“The wife-beating must never be in exaggerated, blind anger, in order to avoid serious harm to the woman. It is forbidden to beat her on the sensitive parts of her body, such as the face, breast, abdomen, and head. Instead, she should be beaten on the arms and legs,” using a “rod that must not be stiff, but slim and lightweight so that no wounds, scars, or bruises are caused.” Similarly, “the blows must not be hard.”
See? And you thought Sheikh Muhammad was just another Muslim jerk. However, AWD wants to ask if the blows must not be hard…then what’s the purpose? Now AWD likes to whoop my womern across the butt with a car antenna every now and then but I never thought about the arms and legs. Also, my antenna is flexible and not too stiff so I guess it’s kosher..umm..approved. Mrs. AWD, you gotta date tonight, bay-bah!
Mustafa noted in his book that the aim of the beating was to cause the woman to feel some emotional pain, without humiliating her or harming her physically. I’m sure most women who have suffered domestic violence will report it hasn’t humiliated them….yet left them feeling loved and respected! There is much we can learn from Islam! The Sheikh goes on to teach:
“If the husband senses that feelings of disobedience and rebelliousness are rising against him in his wife, he should try his best to rectify her attitude by kind words, gentle persuasion, and reasoning with her. If this is not helpful, he should sleep apart from her, trying to awaken her agreeable feminine nature so that serenity may be restored, and she may respond to him in a harmonious fashion. If this approach fails, it is permissible for him to beat her lightly with his hands or rod, avoiding her face and other sensitive parts.”
Being a Muslim dude isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It’s hard being a Muslim cat! I mean, praying 15 times a day, can’t get a decent pork chop and THEM DAMN JEWS! Last thing an upstanding Muslim guy needs is a little filly acting up back in the cave. Now she wants that Armani burqa…who’s got money for that crap (the burqas at Allah-Mart look exactly the same!) when she has a closet full of perfectly good burqas? Oh right, and now she wants to shave again! Didn’t we go through that six months ago? Don’t you realize I have to buy bomb vests for the kids next month?? And little Rashad turns 6 next month..and you know what that means…a new AK-47! When I was a kid, we were happy to get a bag full of rocks to throw at Jews! These kids! Ali down at the sandal shop doesn’t put up with crap with his wife! That’s what I get for being Mr. Nice Terrorist! No, that’s it! You’re getting a beating! You’re gonna get beat you like a red-headed step-Jew! I will teach you the meaning of the word respect for your Muslim master! Inshalala-shamalama-ding-dong!
There are four steps in resolving any dispute in the Muslim marriage:
1. The husband must counsel and teach his wife to obey
2. He must expel her from the marriage bed to further the message
3. Give her an ol’ time, Muhammad approved beat down
4. Take her to the weekly stoning
With this wise counsel from the Sheikh, you will more fully understand why Islam is called the religion of peace. Here is the link where you can read further marriage counsel from the Sheikh of Love:
I think American womerns will truly embrace Allah’s will once they fully understand the religious purpose of getting their asses beaten by their husbands. Shama-lama-ding-dong!
Let Sheikh Muhammad Kamal Mustafa try his "women beating" techniques on the average American woman. He will be getting his "whipping rod" shoved up his ass or he will see what it looks like to be looking down the barrel of a .357 magnam. . . .