Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Let's Move" Obesity Campaign. . . .

According to

Consider this a federal mandate and you're picking up the tab. Just so Michelle Obama has a purpose in life, or something like that.

In the Oval Office this morning, President Obama signed a Presidential Memorandum in conjunction with his wife’s launch of a nationwide campaign to tackle childhood obesity, what he called the “most urgent” health issue facing the country.

Most urgent health issue? Wasn't that swine flu a few months ago when Obama declared a national emergency?

The memorandum creates a 90-day plan creating a task-force to provide “optimal coordination” between private sector companies, not-for-profits, agencies within the government and other organizations to address the problem of childhood obesity.

Creates a 90-day plan creating a task-force. So today they created a plan to create a task-force? That's government inaction for you.

The first lady at a noontime event today will formally roll out her “Let’s Move” campaign in the State Dining Room at the White House. As the president signed the memorandum at his desk, Mr. Obama said to his wife, “It’s done, honey.” She responded, “Now we work.”

Aww, how special.

So I ask, just what does this entail? Well, pretty much every aspect of your kid's life from here to eternity, that's what.

Uh, Who's Paying for this Obesity Task Force, Honey?


According to

To get a better understanding of just how stupid the BMI  (Body Mass Index) is as a measure of the fitness of a particular individual consider the following:

Hollywood movie stars such as George Clooney, Matt Damon, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Will Smith and Denzel Washington are all considered overweight based on their BMI.


I learned that the BMI was ridiculous back when Jon was a Junior in High School. . . .He was considered overweight, and he was 5'9 weighing just 150 pounds.


When Obama's out-of-control spending produces hyperinflation in our great nation we will all be losing weight. We won't be able to afford to go to the grocery store to buy food and we will be on the "move" pushing that wheelbarrow full of worthless dollar bills just to buy a loaf of bread like in Zimbabwe.


According to

Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe began in the early 2000s, shortly after Zimbabwe's confiscation of white-owned farmland and its repudiation of debts to the International Monetary Fund, and persisted through to 2009. Figures from November 2008 estimated Zimbabwe's annual inflation rate at 89.7 sextillion (1021) percent. In April 2009, Zimbabwe abandoned printing of the Zimbabwean dollar, and the South African rand and US dollar became the standard currencies for exchange. The government does not intend to reintroduce the currency until 2010.