According to Denis C. Theriault at mercurynews.com:
SACRAMENTO — Feeling a little salty, Californians? Better get it out of your system while you can.
Amid the ongoing — and occasionally tense — debate over how to clean up California's budget mess, lawmakers are trying to tidy something else, almost as unmanageable: our language. Thursday morning, the Assembly approved a ceremonial resolution turning the first week of March into "Cuss Free Week."
With the Senate expected to follow suit next week, all Californians will be asked to bite back on four-letter words and a few choice compound phrases. WT (bleep)?, you ask. Don't sweat: Police officers won't be waiting with soap. That's not the point. . . .
. . . .Aren't there more important things on government's agenda right now? Sure, Portantino concedes. But maybe a little civility is just the prescription to help "break through that logjam." To keep things honest, Portantino is handing out no-cuss jars to all 120 legislative offices in the Capitol — and to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Every time a naughty word slips out, a few coins get dropped in. He'd like us all to try it at home, too. How's that for a deficit-reduction strategy?
Here's what some bloggers wrote:
CA stupidly requires a 2/3's rule to pass the budget, but for this kind of nonsense they can rush it through.
Don't these f*&king morons have something better to do? Like fix the f*&king budget mess? Vote these f*&king morons out
California is broke and they worry about foul language?? They should be worried about people with pitch-forks and guillotines! What a bunch of Shi-ite heads!
Let's see--the state is broke, the housing market is in the toilet, people don't have jobs and THIS is how the elected officials paid by WE THE FRICKING PEOPLE spend their time with our money. Good gawd, it's no wonder the state is in the shape it's in. Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here!
Okay since we don't have a "Cuss Free" week here in Texas . . . .:
WTF? Do those bas*ards in California not have anything better to do than worry about someone saying a few f*cking cuss words? California has to issue IOUs for State Income Tax Refunds, they are literally going bankrupt, they allow illegals to suck up all their social services and they can't pass any damn legislation to curb spending, but they can pass legislation to institute a "Cuss Free" week. . . .WTFever. . . .
Just exercising my First Amendment right of "Free Speech" while I'm still allowed :) :)