Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Daughter Blames Farting Mother for Global Warming. . . .

According to

RUSH: Now, listen to this. This is from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. They have some guy there, Dr. Paul Donohue, who people can send questions to and he answers them in the newspaper. It's in the lifestyle section. The headline: "Daughter Blames Mother for Global Warming." Here's the question (impression): "Dear Dr. Donohue -- My daughter complains that I flatulate more often than most individuals. Furthermore, she claims that the gas an individual passes contributes to global warming. I don't know if I am physically able to keep my gas to myself to go green. Is my daughter really right?" They actually published this in the St. Louis Post-"Descratch."

Here's the answer: "Is your daughter for real? No human can stop the production of intestinal gas. Every human passes gas, including your daughter. People do so from 10 to 20 times a day." He goes on to explain how it all happens and what happens, which I will spare you. Then he says: "If your daughter is truly worried over your contribution to the greenhouse effect, she should realize that her breathing contributes a significant amount of carbon dioxide to it. She blows out carbon dioxide with each exhalation. Humans contribute more than 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide to the yearly production of this greenhouse gas. No one suggests we stop breathing." Well, it depends on your age and whether or not we get Obamacare.

But I gotta tell you something: It's a good thing this guy put it in there. Does anybody seriously believe...? I mean, I know a lot of you believe in Creation and a lot of you believe in "intelligent design." I happen to, and I happen to think that we are nothing, intellectually, compared to the Creator, to God-d. I simply cannot accept the fact that we would be created to do things that would destroy our own environment, life-sustaining environment. The idea that carbon dioxide, which we exhale -- and which, by the way, the more of it the better for trees and plant life. The more of that, the better for them, and that in turn gives us even more oxygen. Everybody is worried about global warming de-forestating the country and the world? The more CO2, the more the jungle loves it, the more your yard loves it, the more your garden loves it.


oooops I just contributed to global warming. . . .    :) :)
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