Friday, February 19, 2010

A Note From Nancy. . . .(kinda)

According to

A fundraising email sent yesterday by the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) appeared under the name "Nancy Pelosi," and was addressed to "Dear Naive Republican."

No, the Speaker hasn't switched parties. Rather, the email, obtained by TPMmuckraker, seems to have been a crude stab at satire by the NRCC, designed to highlight what the committee sees as the failure of the stimulus plan.

The email doesn't appear designed to fool readers into thinking that it's really from Pelosi -- the "satire" is too exaggerated, and a message at the bottom states that the email was paid for by the NRCC.

From: Nancy Pelosi []
Sent: Wed 2/17/2010 3:33 PM

Subject: Don't have a job? Don't worry.


Dear Naive Republican,

Many of you have been asking, "Where are the jobs?" But what you fail to realize is no one needs a job when the federal government takes care of you.

A few years ago when Republicans were in control of Congress, we all needed a job, because the government was not trying to control all aspects of your personal and professional life.

But don't worry! Democrats are in control now, and we are making everything better. Want to know how? We are creating a dependence on the government and we are succeeding - just look at how great things are one year after Democrats passed the ultra-successful stimulus bill.

Now nearly 1 in 10 people don't have a job, but we're not concerned, why else would we have ignored them for over a year after we passed our successful stimulus bill.

Our stimulus plan has been so successful that we are using taxpayer money to fly Democrats all around the country today to make sure people know just how successful we have been. We have even been able to schedule these meetings during the day since so many people have free time on their hands.

Democrats continue to save this country through tax hikes and government bailouts. It worked during the Carter Administration and it is working better than ever now.

Please forward this message to all of your unemployed friends and let them know how the Democratic Party is working for Americans.



P.S. This would be funny if it weren't so tragic. The truth is Democrats have failed America and are now in full damage control mode, attempting to spin the real problems that Americans face. Problems they have ignored or failed to solve. The time has come to retire the real Nancy Pelosi and take back America.
