Where's the Watermelon and Chitlins?
According to jammiewearingfool.com:
So who at NBC thought it would be a good idea for the special today to be, among other things, fried chicken, “in honor of Black History Month”?
Thank goodness it was learned that a "black" chef had prepared this menu or I'm sure there would another sit-in at the lunch counter in this country over this insensitive OUTRAGE.
This is just more insane political correctness on stereotypes. . . .Most black people like fried chicken and collard greens, so what's the big damn deal? Irish like their beer. . .and my ancestors lived in teepees. . . .Who cares?
Would there be an outrage in "Hispanic History Month" if they served tacos and burritos? or in "Chinese History Month" if they served eggrolls. . . .or in "White History Month" if they served. . . . .Oh wait a minute. . . .There is NO "White History Month. . . .
Would there be an outrage in "Hispanic History Month" if they served tacos and burritos? or in "Chinese History Month" if they served eggrolls. . . .or in "White History Month" if they served. . . . .Oh wait a minute. . . .There is NO "White History Month. . . .