Saturday, February 27, 2010
Democrats Tried to Criminalize National Security Yesterday. . . .
According to Gregory of Yardale at moonbattery.com:
While the country... well, actually, just the media... were distracted by the spectacle of the spoiled, petulant president at the "Health Care Summit" sneering at any substantive criticism of his expensive health care takeover as "talking points," Congressional Democrats were trying to make it effectively illegal to interrogate foreign terrorists.
An Amendment to National Security Bill authored by radical leftist congressman Jim McDermott of Washington would have made it a crime, punishable by fifteen years in prision, to use any interrogation technique a Muslim terrorist considered "degrading." (Radical Muslims consider even talking to infidels degrading.)
The Democrats' bill would prohibit -- with a penalty of 15 years' imprisonment -- the following tactics, among others:
•"Exploiting the phobias of the individual"
•Stress positions and the threatened use of force to maintain stress positions
•"Depriving the individual of necessary food, water, sleep, or medical care"
•Forced nudity
•Using military working dogs (i.e., any use of them -- not having them attack or menace the individual; just the mere presence of the dog if it might unnerve the detainee and, of course, "exploit his phobias")
•Coercing the individual to blaspheme or violate his religious beliefs (I wonder if Democrats understand the breadth of seemingly innocuous matters that jihadists take to be violations of their religious beliefs)
•Exposure to "excessive" cold, heat or "cramped confinement" (excessive and cramped are not defined)
•"Prolonged isolation"
•"Placing hoods or sacks over the head of the individual"
Sounds like a list of Barney Frank's fetishes to me.
The Safe School Czar approves of rougher stuff than that as part of a middle school sex curriculum.
I've often said that Democrats define "torture" as any discomfort a terrorist complains about. They just proved me right.
While the country... well, actually, just the media... were distracted by the spectacle of the spoiled, petulant president at the "Health Care Summit" sneering at any substantive criticism of his expensive health care takeover as "talking points," Congressional Democrats were trying to make it effectively illegal to interrogate foreign terrorists.
An Amendment to National Security Bill authored by radical leftist congressman Jim McDermott of Washington would have made it a crime, punishable by fifteen years in prision, to use any interrogation technique a Muslim terrorist considered "degrading." (Radical Muslims consider even talking to infidels degrading.)
The Democrats' bill would prohibit -- with a penalty of 15 years' imprisonment -- the following tactics, among others:
•"Exploiting the phobias of the individual"
•Stress positions and the threatened use of force to maintain stress positions
•"Depriving the individual of necessary food, water, sleep, or medical care"
•Forced nudity
•Using military working dogs (i.e., any use of them -- not having them attack or menace the individual; just the mere presence of the dog if it might unnerve the detainee and, of course, "exploit his phobias")
•Coercing the individual to blaspheme or violate his religious beliefs (I wonder if Democrats understand the breadth of seemingly innocuous matters that jihadists take to be violations of their religious beliefs)
•Exposure to "excessive" cold, heat or "cramped confinement" (excessive and cramped are not defined)
•"Prolonged isolation"
•"Placing hoods or sacks over the head of the individual"
Sounds like a list of Barney Frank's fetishes to me.
The Safe School Czar approves of rougher stuff than that as part of a middle school sex curriculum.
I've often said that Democrats define "torture" as any discomfort a terrorist complains about. They just proved me right.
Uh - Oh Bad news For Big Retail. . . .
Acording to jammiewearingfool.blogspot.com:
I say bad news because if the health insurance profits of 3.3% are considered extravagant and obscene what do you call a profit margin of 28%?
Kohl's Corp. on Thursday posted a 28% jump in profit for its fiscal fourth quarter by increasing sales and improving margins.
This simply can not be allowed to stand. C'mon you union loving, socialist pigs. I demand you devote as much attention to Big Retail as you did Big Banking and Big Health Insurers. Why I bet these executives even got bonuses, and gasp, probably went on a retreat or at least took a vacation. I wonder how many jobs were created by this explosion of profits? This can not be permitted by an entity that did not receive any stimulus funds and must be stopped now before the average citizen hears of this.
I expect President Obama to immediately address this, the most pressing of domestic issues, preferably as soon as the health care summit is over today. Big Retail can not be allowed to continue to take advantage of the poor and disadvantaged in this country. Why I bet you will even find out that they located stores based on some sort of racial profiling and either targeted the minority community like Big Tobacco and Big Liquor does, or denied access based on location.
How long can we as Americans allow this to continue? It just isn't fair. The obvious answer is for government to step in and take over right now to prevent such profit taking in the future, because if there is one thing that Big Government has proven, they certainly don't know how to turn a profit.
I say bad news because if the health insurance profits of 3.3% are considered extravagant and obscene what do you call a profit margin of 28%?
Kohl's Corp. on Thursday posted a 28% jump in profit for its fiscal fourth quarter by increasing sales and improving margins.
This simply can not be allowed to stand. C'mon you union loving, socialist pigs. I demand you devote as much attention to Big Retail as you did Big Banking and Big Health Insurers. Why I bet these executives even got bonuses, and gasp, probably went on a retreat or at least took a vacation. I wonder how many jobs were created by this explosion of profits? This can not be permitted by an entity that did not receive any stimulus funds and must be stopped now before the average citizen hears of this.
I expect President Obama to immediately address this, the most pressing of domestic issues, preferably as soon as the health care summit is over today. Big Retail can not be allowed to continue to take advantage of the poor and disadvantaged in this country. Why I bet you will even find out that they located stores based on some sort of racial profiling and either targeted the minority community like Big Tobacco and Big Liquor does, or denied access based on location.
How long can we as Americans allow this to continue? It just isn't fair. The obvious answer is for government to step in and take over right now to prevent such profit taking in the future, because if there is one thing that Big Government has proven, they certainly don't know how to turn a profit.
Cuss Free Week in California. . . .

According to Denis C. Theriault at mercurynews.com:
SACRAMENTO — Feeling a little salty, Californians? Better get it out of your system while you can.
Amid the ongoing — and occasionally tense — debate over how to clean up California's budget mess, lawmakers are trying to tidy something else, almost as unmanageable: our language. Thursday morning, the Assembly approved a ceremonial resolution turning the first week of March into "Cuss Free Week."
With the Senate expected to follow suit next week, all Californians will be asked to bite back on four-letter words and a few choice compound phrases. WT (bleep)?, you ask. Don't sweat: Police officers won't be waiting with soap. That's not the point. . . .
. . . .Aren't there more important things on government's agenda right now? Sure, Portantino concedes. But maybe a little civility is just the prescription to help "break through that logjam." To keep things honest, Portantino is handing out no-cuss jars to all 120 legislative offices in the Capitol — and to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Every time a naughty word slips out, a few coins get dropped in. He'd like us all to try it at home, too. How's that for a deficit-reduction strategy?
Here's what some bloggers wrote:
CA stupidly requires a 2/3's rule to pass the budget, but for this kind of nonsense they can rush it through.
Don't these f*&king morons have something better to do? Like fix the f*&king budget mess? Vote these f*&king morons out
California is broke and they worry about foul language?? They should be worried about people with pitch-forks and guillotines! What a bunch of Shi-ite heads!
Let's see--the state is broke, the housing market is in the toilet, people don't have jobs and THIS is how the elected officials paid by WE THE FRICKING PEOPLE spend their time with our money. Good gawd, it's no wonder the state is in the shape it's in. Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here!
Okay since we don't have a "Cuss Free" week here in Texas . . . .:
WTF? Do those bas*ards in California not have anything better to do than worry about someone saying a few f*cking cuss words? California has to issue IOUs for State Income Tax Refunds, they are literally going bankrupt, they allow illegals to suck up all their social services and they can't pass any damn legislation to curb spending, but they can pass legislation to institute a "Cuss Free" week. . . .WTFever. . . .
Just exercising my First Amendment right of "Free Speech" while I'm still allowed :) :)
Friday, February 26, 2010
British Version of ObamaCare. . . .

According to Van Helsing at moonbattery.com:
From Airstrip One, yet another indication as to why the Dems are encountering so much resistance in their attempt to impose socialized medicine:
Up to 1,200 people lost their lives needlessly because Mid-Staffordshire NHS Trust put government targets and cost-cutting ahead of patient care.
But none of the doctors, nurses and managers who failed them has suffered any formal sanction. Indeed, some have either retired on lucrative pensions or have swiftly found new jobs. Former chief executive Martin Yeates, who has since left with a £1million pension pot, six months' salary and a reported £400,000 payoff, did not even give evidence to the inquiry which detailed the scale of the scandal…
Socialism works great — for insiders. It's not so nice for the rest of us.
A recent inquiry discovered that patients' safety was "routinely neglected," and that they were subjected to "inhumane treatment," "bullying," "abuse," and "rudeness." Would you put the kind of people who run the local DMV in charge of the healthcare system? Britain did. The results were inevitable.
Some of the findings at the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Trust, which is officially an "elite" National Health Service institution:
• Patients were left unwashed in their own filth for up to a month as nurses ignored their requests to use the toilet or change their sheets;
• Four members of one family, including a new-born baby girl, died within 18 months after of blunders at the hospital;
• Medics discharged patients hastily out of fear they risked being sacked for delaying;
• Wards were left filthy with blood, discarded needles and used dressings while bullying managers made whistleblowers too frightened to come forward.
The probe was launched to find out why deaths at the hospital were 27–45% higher than expected according to a report from a year ago. This implies that as many as 1,200 people died unnecessarily from 2005 to 2008.
Lowlights of the "elite" government care at the inaptly named Trust include a cheerleader having her leg amputated after bureaucrats posing as doctors dismissed her cancer as "growing pains." Immobilized patients have been reduced to drinking the water from flower vases.
Kelsey Lintern lost four family members to the hospital in a year and half.
Mrs Lintern, 36, almost became the fifth victim when a nurse tried to give her pethidine while she was in labour, despite her medical notes and a wristband clearly stating she was allergic to the drug.
Here's what happened when Kelsey's sister Laurie Gethin died of lung, bone, and lymph cancer that it took the bureaucrats 18 months to diagnose:
Her body, with her eyes still open, was left on her blood-splattered bed in full view of other patients.
Kelsey's 80-year-old grandmother Lilian Wood Latta died hungry and dehydrated:
She was left in her own excrement during her final days and the family said the dehydration was caused by staff failing to give her adequate fluids.
Only fiends would wish government healthcare on even their worst enemies. But there is literally nothing the authoritarian statists atop the Democrat Party would not do to increase their power over every detail of our lives and deaths.
Wow. . . .Really looking forward to wallowing in my own piss and sh*t for days and playing slip and slide on infectious blood and used needles lying on the floor. . . .
"This is my heart, it's my health, it's my choice.". . . .
According to Sarah Boesveld at theglobeandmail.com:
Newfoundland Premier says he did some soul searching before opting to have heart surgery in Florida
"This is my heart, it's my health, it's my choice."
With these words, Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams defended his decision to hop the border and go under the knife for heart surgery in Florida. . . .
. . . ."I have the utmost confidence in our health-care system, I certainly do," the 60-year-old said, perched on a leather chair in his condominium in Sarasota, Fla. "It's a bum rap for someone to turn around and say, 'Oh, Williams does not have confidence in his own health-care system because he has to leave the province.' "
How much "Choice" does a poor Canadian have to leave the country for much needed surgery? The poor have to wait for months just to see a specialist much less get the emergency surgery.
Take a good look at this America. . . .This is a look into our future if Obamacare passes. The rich and politicians will be able to pull strings and get their much needed care while you and I are forced to slowly die waiting for treatment.
To read the full article go to:
Newfoundland Premier says he did some soul searching before opting to have heart surgery in Florida
"This is my heart, it's my health, it's my choice."
With these words, Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams defended his decision to hop the border and go under the knife for heart surgery in Florida. . . .
. . . ."I have the utmost confidence in our health-care system, I certainly do," the 60-year-old said, perched on a leather chair in his condominium in Sarasota, Fla. "It's a bum rap for someone to turn around and say, 'Oh, Williams does not have confidence in his own health-care system because he has to leave the province.' "
How much "Choice" does a poor Canadian have to leave the country for much needed surgery? The poor have to wait for months just to see a specialist much less get the emergency surgery.
Take a good look at this America. . . .This is a look into our future if Obamacare passes. The rich and politicians will be able to pull strings and get their much needed care while you and I are forced to slowly die waiting for treatment.
To read the full article go to:
Important information about Bats. . . .
Our planet is populated with plenty of bizarre and astonishing creatures.
Here are two from the Bat Family ..... without the need for resorting to fiction.

Our planet is populated with plenty of bizarre and astonishing creatures.
Here are two from the Bat Family ..... without the need for resorting to fiction.

Sucker-footed Bat
Ugly but mostly harmless. Bite may cause rabbies however
they seldom provide a threat to humans.

Left-Winged Ding Bat
This one is among the most dangerous creatures on earth.
(received in an email and thought it was too funny)
Cap and Trade: A Scheme by Which Companies Are Paid to Export Jobs. . . .
According to Gregory of Yardale at moonbattery.com
EU Referendum has a story about how, thanks to the European Cap and Trade scheme, a multinational corporation is being paid billions to shut down a factory in Britain and move its production to India.
Under EU carbon trading rules, companies are paid for reducing the output of carbon dioxide. By shutting the plant down, the Tata Group that owns it will net a cool $2 Billion. Production will moved to a plant in India, that has far fewer pollution controls.
The 1,700 people at the steel mill will be out of work, but the environmental left doesn't care because none of them are so bourgeois as to work in a steel mill or any other kind of real job.
How the environment is any cleaner as a result of this is not clear, and beside the point. The Global Warming scare is not about making the Earth cleaner, it's about redistributing wealth, proven by this example.
Coming soon to America. . . . .
EU Referendum has a story about how, thanks to the European Cap and Trade scheme, a multinational corporation is being paid billions to shut down a factory in Britain and move its production to India.
Under EU carbon trading rules, companies are paid for reducing the output of carbon dioxide. By shutting the plant down, the Tata Group that owns it will net a cool $2 Billion. Production will moved to a plant in India, that has far fewer pollution controls.
The 1,700 people at the steel mill will be out of work, but the environmental left doesn't care because none of them are so bourgeois as to work in a steel mill or any other kind of real job.
How the environment is any cleaner as a result of this is not clear, and beside the point. The Global Warming scare is not about making the Earth cleaner, it's about redistributing wealth, proven by this example.
Coming soon to America. . . . .
Doctors for Oil. . . .
According to The MaryHunter at moonbattery.com:

It looks like a clever twist on the barter system has reared its head in the Western Hemisphere: slavery. And who are the slaves? The crown jewels of Cuba's highly-touted medical system: doctors and nurses.
Seven Cuban doctors and a nurse sued Cuba, Venezuela and the state-run oil company PetrĂłleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa) for alleged conspiracy to force them to work in conditions of "modern slaves" in order to pay off the Cuban debt with the Venezuelan government for oil supply.
The defendants "intentionally and arbitrarily" held the health staff in "debt servitude" and the staff became "economic slaves" and "political advocates," according to the complaint filed in the United States, Efe reported.
In the complaint, the leading defense attorney ArĂstides CantĂłn argued that the plaintiffs travelled to Venezuela in "deceit" and "threats," and were forced to work unlimited hours in a social welfare program known as "Mission Barrio Adentro," in areas with high rate of crime.
But, isn't Cuba an absolute model for healthcare, not to mention, governance? That's certainly what Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Danny Glover, and other useful idiots in Hollywood would have us believe. Of course, every doctor enslaved to Venezuela is one fewer for the Cubans.

It looks like a clever twist on the barter system has reared its head in the Western Hemisphere: slavery. And who are the slaves? The crown jewels of Cuba's highly-touted medical system: doctors and nurses.
Seven Cuban doctors and a nurse sued Cuba, Venezuela and the state-run oil company PetrĂłleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa) for alleged conspiracy to force them to work in conditions of "modern slaves" in order to pay off the Cuban debt with the Venezuelan government for oil supply.
The defendants "intentionally and arbitrarily" held the health staff in "debt servitude" and the staff became "economic slaves" and "political advocates," according to the complaint filed in the United States, Efe reported.
In the complaint, the leading defense attorney ArĂstides CantĂłn argued that the plaintiffs travelled to Venezuela in "deceit" and "threats," and were forced to work unlimited hours in a social welfare program known as "Mission Barrio Adentro," in areas with high rate of crime.
But, isn't Cuba an absolute model for healthcare, not to mention, governance? That's certainly what Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Danny Glover, and other useful idiots in Hollywood would have us believe. Of course, every doctor enslaved to Venezuela is one fewer for the Cubans.
Missile Defense Agency Succumbs to Obamunism. . . .
According to jammiewearingfool.blogspot.com:

We won't put our missile defense in Poland to protect our allies, but we'll put Obama's logo, or a close resemblance of one, on our military's home page.
I'm sure it's all just a coincidence.
According to Van Helsing at moonbattery.com;
Q: What do you get if you combine the Obama logo with the Islamic crescent?
A: The new logo for the Missile Defense Agency.
Here's a look at the old logo:

Now from the MDA home page we have a new logo.

Does it remind you of anything?

We won't put our missile defense in Poland to protect our allies, but we'll put Obama's logo, or a close resemblance of one, on our military's home page.
I'm sure it's all just a coincidence.
According to Van Helsing at moonbattery.com;
Q: What do you get if you combine the Obama logo with the Islamic crescent?
A: The new logo for the Missile Defense Agency.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
2010 Census. . . .

According to Walter E. Williams at patriotpost.us:
Walter E. Williams: "I want someone to tell me which [census] question serves the constitutional function of apportioning the number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives: Does this house, apartment, or mobile home have hot and cold running water, a flush toilet, a bathtub or shower, a sink with a faucet, a refrigerator, a stove? Last month, what was the cost of electricity for this house, apartment, or mobile home? How many times has this person been married? After each question, the Bureau of the Census provides a statement of how the answer meets a federal need. I would prefer that they provide a statement of how answers to the questions meet the constitutional need as expressed in Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution.". . . .
. . . .Americans need to stand up to Washington's intrusion into our private lives. ... Unless a census taker can show me a constitutional requirement, the only information I plan to give are the number and names of the people in my household."
To read the full article go to:
Cash for Caulkers - Another Stupid Idea. . . .
According to Gregory of Yardale at moonbattery.com:
The President-who-never-had-a-real-job-in-his-entire-life decided it would be a good idea to borrow/print $5 billion (maybe up to $23 Billion) and spend it doing something people are perfectly capable of doing for themselves without Government Money: Cash for Caulkers. So far, it's been about as successful as any other government program, which is to say its wasted oodles of money for almost no result. Bureaucratic red tape combined with Obama's edict that union wages be paid to home repairers has resulted in less than 10,000 homes being weatherized at an average cost somewhere north of $57,000 per house.
And that's just the beginning. Australia's version of Cash for Caulkers resulted not just in scam artists getting rich by ripping off the taxpayers, it actually killed some people.
WTF? More government waste. . . .
Read Australia's fiasco cash for caulkers program:
The President-who-never-had-a-real-job-in-his-entire-life decided it would be a good idea to borrow/print $5 billion (maybe up to $23 Billion) and spend it doing something people are perfectly capable of doing for themselves without Government Money: Cash for Caulkers. So far, it's been about as successful as any other government program, which is to say its wasted oodles of money for almost no result. Bureaucratic red tape combined with Obama's edict that union wages be paid to home repairers has resulted in less than 10,000 homes being weatherized at an average cost somewhere north of $57,000 per house.
And that's just the beginning. Australia's version of Cash for Caulkers resulted not just in scam artists getting rich by ripping off the taxpayers, it actually killed some people.
WTF? More government waste. . . .
Read Australia's fiasco cash for caulkers program:
Marital Problems? Muslim Cleric Approves Wife Beating. . . .WTF?

According to angrywhitedude.com:
Sheikh Muhammad Kamal Mustafa (may a severe ass-kicking be upon him) has written a book called “The Woman in Islam.” It should have been titled “The Pitiful Woman in Islam.” Sheikh Muhammad (aren’t they all?) has ruled that the way to keep your Muslim wife in line is to beat her! Now don’t get the wrong idea. The Sheikh is a man not without feelings. In fact he’s a kind of tender guy who beats his wife. He does it because he loves his wife! He says:
“The wife-beating must never be in exaggerated, blind anger, in order to avoid serious harm to the woman. It is forbidden to beat her on the sensitive parts of her body, such as the face, breast, abdomen, and head. Instead, she should be beaten on the arms and legs,” using a “rod that must not be stiff, but slim and lightweight so that no wounds, scars, or bruises are caused.” Similarly, “the blows must not be hard.”
See? And you thought Sheikh Muhammad was just another Muslim jerk. However, AWD wants to ask if the blows must not be hard…then what’s the purpose? Now AWD likes to whoop my womern across the butt with a car antenna every now and then but I never thought about the arms and legs. Also, my antenna is flexible and not too stiff so I guess it’s kosher..umm..approved. Mrs. AWD, you gotta date tonight, bay-bah!
Mustafa noted in his book that the aim of the beating was to cause the woman to feel some emotional pain, without humiliating her or harming her physically. I’m sure most women who have suffered domestic violence will report it hasn’t humiliated them….yet left them feeling loved and respected! There is much we can learn from Islam! The Sheikh goes on to teach:
“If the husband senses that feelings of disobedience and rebelliousness are rising against him in his wife, he should try his best to rectify her attitude by kind words, gentle persuasion, and reasoning with her. If this is not helpful, he should sleep apart from her, trying to awaken her agreeable feminine nature so that serenity may be restored, and she may respond to him in a harmonious fashion. If this approach fails, it is permissible for him to beat her lightly with his hands or rod, avoiding her face and other sensitive parts.”
Being a Muslim dude isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It’s hard being a Muslim cat! I mean, praying 15 times a day, can’t get a decent pork chop and THEM DAMN JEWS! Last thing an upstanding Muslim guy needs is a little filly acting up back in the cave. Now she wants that Armani burqa…who’s got money for that crap (the burqas at Allah-Mart look exactly the same!) when she has a closet full of perfectly good burqas? Oh right, and now she wants to shave again! Didn’t we go through that six months ago? Don’t you realize I have to buy bomb vests for the kids next month?? And little Rashad turns 6 next month..and you know what that means…a new AK-47! When I was a kid, we were happy to get a bag full of rocks to throw at Jews! These kids! Ali down at the sandal shop doesn’t put up with crap with his wife! That’s what I get for being Mr. Nice Terrorist! No, that’s it! You’re getting a beating! You’re gonna get beat you like a red-headed step-Jew! I will teach you the meaning of the word respect for your Muslim master! Inshalala-shamalama-ding-dong!
There are four steps in resolving any dispute in the Muslim marriage:
1. The husband must counsel and teach his wife to obey
2. He must expel her from the marriage bed to further the message
3. Give her an ol’ time, Muhammad approved beat down
4. Take her to the weekly stoning
With this wise counsel from the Sheikh, you will more fully understand why Islam is called the religion of peace. Here is the link where you can read further marriage counsel from the Sheikh of Love:
I think American womerns will truly embrace Allah’s will once they fully understand the religious purpose of getting their asses beaten by their husbands. Shama-lama-ding-dong!
Let Sheikh Muhammad Kamal Mustafa try his "women beating" techniques on the average American woman. He will be getting his "whipping rod" shoved up his ass or he will see what it looks like to be looking down the barrel of a .357 magnam. . . .
My Father is a Stripper in a Gay Bar. . . .
(received in an email and thought you'd enjoy)
My Father is a Stripper in a Gay Bar....
One day a fourth-grade teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up -- fireman,
Mechanic, businessman, salesman, doctor, lawyer, and so forth.
However, little Justin was being uncharacteristically quiet, so when the teacher prodded him about his father, he finally replied, 'Okay... My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret. He takes off all his clothes in front of other men and they put money in his underwear. Sometimes, if the offer is really good, he will go home with some guy and stay with him all night for money.'
The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some exercises and then took little Justin aside to ask him, 'Is that really true about your father?'
'No', the boy said, 'He actually works for the Democratic National Committee and helped get Barack Obama elected President last year, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the class.'
My Father is a Stripper in a Gay Bar....
One day a fourth-grade teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up -- fireman,
Mechanic, businessman, salesman, doctor, lawyer, and so forth.
However, little Justin was being uncharacteristically quiet, so when the teacher prodded him about his father, he finally replied, 'Okay... My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret. He takes off all his clothes in front of other men and they put money in his underwear. Sometimes, if the offer is really good, he will go home with some guy and stay with him all night for money.'
The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some exercises and then took little Justin aside to ask him, 'Is that really true about your father?'
'No', the boy said, 'He actually works for the Democratic National Committee and helped get Barack Obama elected President last year, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the class.'
Giant George is Declared the World's Tallest Dog in Tucson, Arizona. . . .

According to http://www.dailymail.co.uk/:
This huge hound officially entered the record books today as the world's tallest dog - standing more than seven foot on its hind legs.
'Giant' George claimed the prestigious title after Guinness Records officials measured him up at 43 inches from paw to shoulder, or 7ft 3in when 'standing' on his back legs.
The four-year-old great dane weighs a staggering 17.5 stone and consumes 110lb of food each week.
It’s come to this: California town to charge $300 for … 911 calls. . . .WTF?
According to Allahpundit at hotair.com:
A recession-flavored palate cleanser if ever there was one. As a commenter in Headlines put it yesterday, it’s “your money or your life” in policy form. What’s strange about this, though, is that they’re offering an alternative to the $300 fee — namely, an annual 911 “subscription” of just $48, which prompts the question of why they don’t just pass a $50 tax hike and force people to buy in. The way it’s set up now, the only people who won’t subscribe are the extremely stupid and the extremely poor, and while I don’t have much sympathy for the former, I have a lot for the latter. There’s no better way to do this?
Update: From the comments, a reminder that this isn’t merely “your money or your life.” It’s your money or their life: “Consider how many 911 calls are reports of incidents which have nothing to do with the caller; neighbors house on fire, assault in progress, car accidents, etc. and then think about how many of these calls will no longer be made.”
More hidden taxes coming our way. . . . .get ready ! ! ! !
A recession-flavored palate cleanser if ever there was one. As a commenter in Headlines put it yesterday, it’s “your money or your life” in policy form. What’s strange about this, though, is that they’re offering an alternative to the $300 fee — namely, an annual 911 “subscription” of just $48, which prompts the question of why they don’t just pass a $50 tax hike and force people to buy in. The way it’s set up now, the only people who won’t subscribe are the extremely stupid and the extremely poor, and while I don’t have much sympathy for the former, I have a lot for the latter. There’s no better way to do this?
Update: From the comments, a reminder that this isn’t merely “your money or your life.” It’s your money or their life: “Consider how many 911 calls are reports of incidents which have nothing to do with the caller; neighbors house on fire, assault in progress, car accidents, etc. and then think about how many of these calls will no longer be made.”
More hidden taxes coming our way. . . . .get ready ! ! ! !
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Benedict Brown votes with Dems ! ! ! !
According to reuters.com:
New U.S. senator helps Democrats advance jobs bill
WASHINGTON, Feb 22 (Reuters) - A modest job-creation bill advanced in the U.S. Senate on Monday as the chamber's newest Republican bucked his party and sided with Democrats on a $15 billion package of tax cuts and highway spending.
Republican Scott Brown joined four other Republicans, 55 Democrats and two independents to overcome a procedural hurdle that sets up a final vote later this week.
Brown was widely hailed as a conservative hero after his surprise victory in Massachusetts last month gave Republicans enough seats to block most Democratic legislation.
His election prompted President Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats to call for increased bipartisanship, and an earlier version of the bill was written with Republican input.
But key Republicans withdrew their support after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid scaled it back.
Brown said the bill was not perfect but would help put people back to work.
"I hope my vote today is a strong step toward restoring bipartisanship in Washington," he said in a statement.
The bill includes a tax credit for businesses that hire unemployed workers, subsidies for state and local construction bonds and $19.5 billion to shore up a highway-construction fund.
Much of the cost is offset by a crackdown on offshore tax shelters.
I knew that Scott Brown the new Senator from Massachusetts was going to be a RINO. I was afraid all the big hype of him winning Senator Teddy Kennedy's seat was swapping a leftist democrat for a democrat-lite.
All the money in the highway-construction fund goes to a bunch of illegals. . . .The American contractors that win those bids hire the illegals, so that they can pay them less and fill their own wallets. Look at the next construction site on the highway and see if they are not all Mexicans. How is this helping Americans? I don't see anything in this article about extending unemployment to help out-of-work-Americans.
Scott Brown's quote "I hope my vote today is a strong step toward restoring bipartisanship in Washington," he said in a statement." You don't want to be bipartisanship if what Democrats are offering is not helping normal everyday Americans in these tough economic times.
New U.S. senator helps Democrats advance jobs bill
WASHINGTON, Feb 22 (Reuters) - A modest job-creation bill advanced in the U.S. Senate on Monday as the chamber's newest Republican bucked his party and sided with Democrats on a $15 billion package of tax cuts and highway spending.
Republican Scott Brown joined four other Republicans, 55 Democrats and two independents to overcome a procedural hurdle that sets up a final vote later this week.
Brown was widely hailed as a conservative hero after his surprise victory in Massachusetts last month gave Republicans enough seats to block most Democratic legislation.
His election prompted President Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats to call for increased bipartisanship, and an earlier version of the bill was written with Republican input.
But key Republicans withdrew their support after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid scaled it back.
Brown said the bill was not perfect but would help put people back to work.
"I hope my vote today is a strong step toward restoring bipartisanship in Washington," he said in a statement.
The bill includes a tax credit for businesses that hire unemployed workers, subsidies for state and local construction bonds and $19.5 billion to shore up a highway-construction fund.
Much of the cost is offset by a crackdown on offshore tax shelters.
I knew that Scott Brown the new Senator from Massachusetts was going to be a RINO. I was afraid all the big hype of him winning Senator Teddy Kennedy's seat was swapping a leftist democrat for a democrat-lite.
All the money in the highway-construction fund goes to a bunch of illegals. . . .The American contractors that win those bids hire the illegals, so that they can pay them less and fill their own wallets. Look at the next construction site on the highway and see if they are not all Mexicans. How is this helping Americans? I don't see anything in this article about extending unemployment to help out-of-work-Americans.
Scott Brown's quote "I hope my vote today is a strong step toward restoring bipartisanship in Washington," he said in a statement." You don't want to be bipartisanship if what Democrats are offering is not helping normal everyday Americans in these tough economic times.
The Queer Left's Answer to the Tea Parties. . . .
According to Gregory of Yardale at moonbattery.com
A self-proclaimed Queer Left blogger has outlined her answer to the Tea Party movement: The Cocktail Party Movement. And its agenda is one of the most straightforward admissions of what the Progressive Left actually believes that you will ever read.
•Nationalize the banks
•Soak the rich with high taxes
•Abolish the Senate
•Abolish the Electoral College
•Free public education through college for all
•Free day care for elders and children
•National health care
•Universal accessibility
•Abolish all student loan, credit card and mortgage debt
•Withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, shift resources to the Arts, and to an independent Haiti
•Forgiveness of all debt of developing countries
•Outlaw invidious discrimination
•Abolish prisons for all non violent crime, prioritize community rehabilitation for all crime
•Decriminalize sex work and drugs
•Open borders
•Abolish marriage
and added another cocktail partier "abolish inheritance (all property returns to community)"
And, of course, all of this is possible because money is an infinite resource, criminals and terrorists are simply misunderstood and need to be hugged, and traditional moral values are tools of patriarchal oppression and not the result of thousands of years of Judeo-Christian experience in what works and what doesn't.
Is this satire? Browsing other posts, I am pretty sure this person is serious, and the comments indicate that these sentiments are much supported.
Talk about the "cradle to grave" mentality. . . . .These freaks would enjoy the government controlling every aspect of their lives and no one ever being personally responsible for anything. . . .
A self-proclaimed Queer Left blogger has outlined her answer to the Tea Party movement: The Cocktail Party Movement. And its agenda is one of the most straightforward admissions of what the Progressive Left actually believes that you will ever read.
•Nationalize the banks
•Soak the rich with high taxes
•Abolish the Senate
•Abolish the Electoral College
•Free public education through college for all
•Free day care for elders and children
•National health care
•Universal accessibility
•Abolish all student loan, credit card and mortgage debt
•Withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, shift resources to the Arts, and to an independent Haiti
•Forgiveness of all debt of developing countries
•Outlaw invidious discrimination
•Abolish prisons for all non violent crime, prioritize community rehabilitation for all crime
•Decriminalize sex work and drugs
•Open borders
•Abolish marriage
and added another cocktail partier "abolish inheritance (all property returns to community)"
And, of course, all of this is possible because money is an infinite resource, criminals and terrorists are simply misunderstood and need to be hugged, and traditional moral values are tools of patriarchal oppression and not the result of thousands of years of Judeo-Christian experience in what works and what doesn't.
Is this satire? Browsing other posts, I am pretty sure this person is serious, and the comments indicate that these sentiments are much supported.
Talk about the "cradle to grave" mentality. . . . .These freaks would enjoy the government controlling every aspect of their lives and no one ever being personally responsible for anything. . . .
Defiant Obama Still Pushing Health Care Bill Against “The Will Of The People”. . . .

Maha Rushie Quotes of the Day:
Obama Unveils Health Care Plan: Defiant "Screw You" to Nation
"The American people don't want any part of this health care bill. They're still going to ram this thing down our throats. They do not care. It's a suicide pact. That's all you can say this thing is."
"Do you know how many times the word tax is mentioned in Obama's health care bill? Thirty-five times 'tax' is mentioned in the Obama health care bill."
Sunday, February 21, 2010
School Laptops Used as Telescreens. . . .

According to Van Helsing at moonbattery.com:
Remember the Telescreens in Nineteen Eighty-Four? They were like TV sets, except they worked both ways: the government could see you through them, right in your own home, to make sure you weren't engaging in any political incorrectness. Once again, Orwell has served not at as a warning, but as an inspiration to the folks in charge — except in suburban Philadelphia, they use laptops:
Lower Merion School District officials used school-issued laptop computers to illegally spy on students, according to a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court.
The suit, filed Tuesday, says unnamed school officials at Harriton High School in Rosemont remotely activated the webcam on a student's computer last year because the district believed he "was engaged in improper behavior in his home."
An assistant principal at Harriton confronted the student for "improper behavior" on Nov. 11 and cited a photograph taken by the webcam as evidence. …
The district has issued school-owned laptops to 2,290 high school students, starting last school year at Harriton, in an effort to promote more "engaged and active learning and enhanced student achievement," superintendent Christopher W. McGinley said in a message on the district website.
The lesson is driven home once again: don't take candy from strangers or free goodies from Big Government.
Beside the issue of the school spying on these students at home. . . .I want to know why the heck this school gave students laptops in the first place. What happened to going to the library or writing your paper. If they paid only $500.00 per laptop the cost of this program was over a million dollars. $1,145,000 at the taxpayers expense. Is this really a necessity in these tough economic times?
Goodbye, Dalai ! ! ! !

According to jammiewearingfool.blogspot.com:
The always classy Barack Obama sends his guest out the back door.
Yes, that’s the Dalai Lama leaving the White House Thursday afternoon via the back door – into a mound of trash. His Holiness had just finished his meeting with President Obama and was heading out to the “stakeout area,” where a crush of reporters awaited him. That’s what the Dalai Lama is pointing at.
A shame The Lama isn't a member of SEIU or ACORN
According to wikipedia.com:
Dalai Lama = Dalai" means "Ocean" in Mongolian, and is a translation of the Tibetan name "Gyatso," while "Lama" is the Tibetan equivalent of the Sanskrit word "guru." Putting the terms together, the full title is "Ocean Teacher" meaning a teacher who is spiritually as great as the ocean.
The Dalai Lama is a lineage of religious officials of the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism. "Lama" is a general term referring to Tibetan Buddhist teachers. In religious terms, the Dalai Lama is believed by his devotees to be the rebirth of a long line of tulkus who descend from the bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. Traditionally, His Holiness is thought of as the latest reincarnation of a series of spiritual leaders who have chosen to be reborn in order to enlighten others.
I was surprised that Obama even met with the Dalai Lama after all the protest by the our debt holder the Chinese government. . . .Why the hate between China and The Dalai Lama? The Dalai Lama refuses to accept China's occupation of Tibet, and because he promotes freedom. . . .which really pisses off the Chinese.
Well, maybe in the Dalai Lama's next life when he visits the Whitehouse he won't be ushered out of the servants entrance right next to the garbage. . . .
"I learned that Barack Obama gave the Dalai Lama a set of presidential cuff links and a presidential golf ball on the way out the door by the trash bags. Now, as you know, the Dalai Lama doesn't wear sleeves." ~ Rush Limbaugh
Tea Partier's Contract from America. . . .
According to Mary Hunter at moonbattery.com:
From the "Hope for Change 2010/2012" Department: A call went out from Tea Party movement leaders directly to the grass-roots "Teabagger" activists (meant with all due respect) to create their own Contract from America. The goal is to produce a 10-item "Contract with America" - type document, but one issuing forth from We the People.
Ryan Hecker, a national coordinator of Tea Party Patriots and a member of the Houston Tea Party Society who developed the contract idea, said it "is a grassroots, bottom-up document."
Though the comparisons to Gingrich's "Contract with America" are unavoidable, Hecker said the new contract stands in stark difference to the 1994 document, especially how it originated with the people and not from elected officials. The message in the new Tea Party contract, Hecker said, is also more focused solely on economic conservatism than the one in 1994.
Hecker said more than a thousand ideas for the contract were submitted and were edited down to 20 through the help of hundreds of Tea Party activists and through a series of online surveys.
•Amending the constitution to require a balanced budget and a two-thirds majority for any tax hike.
•Permanently repealing all tax hikes scheduled to begin in 2011.
•Requiring every bill in Congress to be made public seven days before any vote can be taken and all government expenditures authorized by any bill to be easily accessible on the Internet before the money is spent.
•Requiring each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does.
•Permitting all health insurance plans to be sold anywhere in the United States through the purchase of insurance across state lines. Allow small businesses and associations to pool together across state lines to buy insurance.
•Adopting a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and "replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words -- the length of the original Constitution."
•Imposing a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth.
•Allowing Americans to opt out of Social Security and Medicare and instead put those same payroll taxes in a personal account "they own, control and can leave to whomever they choose."
•Preventing any regulation or tax on the Internet.
•Improving education by eliminating ineffective and wasteful programs, giving parents more choices from pre-school to high school and improving the affordability of higher education.
•Authorizing the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition.
•Prohibiting the Federal Communications Commission from using funds to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
•Creating a Blue Ribbon task force that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs.
•Blocking state and local governments that receive federal grants from exercising eminent domain over private property for the primary purpose of economic development or enhancement of tax revenues.
•Preventing the EPA from implementing costly new regulations.
•Placing a moratorium on all earmarks until the process is fully transparent. Also requiring a two-thirds majority to pass any earmark.
•Making all lawmaking regulators, including presidential appointed czars, be affirmatively approved by Congress and signed into law by the president.
•Audit the Federal Reserve System.
•Making sure the federal government does not bail out private companies. The government should also immediately divest itself of its stake in the private companies it owns from recent bailouts.
•Amending the constitution to require congressional term limits. No person shall be elected to the Senate more than twice or to the House of Representatives more than four times.
•Making all regulations "sunset" after 10 years unless renewed by congressional vote.
•Broadcasting all non-security meetings and votes on C-SPAN and the Internet.
Iconic talk show host Michael Savage railed against the “solutions” yesterday adding that borders, language and culture, a consistent theme with Mr. Savage for a decade, are conspicuously missing from the document. Savage, like many Americans, is calling for English as the official national language, something politicians have been hiding from for years.
The "Tea Party Contract" is on the right track, but how can you have true reform without including border security, and illegal immigration. . . .Looks like the "Tea Party" has just become another mouth piece for the Republican Party. These two issues are CRITICAL for America and without secure borders and fixing the illegal immigration nightmare we can never balance any State or Federal budget. The illegals continue to suck our country dry taking billions in resources that hard working Americans could use during these tough economic times. . . .If you don't believe me just see what is happening in California, Nevada and Florida right now.
From the "Hope for Change 2010/2012" Department: A call went out from Tea Party movement leaders directly to the grass-roots "Teabagger" activists (meant with all due respect) to create their own Contract from America. The goal is to produce a 10-item "Contract with America" - type document, but one issuing forth from We the People.
Ryan Hecker, a national coordinator of Tea Party Patriots and a member of the Houston Tea Party Society who developed the contract idea, said it "is a grassroots, bottom-up document."
Though the comparisons to Gingrich's "Contract with America" are unavoidable, Hecker said the new contract stands in stark difference to the 1994 document, especially how it originated with the people and not from elected officials. The message in the new Tea Party contract, Hecker said, is also more focused solely on economic conservatism than the one in 1994.
Hecker said more than a thousand ideas for the contract were submitted and were edited down to 20 through the help of hundreds of Tea Party activists and through a series of online surveys.
•Amending the constitution to require a balanced budget and a two-thirds majority for any tax hike.
•Permanently repealing all tax hikes scheduled to begin in 2011.
•Requiring every bill in Congress to be made public seven days before any vote can be taken and all government expenditures authorized by any bill to be easily accessible on the Internet before the money is spent.
•Requiring each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does.
•Permitting all health insurance plans to be sold anywhere in the United States through the purchase of insurance across state lines. Allow small businesses and associations to pool together across state lines to buy insurance.
•Adopting a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and "replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words -- the length of the original Constitution."
•Imposing a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth.
•Allowing Americans to opt out of Social Security and Medicare and instead put those same payroll taxes in a personal account "they own, control and can leave to whomever they choose."
•Preventing any regulation or tax on the Internet.
•Improving education by eliminating ineffective and wasteful programs, giving parents more choices from pre-school to high school and improving the affordability of higher education.
•Authorizing the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition.
•Prohibiting the Federal Communications Commission from using funds to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
•Creating a Blue Ribbon task force that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs.
•Blocking state and local governments that receive federal grants from exercising eminent domain over private property for the primary purpose of economic development or enhancement of tax revenues.
•Preventing the EPA from implementing costly new regulations.
•Placing a moratorium on all earmarks until the process is fully transparent. Also requiring a two-thirds majority to pass any earmark.
•Making all lawmaking regulators, including presidential appointed czars, be affirmatively approved by Congress and signed into law by the president.
•Audit the Federal Reserve System.
•Making sure the federal government does not bail out private companies. The government should also immediately divest itself of its stake in the private companies it owns from recent bailouts.
•Amending the constitution to require congressional term limits. No person shall be elected to the Senate more than twice or to the House of Representatives more than four times.
•Making all regulations "sunset" after 10 years unless renewed by congressional vote.
•Broadcasting all non-security meetings and votes on C-SPAN and the Internet.
Iconic talk show host Michael Savage railed against the “solutions” yesterday adding that borders, language and culture, a consistent theme with Mr. Savage for a decade, are conspicuously missing from the document. Savage, like many Americans, is calling for English as the official national language, something politicians have been hiding from for years.
The "Tea Party Contract" is on the right track, but how can you have true reform without including border security, and illegal immigration. . . .Looks like the "Tea Party" has just become another mouth piece for the Republican Party. These two issues are CRITICAL for America and without secure borders and fixing the illegal immigration nightmare we can never balance any State or Federal budget. The illegals continue to suck our country dry taking billions in resources that hard working Americans could use during these tough economic times. . . .If you don't believe me just see what is happening in California, Nevada and Florida right now.
Friday, February 19, 2010
The United States Border Patrol. . . .Needs Your HELP ! ! ! !
The United States Border Patrol is asking citizens to keep on the lookout for a red 1951 Chevy that they suspect is being used to smuggle illegal immigrants across the border from Mexico and into points along the U.S. border. The vehicle pictured below is believed to be the suspect vehicle, and you are urged to contact your local police department or the U. S. Border Patrol if you see it operating in your area.

Does This Mean We Can Send Him Back?
Posted by Van Helsing at moonbattery.com:
From the Sudanese border:
Have you heard about President Obama's childhood home in Jakarta, Indonesia is now removing the "Little Obama" Statue from a prominent park and relocating it to a school! I guess people all around the world are sick and tired of his Hope and Change too. . . .
Controversial Obama statue in Indonesia removed from park after protests
A controversial bronze statue of President Barack Obama as a 10-year-old boy has been removed from an Indonesian park and moved to a nearby elementary school that Obama once attended, the Jakarta Globe reports.
The decision to take down the 43-inch statue, which was erected in December, came after more than 57,000 people joined a Facebook page calling for it to be removed and replaced by a memorial to an Indonesian. It was removed Sunday night.
See our reader survey below
The decision to take down the 43-inch statue, which was erected in December, came after more than 57,000 people joined a Facebook page calling for it to be removed and replaced by a memorial to an Indonesian. It was removed Sunday night.
See our reader survey below
Akhmad Solikhin, vice principal of Menteng One primary school that Obama attended in the 1960s, told AFP the statue will be placed near the school gates in about three days.
"There were people who opposed it," he said. "For us, we'd like the statue to be in the school to inspire the children to have big dreams like Obama."
The statue of "Little Barry" — as Obama was known in Indonesia — shows the young Obama wearing shorts and a t-shirt with a butterly perched on his hand.
A Note From Nancy. . . .(kinda)
According to tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com:
A fundraising email sent yesterday by the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) appeared under the name "Nancy Pelosi," and was addressed to "Dear Naive Republican."
No, the Speaker hasn't switched parties. Rather, the email, obtained by TPMmuckraker, seems to have been a crude stab at satire by the NRCC, designed to highlight what the committee sees as the failure of the stimulus plan.
The email doesn't appear designed to fool readers into thinking that it's really from Pelosi -- the "satire" is too exaggerated, and a message at the bottom states that the email was paid for by the NRCC.
From: Nancy Pelosi [mailto:info@nrccmail.org]
Sent: Wed 2/17/2010 3:33 PM
Subject: Don't have a job? Don't worry.
Dear Naive Republican,
Many of you have been asking, "Where are the jobs?" But what you fail to realize is no one needs a job when the federal government takes care of you.
A few years ago when Republicans were in control of Congress, we all needed a job, because the government was not trying to control all aspects of your personal and professional life.
But don't worry! Democrats are in control now, and we are making everything better. Want to know how? We are creating a dependence on the government and we are succeeding - just look at how great things are one year after Democrats passed the ultra-successful stimulus bill.
Now nearly 1 in 10 people don't have a job, but we're not concerned, why else would we have ignored them for over a year after we passed our successful stimulus bill.
Our stimulus plan has been so successful that we are using taxpayer money to fly Democrats all around the country today to make sure people know just how successful we have been. We have even been able to schedule these meetings during the day since so many people have free time on their hands.
Democrats continue to save this country through tax hikes and government bailouts. It worked during the Carter Administration and it is working better than ever now.
Please forward this message to all of your unemployed friends and let them know how the Democratic Party is working for Americans.
P.S. This would be funny if it weren't so tragic. The truth is Democrats have failed America and are now in full damage control mode, attempting to spin the real problems that Americans face. Problems they have ignored or failed to solve. The time has come to retire the real Nancy Pelosi and take back America.
A fundraising email sent yesterday by the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) appeared under the name "Nancy Pelosi," and was addressed to "Dear Naive Republican."
No, the Speaker hasn't switched parties. Rather, the email, obtained by TPMmuckraker, seems to have been a crude stab at satire by the NRCC, designed to highlight what the committee sees as the failure of the stimulus plan.
The email doesn't appear designed to fool readers into thinking that it's really from Pelosi -- the "satire" is too exaggerated, and a message at the bottom states that the email was paid for by the NRCC.
From: Nancy Pelosi [mailto:info@nrccmail.org]
Sent: Wed 2/17/2010 3:33 PM
Subject: Don't have a job? Don't worry.
Dear Naive Republican,
Many of you have been asking, "Where are the jobs?" But what you fail to realize is no one needs a job when the federal government takes care of you.
A few years ago when Republicans were in control of Congress, we all needed a job, because the government was not trying to control all aspects of your personal and professional life.
But don't worry! Democrats are in control now, and we are making everything better. Want to know how? We are creating a dependence on the government and we are succeeding - just look at how great things are one year after Democrats passed the ultra-successful stimulus bill.
Now nearly 1 in 10 people don't have a job, but we're not concerned, why else would we have ignored them for over a year after we passed our successful stimulus bill.
Our stimulus plan has been so successful that we are using taxpayer money to fly Democrats all around the country today to make sure people know just how successful we have been. We have even been able to schedule these meetings during the day since so many people have free time on their hands.
Democrats continue to save this country through tax hikes and government bailouts. It worked during the Carter Administration and it is working better than ever now.
Please forward this message to all of your unemployed friends and let them know how the Democratic Party is working for Americans.
P.S. This would be funny if it weren't so tragic. The truth is Democrats have failed America and are now in full damage control mode, attempting to spin the real problems that Americans face. Problems they have ignored or failed to solve. The time has come to retire the real Nancy Pelosi and take back America.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Al Gore. . . .You're Fired. . . .

Donald Trump Wants Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize Stripped:
According to Noel Sheppard at newsbusters.com:
Billionaire real estate tycoon Donald Trump wants Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize stripped from the Global Warmingist-in-Chief.
"With the coldest winter ever recorded, with snow setting record levels up and down the coast, the Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back, " Trump recently told members of his Westchester, New York, country club according to the New York Post.
"Gore wants us to clean up our factories and plants in order to protect us from global warming, when China and other countries couldn't care less. It would make us totally noncompetitive in the manufacturing world, and China, Japan and India are laughing at America's stupidity."
According to the Post, the crowd of 500 stood and applauded.
I guess there weren't any liberal media members there.
Since Global Warming has now been proved to be nothing but a fraud and a hoax, maybe Al Gore's "Oscar" should be stripped for his "Inconvenient Truth" documentary.
The UAW's Animal Farm. . . .
According to Gregory of Yardale at moonbattery.com:
Is the UAW* seeking to keep new hires at the companies it now owns non-union? Mickey Kaus thinks... maybe. Now that the UAW owns 60% of General Motors, all of a sudden, they have an incentive to make the company profitable; even if it means hiring non-union workers at lower wages.
George Orwell sort of saw this coming.
No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
What a bunch of hypocrites. . . .It's just like the Democrats that want all Americans on Obamacare. All Americans, that is, except for the Senate, other members of Congress and their staff. The Democrats refuse to even allow vote on the matter. . . .
UAW = United Auto Workers
Is the UAW* seeking to keep new hires at the companies it now owns non-union? Mickey Kaus thinks... maybe. Now that the UAW owns 60% of General Motors, all of a sudden, they have an incentive to make the company profitable; even if it means hiring non-union workers at lower wages.
George Orwell sort of saw this coming.
No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
What a bunch of hypocrites. . . .It's just like the Democrats that want all Americans on Obamacare. All Americans, that is, except for the Senate, other members of Congress and their staff. The Democrats refuse to even allow vote on the matter. . . .
UAW = United Auto Workers
Another 9-11 Truther Revealed?
Truth movement: Candidate Medina fails to take a firm stand---or even make her position crystal clear--- on 911 Truthers. In a major failure to explain herself, she leaves Mr. Beck and his staff laughing as he brushes her off the phone line. Alex Jones, one of the supporters of candidate Medina, must be disappointed that Debra Medina---whom is normally a strong & vocal individual--- so weakly stood up against Mr. Beck on the 911 Truth issue. Maybe it's time for Mr. Jones to challenge Mr. Beck to a one-on-one debate.
Whether you believe that 911 was an inside job, don't believe, or remain undecided, a candidate should be able to articulate a clear position and not beat around the bush
According to therightscoop.com:
Ok, her politician answer was that she didn’t have enough proof to take a side on whether or not the government had anything to do with causing the twin towers to fall. Really? How in the hell do you not take a side on that issue? I mean, you are running for the governor of Texas, and you still don’t know whether or not Osama Bin Laden ordered the attack on the twin towers? You don’t have all of the evidence?
Beck is not necessarily a fan of Rick Perry, but after the interview Beck changes his mind a bit:
“Rick I think you and I could french kiss right now!”
This interview with Glenn Beck cooked the goose of Debra Medina who is running against Governor Rick Perry and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson for Governor of Texas. Do you really think that Texans want a Governor that believes that 9-11 was an inside job. I don't think sooooooo. . . . .
Monday, February 15, 2010
Government Snowplow ! ! ! !
Government Snow Plow....Designed by the same people designing Obamacare
Public Employee Pension Obligations Bankrupt States. . . .
RUSH: I was not making up these numbers. The source for this is directorblue.blogspot.com. This is actual data, these are actual numbers from the state of New Jersey where the newly elected governor has announced a budget freeze (and, of course, the Democrats are just stuck pigs).
"How's this for an investment?" As a public union state employee, "you pay a total of $124,000 into your pension plan," over your work life, "and, upon retiring at age 49, you receive $3.3 million in pension payments and $500,000 in health care benefits. You receive $3.8 million in total on a $124,000 investment. Or this: You pay a total of $62,000 towards a pension plan and absolutely nothing for health care (medical, dental and vision coverage) over your working career. Upon retirement, you are paid $1.4 million in pension and $215,000 in health care benefits. You receive $1.6 million on a $62,000 investment. These are real world examples from New Jersey's crushing public sector union retirement plans paid for by the state's taxpayers. Republican Governor Chris Christie is demanding drastic actions to prevent New Jersey from falling off the precipice and into full-fledged bankruptcy."
When I see stories like this, and I've always known the Democrats are inexorably tied to public employee unions and so forth, even I, the all-knowing, all-caring, all-feeling, all understanding Maha Rushie, was still shocked to learn just how deeply in bed the entire public employee union segment is with the Democrat Party and what it's really all about. I've never had any doubts about why unions unilaterally support Democrats. I just had no idea the extent to which they had been purchased. I mean, I had no idea that this kind of stuff actually happened. It is this kind of information, folks, that is going to trigger an uprising demanding elected officials rein in tax dollars propping up this kind of crap. I mean this is just unsupportable, it's unsustainable. And this is what the Democrats have done, and it's not just New Jersey, it's California, any number of places, and it's killing these states. There are seven states that are facing true financial hardships, and Florida is one of them, California is another, New Jersey is big.
They have these obligations that they're not going to be able to meet, especially with the unemployment numbers that exist in all of these states. And the stimulus money, this is what the stimulus money was for, was to keep this kind of thing going. That's why all these pictures of crumbling schools, they're still crumbling, all the unemployment keeps going up, the stimulus slush fund was supposed to have shovel-ready jobs, that's not what it is about, it was and is a flush fund and the majority of it's going to be spent this year on just this kind of stuff, making sure that these public employee unions in the states, teachers, whatever they are, don't get laid off and don't get fired or what have you. And it is breaking the bank. Now, this is the kind of stuff that ought to be in stump features for all Republicans running in 2010, as long as this exists. It's indefensible. This is tipping point kind of stuff.
Bernie Madoff is in prison for 150 years for his ponzi scheme. . . .Anytime you take out more than you put in, someone down the food chain loses, in this case it is the American taxpayer.
"How's this for an investment?" As a public union state employee, "you pay a total of $124,000 into your pension plan," over your work life, "and, upon retiring at age 49, you receive $3.3 million in pension payments and $500,000 in health care benefits. You receive $3.8 million in total on a $124,000 investment. Or this: You pay a total of $62,000 towards a pension plan and absolutely nothing for health care (medical, dental and vision coverage) over your working career. Upon retirement, you are paid $1.4 million in pension and $215,000 in health care benefits. You receive $1.6 million on a $62,000 investment. These are real world examples from New Jersey's crushing public sector union retirement plans paid for by the state's taxpayers. Republican Governor Chris Christie is demanding drastic actions to prevent New Jersey from falling off the precipice and into full-fledged bankruptcy."
When I see stories like this, and I've always known the Democrats are inexorably tied to public employee unions and so forth, even I, the all-knowing, all-caring, all-feeling, all understanding Maha Rushie, was still shocked to learn just how deeply in bed the entire public employee union segment is with the Democrat Party and what it's really all about. I've never had any doubts about why unions unilaterally support Democrats. I just had no idea the extent to which they had been purchased. I mean, I had no idea that this kind of stuff actually happened. It is this kind of information, folks, that is going to trigger an uprising demanding elected officials rein in tax dollars propping up this kind of crap. I mean this is just unsupportable, it's unsustainable. And this is what the Democrats have done, and it's not just New Jersey, it's California, any number of places, and it's killing these states. There are seven states that are facing true financial hardships, and Florida is one of them, California is another, New Jersey is big.
They have these obligations that they're not going to be able to meet, especially with the unemployment numbers that exist in all of these states. And the stimulus money, this is what the stimulus money was for, was to keep this kind of thing going. That's why all these pictures of crumbling schools, they're still crumbling, all the unemployment keeps going up, the stimulus slush fund was supposed to have shovel-ready jobs, that's not what it is about, it was and is a flush fund and the majority of it's going to be spent this year on just this kind of stuff, making sure that these public employee unions in the states, teachers, whatever they are, don't get laid off and don't get fired or what have you. And it is breaking the bank. Now, this is the kind of stuff that ought to be in stump features for all Republicans running in 2010, as long as this exists. It's indefensible. This is tipping point kind of stuff.
Bernie Madoff is in prison for 150 years for his ponzi scheme. . . .Anytime you take out more than you put in, someone down the food chain loses, in this case it is the American taxpayer.

According to the drudgereport.com:
U.S. Senator Evan Bayh, a popular Democrat (Indiana) seen as having a good shot at a third term, said Monday he won't run again because of the kind of bitter politicking that has put President Barack Obama's whole agenda in jeopardy. . . .
. . . ."I love helping our citizens make the most of their lives, but I do not love Congress," Bayh said at a news conference in Indianapolis, making little effort to hide his frustration at the slow pace in the Senate. . . .
. . . .He is the fourth sitting Democratic senator not to run in November -- leaving seats up for grabs in Indiana, Illinois, North Dakota and Connecticut -- and analysts say six more Democratic seats are vulnerable to a strong Republican challenge in November.
The Democrats are bailing like rats off a sinking ship. . . .They see defeat on the horizon in November 2010 and 2012. The Republicans have a unique opportunity, and I hope they don't blow it by putting all their eggs in the "Palin" basket.
To read the full article go to:
Children Starving Because of Week of Snow Days. . . .Obesity Problem Solved. . . .
RUSH: "Snow Days Deprive Many Kids of Food." Do you remember back in the budget battle 1995 where Democrats went out there and said that Republicans wanted school lunch "cuts" (when there weren't any) and wanted to starve kids? People acted as though it was truthful and Democrats had little kids write cards to Republicans in Washington (child impression): "Please tonight starve me. If you cut the school lunch program I will starve to death I can't learn anything if I'm starving!" They actually sent these cards in.
Now from a tear-jerked Associated Press: "Snow Days Deprive Many Kids of Food -- Takoma Park, MD. As back-to-back snowstorms shuttered schools for the week across the mid-Atlantic states, parents fretted about lost learning time, administrators scheduled makeup days and teachers posted assignments online. But Marla Caplon worried about a more fundamental problem: How would students eat?"
This is what we've been reduced to. This, Governor Wilder, is the kind of foolishness and tomfoolery we gotta change. Kids at home were worried about whether they're going to eat? At home? You are of the opinion that parents will not feed their kids lunch? Are you of the opinion that the kids don't know where the refrigerator is or where the nearest Mickey D's is or Chuck E. Cheese? Are these kids so woefully inept that they can't find a bag of Ruffles Have Ridges in the cabinet? What in the world is going on here? "The two snowstorms that pummeled the region, leaving more than 3 feet of snow in some areas, deprived tens of thousands of children from Virginia to Pennsylvania of the free or reduced-price school lunch that may be their only nutritious meal of the day. The nonprofits that try to meet the need when school is not in session also closed their doors for much of the week, leaving many families looking at bare cupboards.
"And many parents working hourly jobs were unable to earn any money during the week as the snow forced businesses to close." Well, the only thing missing here is how many people died of starvation. Maybe if we keep reading we'll get the number. "Caplon is a food services supervisor for Montgomery County Public Schools, where about 43,000 children are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches. Some also get breakfast, dinner and bags of staple foods to take home for the weekend." Staple foods? "The snow days meant children would get none of that until Tuesday, because schools are closed Monday for Presidents Day." Do you realize what this means? We have an epidemic of 43,000 starving kids out there for the last ght or nine days. They haven't eaten because the schools have been shut.
Well, maybe we don't need obesity programs, Michelle (My Belle). We just need more snow days! If you want to cure the childhood obesity problem, we've just learned what it is: Shut down the schools! Shut 'em down from a month and bye-bye obesity problem, right? Do you realize how silly this is? And this is the kind of people running the public school system: "Oh, my God, 43,000 children may be starving because we can't give them reduced prices free lunches in school because it's closed because of snow!" And of course the idiot parents can't even feed them. It never occurs to the parents to go to grocery store or stock up. Yet we've got this childhood obesity problem. Do I want to read any more of this?
What, Snerdley? Well, I don't know what the parents eat. Apparently whatever they're eating they're not sharing with the kids. I'll tell you, the parents in Maryland and Pennsylvania must be some of the stingiest, cheapest, meanest parents that we've got if the whole country 'cause there are 43,000 kids that have not had lunch in eight days because the school isn't open! This is a national scandal: 43,000 starving kids, Pennsylvania and Maryland (probably New York and New Jersey, too) 'cause the schools aren't open? What are the kids doing, sitting inside? Shoveling snow? Ha-ha-ha-ha. Hardly.
When will schools be required to start providing kids with socks, underwear, tennis shoes and even their pants-on-the ground? A sled to play with on snow days? A jet ski for summer recreation?
God Bless the truly needy, but there is so much abuse in the government system. I have known married women that say their husbands have left them just so they can get freebies. (and no one ever verifies their (fake) tear jerking stories) Another generation of takers are being bred, and they will grow up to be dependent on the government.
Now from a tear-jerked Associated Press: "Snow Days Deprive Many Kids of Food -- Takoma Park, MD. As back-to-back snowstorms shuttered schools for the week across the mid-Atlantic states, parents fretted about lost learning time, administrators scheduled makeup days and teachers posted assignments online. But Marla Caplon worried about a more fundamental problem: How would students eat?"
This is what we've been reduced to. This, Governor Wilder, is the kind of foolishness and tomfoolery we gotta change. Kids at home were worried about whether they're going to eat? At home? You are of the opinion that parents will not feed their kids lunch? Are you of the opinion that the kids don't know where the refrigerator is or where the nearest Mickey D's is or Chuck E. Cheese? Are these kids so woefully inept that they can't find a bag of Ruffles Have Ridges in the cabinet? What in the world is going on here? "The two snowstorms that pummeled the region, leaving more than 3 feet of snow in some areas, deprived tens of thousands of children from Virginia to Pennsylvania of the free or reduced-price school lunch that may be their only nutritious meal of the day. The nonprofits that try to meet the need when school is not in session also closed their doors for much of the week, leaving many families looking at bare cupboards.
"And many parents working hourly jobs were unable to earn any money during the week as the snow forced businesses to close." Well, the only thing missing here is how many people died of starvation. Maybe if we keep reading we'll get the number. "Caplon is a food services supervisor for Montgomery County Public Schools, where about 43,000 children are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches. Some also get breakfast, dinner and bags of staple foods to take home for the weekend." Staple foods? "The snow days meant children would get none of that until Tuesday, because schools are closed Monday for Presidents Day." Do you realize what this means? We have an epidemic of 43,000 starving kids out there for the last ght or nine days. They haven't eaten because the schools have been shut.
Well, maybe we don't need obesity programs, Michelle (My Belle). We just need more snow days! If you want to cure the childhood obesity problem, we've just learned what it is: Shut down the schools! Shut 'em down from a month and bye-bye obesity problem, right? Do you realize how silly this is? And this is the kind of people running the public school system: "Oh, my God, 43,000 children may be starving because we can't give them reduced prices free lunches in school because it's closed because of snow!" And of course the idiot parents can't even feed them. It never occurs to the parents to go to grocery store or stock up. Yet we've got this childhood obesity problem. Do I want to read any more of this?
What, Snerdley? Well, I don't know what the parents eat. Apparently whatever they're eating they're not sharing with the kids. I'll tell you, the parents in Maryland and Pennsylvania must be some of the stingiest, cheapest, meanest parents that we've got if the whole country 'cause there are 43,000 kids that have not had lunch in eight days because the school isn't open! This is a national scandal: 43,000 starving kids, Pennsylvania and Maryland (probably New York and New Jersey, too) 'cause the schools aren't open? What are the kids doing, sitting inside? Shoveling snow? Ha-ha-ha-ha. Hardly.
When will schools be required to start providing kids with socks, underwear, tennis shoes and even their pants-on-the ground? A sled to play with on snow days? A jet ski for summer recreation?
God Bless the truly needy, but there is so much abuse in the government system. I have known married women that say their husbands have left them just so they can get freebies. (and no one ever verifies their (fake) tear jerking stories) Another generation of takers are being bred, and they will grow up to be dependent on the government.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day 2010 ! ! ! !
May God continue to pour down His blessing upon you and your family throughout the New Year. . . .
~ LOVE ~
1 Corinthians 13 (NIV) 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Snowmageddon 2010 Hits Big D ! ! ! !

According to myfoxdfw.com:
UPDATE: Record-Breaking Snowfall in N. Texas, Feb. 11, 2010 will go down in in the record books as the snowiest day in Dallas-Fort Worth history. (12.5 inches at DFW airport)
As of 8 p.m., the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport had recorded 8.7 inches of snow, the greatest calendar day snowfall total ever registered for Dallas-Fort Worth, according to the National Weather Service. The previous record was 7.8 inches on Jan. 15, 1964, and Jan. 14, 1917.
It has snowed continuously for the last 20 hours. It is absolutely beautiful and I am loving every minute of it. Why? Because this is Texas and it will probably be all gone tomorrow ! ! ! !
BTW. . . .Nobody took me up on a polar bear swim today :( :(
UPDATE: Record-Breaking Snowfall in N. Texas, Feb. 11, 2010 will go down in in the record books as the snowiest day in Dallas-Fort Worth history. (12.5 inches at DFW airport)
As of 8 p.m., the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport had recorded 8.7 inches of snow, the greatest calendar day snowfall total ever registered for Dallas-Fort Worth, according to the National Weather Service. The previous record was 7.8 inches on Jan. 15, 1964, and Jan. 14, 1917.
It has snowed continuously for the last 20 hours. It is absolutely beautiful and I am loving every minute of it. Why? Because this is Texas and it will probably be all gone tomorrow ! ! ! !
BTW. . . .Nobody took me up on a polar bear swim today :( :(
Veil-Wearing Muslim Bride Reveals a Beard and Crossed Eyes. . . .Correction

According to the dailymail.co.uk:
An Arab ambassador called for an instant divorce after discovering his veil-wearing fiancée had a beard and was cross-eyed, it emerged today.
The would-be bride had hidden her face behind a Muslim niqab throughout their short courtship, meaning the diplomat had no idea what she looked like.
But as soon as the marriage contract was signed in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, he tried to kiss her, before coming face-to-face with her hairy face and strange squint.
‘He was absolutely horrified,’ said a wedding guest.
‘The bride had a nice personality, but there was a good reason why she was hiding her looks behind a veil.
‘A divorce was inevitable, and the groom went straight to court leaving his new bride in floods of tears.’
I guess the Arab Ambassador never read. . . .
The Story of Jacob and Rachel ~ Genesis 29
Rachel was a beautiful woman and she had an older plain Jane sister named Leah. One day Jacob met Rachel at a well and fell head over heels in love with her. Jacob wanted Rachel for his bride so bad that he agreed to work for Laban, Rachel's father for seven years just to make her his bride.
On their wedding day the bride was all decked out in the finest of bridal garments and a veil completely covered her face. After partying too much at the wedding, Jacob discovered the next morning that he had been tricked, and had married the ugly duckling sister Leah. He had to work for another seven years to finally marry the love of his life Rachel. (The irony of the story is that Jacob was on the run when he met Rachel, because he had just tricked his brother Esau so that he could receive Isaac his father's blessings)
The good news to come out of all this deceit were Jacob's many sons. They became the "Twelve Tribes of Israel", and one of the descendants from the tribe of Judah was our Blessed Savior, Jesus Christ.
CORRECTION: Jacob did not have to wait seven years to marry Rachel, he only had to finish the marriage week with Leah. After that week he was then able to take Rachel as his wife. (But he did have to work another seven years for Laban, Rachael's father)
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. . . .Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
Look What They’re Erasing From U.S. History ! ! ! !
American heroes could get swapped for hip-hop culture in textbooks
According to Neiman at sayanythingblog.com:
Is this a situation wherein we must consider States Rights, respect the elected and/or appointed members of state school boards and solely trust professional educators to design the educational curriculum; or should the parents demand that a state or local school board submit such changes to the larger vote of the people before making such changes and investing their money in textbooks that do not accurately reflect the history of our nation or the will of the people?
How do we, the voters, the source of all such funding, force these politically correct, extreme liberals from rewriting our history to fit within their political ideology. It is a damn mess!
According to worldnetdaily.com:
A state board of only 15 people will vote on whether to revise U.S. textbooks to omit references to Daniel Boone, Gen. George Patton, Nathan Hale, Columbus Day and Christmas.
The Texas State Board of Education will also vote on a proposal to substitute the term “American” with “global citizen.”
According to Liberty Counsel, some of the suggestions that have come forward at various times include:
* Removing references to Daniel Boone, General George Patton, Nathan Hale, Columbus Day and Christmas.
* Including the cultural impact of hip-hop music, ACLU lawyer Clarence Darrow and the Hindu holiday of Diwali.
* Replacing the term “American” with “global citizen” – stating that students need to be shaped “for responsible citizenship in a global society” without any mention of citizenship in American society.
* Replacing expansionism and free enterprise with imperialism and capitalism.
Staver said one proposal suggests the name of Nathan Hale, a patriot of the American Revolutionary War, be removed and replaced with the name of a man who invented fireman helmets. He also said one proposal suggests removal of references to Independence Day.
“Those are no good anymore,” Staver told Mike Huckabee. “America is looked at, not as some country that gave liberty and freedom to others around the world, but as a global villain.”
He warns, one proposal suggests take the Declaration of Independence and literally erasing God from its Preamble.
“A lot of the history – particularly religious history or patriotic history and American exceptionalism – all of that will simply be removed if people around the country don’t speak up,” he said.
Indoctrinating children is nothing new. Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Mao, and many others knew the future success of their evil, sinister plans was to start with the children. Unfortunately, we all know the destructive footprints that these evil dictators left upon the world.
America does have some dark days in our 234 year history, but it is what it is. Distorting that history by adding to or removing from it would be a travesty for future generations.
because. . . .
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. ~ George Santayana
Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past. ~ Tyron Edwards
“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
“Destroy the family, you destroy the country.” - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
“The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.” - Karl Marx
“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” - Josef Stalin
"We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism.” - Nikita Khrushchev
“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future.” - Adolf Hitler, 1935
“Each year the child is coming to belong more to the State and less and less to the parent.” - Ellwood P. Cubberley, Conceptions of Education (1909)
E-mail the Texas State Board of Education to voice your outrage: sboesupport@tea.state.tx.us
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