Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why Haiti is a Hellhole?

According to Gregory of Yardale at

Can you believe this?

Angry Haitians set up roadblocks with corpses in Port-au-Prince to protest at the delay in emergency aid reaching them after a devastating earthquake, an eyewitness said.

So, in these people's minds, it makes sense to protest that you aren't getting aid fast enough... by blocking the people from getting aid to you.... with corpses!

But this is what the moonbat left has indoctrinated into them. "Don't help yourselves. The way to get anything is demand that others take care of you, and then bitch and complain about the quality of the help you receive."

This is the same mindset that had people in New Orleans who could have walked an hour to higher ground complaining about getting flooded out after Katrina. This is the same mindset that produces near-riot conditions when people queue up from handouts in Detroit.

And it's all aided and abetted by the moonbat mindset of parochialism; that it's compassionate to keep the poor of Detroit and New Orleans and the impoverished of Haiti dependent on handouts and foreign aid; and that because of some imagined grievance, that they are not only entitled to endless welfare, but have a right to be indignant if it is not delivered at a level or in a manner that is satisfactory.

In short, this is what happens when people are taught to protest in order to get what they want, instead of taught to work for it. And that's what makes people so stupid they actually block the roads when people are trying to help them in the aftermath of a disaster.


How are they going to blame Bush for this?  Danny (the Socialist) Glover is blaming the earthquake on global warming. . . .Pat Robertson is blaming it on the devil. . . .

The sad thing is. . . .most of these people were already slowing dying before this earthquake from poverty and starvation. Some were even eating mud pie cookies to fill their hungry bellies. You can't help but get angry when you know that America pumps billions of dollars in aid to this country every year without any accountability. The crooked politicians pocket the money and the people suffer.

War Zone: Gangs do battle in streets with machetes over food in Haiti. . . .Reminds me of when Katrina hit the rescue helicopters were being shot at.

Please continue to pray for our Soldiers, the Doctors, and all the Volunteers that are risking their own lives to save these hurting, desperate people. God will honor them for their service.


According to Robert108 at

This is a real tragedy, compounded by decades of corrupt Marxist dictatorial rule, which has prevented the population from achieving any sort of personal prosperity.

What is happening in Haiti is very similar to what happened in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina; logistical problems, compounded with local incompetence, delayed aid from reaching the most needy.

The difference is that the leftie media can no longer “Blame Bush”, so we are getting feelgood stories about Obama, while the Haitians suffer.

Pure hypocrisy.