I swear you couldn't make this sh*t up if you tried:
According to Neil Boortz at boortz.com:
I love this. Liberals have been whining for years about the "horrific" conditions of detainees in Gitmo. This is one of the many reasons why they wanted the place closed. So they got their wish from Barack Obama, and if you will recall Obama decided that he is going to transfer Gitmo detainees to a supermax prison in Illinois.
Well now it turns out that the Gitmo detainees don't want to go. A lawyer for many Gitmo detainees says that while his clients clearly want to go home, at least they are being held under Geneva Convention conditions in Gitmo. He says, "As far as our clients are concerned, it's probably preferable for them to remain at Guantánamo." So we may see lawyers of Gitmo detainees set up legal roadblocks to prevent their clients from leaving Gitmo.
Wonder what the moonbats have to say about that?
One blogger wrote:
Tropical breezes, low temps in the 70's, outdoor exercise, they aren't stupid. As opposed to northern Illinois, where winter/spring/fall are basically the same season and the local baseball teams suck most of the time. Okay, maybe the baseball isn't priority with the Gitmoslums.
http://boortz.com/nealz_nuze/2010/01/gitmo-detainees-want-to-stay-p.html .