According to jammiewearingfool.blogspot.com:
Why isn't the FBI rounding up all Code Pinkos members right now. This is beyond the pale, and while they may think it is an expression of their First Amendments rights, they need to be made aware that along with personal rights comes personal responsibility.
Fresh on the heels of their Hamas-protected trip to Gaza, the so-called feminist, American antiwar group Code Pink, co-founded by top Obama funder Jodie Evans, is running banner advertisements on the English language version of the official Web site of a terrorist sympathizing group, the Muslim Brotherhood, one of which invites the Muslim Brotherhood to “join us in cleansing our country.”
The next time these senior citizen, dementia suffering, post menopausal women get arrested in Pakistan they need to be left there to rot.
I wonder if Janet Nincompoop would be interested in putting them on some sort list, besides her Christmas card list?
Bottom line: If you give money to Code Pink you are funding the very people who want to kill you and every day, somewhere around this globe, carry out some sort of act of violence directed at innocent people.
These are the same loons that always camped outside President Bush's Ranch in Crawford, TX. They claim to be "Anti-War" but they are nothing but a lot of Anti-American, 60's leftovers, kool aid drinking, can't fit into normal society, terrorist hugging, American hating, attention grabbing, left-out-of society losers. Maybe they do need to smoke a joint and mellow out a little.
Wonder if they camped outside Obama's Hawaiian estate during the Christmas holidays?
These wackos even tried to justifiy the Fort Hood Terrorist Attack, and in any sane person's mind. . . .that terrorist act cannot be justified.
Here's a couple of the "Code Pinkos" need I say more. . . .