According to
On Monday, the Bloomberg administration plans to unveil a broad new health initiative aimed at encouraging food manufacturers and restaurant chains across the country to curtail the amount of salt in their products." First it was trans fat, smoking, wine, coffee, chocolate. Now it's salt. It's not their business how much salt people eat! But if they're going to pay for health care, ultimately, they're going to make it their business. If salt causes high blood pressure, you're going to have your salt intake monitored. This is the first step. Way to go, electing Democrats!
But here's the rest of the article in the New York Times: "The plan, for which the city claims support from health agencies in other cities and states, sets a goal of reducing the amount of salt in packaged and restaurant food by 25 percent over the next five years. Public health experts say that would reduce the incidence of high blood pressure and should help prevent some of the strokes and heart attacks associated with that condition. The plan is voluntary for food companies and involves no legislation," yet. "It allows companies to cut salt gradually over five years so the change is not so noticeable to consumers. 'We all consume way too much salt, and most of the salt we consume is in the food when we buy it,' said Dr. Thomas Farley, the city health commissioner, whose department is leading the effort. Eighty percent of the salt in Americans' diets comes from packaged or restaurant food. Dr. Farley said reducing salt from those sources would save lives."
Folks, this infuriates me. It's none of their business! It is none of their business how much salt I eat! Salt is necessary! They're going to cause more problems, getting more people frightened to eat any salt, and you have to have it. Now, once they get health care, this is the kind of stuff and even worse that's going to be coming down the pike. This will be the new norm. Everything we do will be in the context of health care and the expense that it will cost to protect us and to cure us and to make us well once we get sick. This is just a harbinger.
Now, I don't know if you know this, but there are brochures that Mayor Bloomberg is distributing in New York City, safety tips when using heroin, brochures on the how-to's of using heroin, including jump up and down before shooting up so that your veins will be more visible. So the New York City mayor sends out brochures to assist people in shooting up heroin, but now is going to cut down or see to it that we cut down on our salt intake. Now something is just wrong with that. "Well, Rush, it's a safety thing, these people are addicted, they're misusing, the mayor is just trying to save people from having overdoses and going to the hospital." Folks, I don't care what excuse you want to offer here. If they're going to pass out brochures telling people how to more safely inject heroin, then have them stop telling the rest of us to cut back on salt. Something is just way out of whack.
I have said this numerous times on this blog:
The government creates a new "crisis" with each one they try to "solve".
Here's another perfect example:
When I was going to Medical Office Assistant school I did a report on the importance of "Salt". A lack of salt in the diet causes a serious condition called Cretinism.
Iodine deficiency is the single greatest cause of preventable mental retardation: Severe deficiencies cause cretinism, stillbirth and miscarriage, while even mild deficiency can significantly affect the learning ability of populations. It is easily preventable by ensuring that salt consumed by households is adequately iodized. Yet, 38 million newborns worldwide remain unprotected and there are still 36 countries where fewer than half of households consume iodized salt.
Certain areas of the world, due to natural deficiency and governmental inaction, are severely affected by iodine deficiency, which affects approximately two billion people worldwide. It is particularly common in Western Pacific, South-East Asia and Africa.
India is the most outstanding, with 500 million suffering from deficiency, 54 million from goiter, and two million from cretinism.
Among other nations affected by iodine deficiency, China and Kazakhstan have begun taking action, while Russia has not. Successful campaigns for the adoption of the use of iodized salt require education and regulation of salt producers and sellers and a communication campaign directed at the public, the salt trade, politicians and policy makers. The cost of adding iodine to salt is negligible—"Only a few cents a ton."
*Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) or from prolonged nutritional deficiency of iodine.
On Monday, the Bloomberg administration plans to unveil a broad new health initiative aimed at encouraging food manufacturers and restaurant chains across the country to curtail the amount of salt in their products." First it was trans fat, smoking, wine, coffee, chocolate. Now it's salt. It's not their business how much salt people eat! But if they're going to pay for health care, ultimately, they're going to make it their business. If salt causes high blood pressure, you're going to have your salt intake monitored. This is the first step. Way to go, electing Democrats!
But here's the rest of the article in the New York Times: "The plan, for which the city claims support from health agencies in other cities and states, sets a goal of reducing the amount of salt in packaged and restaurant food by 25 percent over the next five years. Public health experts say that would reduce the incidence of high blood pressure and should help prevent some of the strokes and heart attacks associated with that condition. The plan is voluntary for food companies and involves no legislation," yet. "It allows companies to cut salt gradually over five years so the change is not so noticeable to consumers. 'We all consume way too much salt, and most of the salt we consume is in the food when we buy it,' said Dr. Thomas Farley, the city health commissioner, whose department is leading the effort. Eighty percent of the salt in Americans' diets comes from packaged or restaurant food. Dr. Farley said reducing salt from those sources would save lives."
Folks, this infuriates me. It's none of their business! It is none of their business how much salt I eat! Salt is necessary! They're going to cause more problems, getting more people frightened to eat any salt, and you have to have it. Now, once they get health care, this is the kind of stuff and even worse that's going to be coming down the pike. This will be the new norm. Everything we do will be in the context of health care and the expense that it will cost to protect us and to cure us and to make us well once we get sick. This is just a harbinger.
Now, I don't know if you know this, but there are brochures that Mayor Bloomberg is distributing in New York City, safety tips when using heroin, brochures on the how-to's of using heroin, including jump up and down before shooting up so that your veins will be more visible. So the New York City mayor sends out brochures to assist people in shooting up heroin, but now is going to cut down or see to it that we cut down on our salt intake. Now something is just wrong with that. "Well, Rush, it's a safety thing, these people are addicted, they're misusing, the mayor is just trying to save people from having overdoses and going to the hospital." Folks, I don't care what excuse you want to offer here. If they're going to pass out brochures telling people how to more safely inject heroin, then have them stop telling the rest of us to cut back on salt. Something is just way out of whack.
I have said this numerous times on this blog:
The government creates a new "crisis" with each one they try to "solve".
Here's another perfect example:
When I was going to Medical Office Assistant school I did a report on the importance of "Salt". A lack of salt in the diet causes a serious condition called Cretinism.
Iodine deficiency is the single greatest cause of preventable mental retardation: Severe deficiencies cause cretinism, stillbirth and miscarriage, while even mild deficiency can significantly affect the learning ability of populations. It is easily preventable by ensuring that salt consumed by households is adequately iodized. Yet, 38 million newborns worldwide remain unprotected and there are still 36 countries where fewer than half of households consume iodized salt.
Certain areas of the world, due to natural deficiency and governmental inaction, are severely affected by iodine deficiency, which affects approximately two billion people worldwide. It is particularly common in Western Pacific, South-East Asia and Africa.
India is the most outstanding, with 500 million suffering from deficiency, 54 million from goiter, and two million from cretinism.
Among other nations affected by iodine deficiency, China and Kazakhstan have begun taking action, while Russia has not. Successful campaigns for the adoption of the use of iodized salt require education and regulation of salt producers and sellers and a communication campaign directed at the public, the salt trade, politicians and policy makers. The cost of adding iodine to salt is negligible—"Only a few cents a ton."
*Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) or from prolonged nutritional deficiency of iodine.