Friday, January 22, 2010

Hitler Finds Out Scott Brown Won Massachusetts Senate Seat. . . .

Hitler Hears About Scott Brown Video Gets 2M Hits

RUSH LIMBAUGH: Have you people -- it's had over two million hits now, this video of Hitler being told by his staff that Scott Brown won in Massachusetts and that health care is finished. It is hilarious. It's literally hilarious. One of Hitler's lines is, "I can't believe it, this has gone on longer than Stalingrad." And it's true. They spent the whole year on this. If they want to spend another half year on this, on something that only 35% of the American people want, let 'em bring it on. Let 'em try it again, let 'em be seen. Here they're trying to prove that they've seen the light, they're trying to show that, "We realize we've overstepped, we gotta start focusing on what you want, jobs and," blah, blah, blah. Let 'em bring it back, let them continue to just flip off the American people, let them illustrate that their whole objective, their whole purpose is to govern against the will of the American people. I am all for the Democrat Party illustrating that as often as they can.