According to Gregory of Yardale at moonbattery.com:
Pat Robertson says the earthquake in Haiti was their punishment for engaging in Devil Worship. Rather than be like those lefties who defend Harry Reid's "Negro" remarks and every stupid utterance of Bill Maher, I'm gonna say, Pat, shut up. You look like a dumbass.
And you might wanna look up Matthew 5:45, while you're at it.
Matthew 5:45 (NIV)
That you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Does Pat Robertson not realize that statements like this makes Christians look cold-hearted, unsympathetic, unkind, unloving and insensitive. This statement was sooooo un-Christ like? If you were not a Christian would hearing a statement like this from a man of God in the midst of a horrible tragedy make you want to accept his Christ?
Even, if his statement is true. . . .is this the time to say something like this when hundreds of thousands are homeless, hungry and/or dead or dying?
God's Love is as great as his Wrath, but you need to speak of his wrath while showing his Love.
Lord, we ask that you pour out your blessings among the people of Haiti. Let them see your Love through the US Military, the Doctors, and all the Volunteers that are risking their own lives to save these hurting people. Show them your Love and Grace through these difficult and desperate times. . . .
. . . . and may you continue to Bless America ! ! ! !
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
According to www.wcg.org:
It is God who changes people’s hearts; it is God who converts the soul, who leads people to repentance, who touches people with love and grace. We can describe God’s amazing love and his astonishing grace and we can set an example of adoration and dedication to our Savior, but after all is said and done, it is God who changes each person’s heart.