Wednesday, January 20, 2010

US Used Earthquake Weapon on Haiti. . . .

According to Gregory of Yardale at

State-Run Venezuelan Media: US Used Earthquake Weapon on Haiti

Hugo Chavez apparently has his BFF Obama confused with the villain from Under Siege 2: Dark Territory.

Both a Venezuelan state-owned radio and television properties zeroed in on a secret U.S. "weapon of earthquakes" as the cause of the earthquake that struck Haiti last week...

For those keeping track, the Haitian Earthquake has been on Devil Worship (Pat Robertson), Global Warming (Danny Glover), and now Yankee Imperialism.

But curiously, George W. Bush and Karl Rove have so far escaped blame. Oh, wait, apparently even though experts knew for years that Haiti was on an active earthquake fault, the Bush Administration did nothing to save us from the danger of Plate Tectonics.


One blogger wrote:

So why havent we used this neato weapon on Venezuela and Cuba and Iran and North Korea wrecking every city in those countries? I demand answers from President Zero.


Is Hugo Chavez really this freakin Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs? I mean really. . . .Seriously?

It all makes so much sense now that I understand these "Acts of God" are actually US Secret Weapons. . . .

We must have used our secret "Weapon of Hurricane" on New Orleans cuz we don't like black people. . . .We use our "Weapon of Tornado" in the Springtime on Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas to get rid of some of you rednecks out there. . . .and we must have used our "Weapon of Blizzards" yesterday to keep the democrats from the polls cuz they sure got their butts kicked by Republican, Scott Brown. . . .