According to jammiewearingfool.blogspot.com:
You know what the folks at McDonalds should do in response to this? Add some bacon to the menu.
Hey, Ronald McDonald, it may be time to retire.
Nearly half of Americans polled want the kid-friendly, French-fry chomping icon to call it quits, arguing he contributes to the country's growing obesity epidemic by luring youngsters to fast food joints.
"This clown is no friend to our children or their health," said Deborah Lapidus of Corporate Accountability International, a group that sponsored the poll and protests outside McDonald's around the country.
"He is a deep-fried Joe Camel for the 21st century," she said.
Many of those surveyed had favorable feelings about red-headed Ronald, yet 47% thought it was time for him to go.
But a protest outside McDonald's in Times Square Wednesday didn't sour kids on Ronald.
"He's getting old, but I like Ronald," said 13-year-old Rosemary Frias of the Bronx, who was eager to munch on chicken nuggets and fries. Ditching Ronald, she said, won't "stop kids from getting fat."
An novel thought, perhaps, but that maybe is the responsibility of parents, no?
According to Frances Moore LappeAuthor at huffingtonpost.com:
Retire Ronald McDonald--Do it for our kids!
I'm relieved that our country's taken a first step in getting a grip on health insurance for all, but we're sunk unless we can now get a grip on our health. With diet implicated in much of our nation's disease burden, it makes a lot of sense to reverse the forces that have turned food itself into a national health threat.
That's why I'm thrilled today, March 31, to take part in the launch of a national campaign to retire Ronald McDonald, who for almost fifty years has enticed youngsters into eating habits with horrific life-long consequences. . . . .
It has been said all along that Obamacare wasn't just about "healthcare", but controlling everything you eat and everything that you like to do. The food nazi's are now on patrol. . . .and so it begins. . . . .
Is anyone else tired of being the @!$#ing United-Nanny-States-Of-America?
To read the full nauseous article got to: