Arizona isn't just up against Al Sharpton, Gavin Newsom, and the geniuses behind the Arizona Ice Tea boycott. These folks give intellectual heft to the movement to obliterate America's territorial sovereignty:

Once again we see that moonbats won't be happy until we dissolve our civilization and stop existing
Residents in AZ organizing counter-boycott of Mexican food restaurants, travel to Mexican resorts... Developing. . .
Mexico's President Felipe Calderon says “Arizona laws breed intolerance and hate" El Presidente you need to clean up your own corrupt nation and STFU about America.
According to
President of Lawless Narco-Terror Country Now Lecturing Arizona
Oh no, he's going to boycott Arizona! Well, pal, boycotts can be a two-way road. Considering your country is pretty much on the brink of collapse, you aren't quite in position to be dictating what we do in our country.
If Calderon is busy with boycotts, maybe it'll occur to him millions of Americans won't be visiting Mexico any time soon since they're afraid of drug gangs beheading them.
According to the
Mexico treats illegal immigrants in its midst harshly
Americans traveling into Mexico must get a Mexico tourist card, also called an FMT, it is a government form declaring that you have stated the purpose of your visit to Mexico to be tourism, and it MUST be carried with you at all times while you are visiting Mexico.
It is a felony to be an illegal immigrant in Mexico and they allow local police to aid immigration authorities in making arrests.
After all, if a group of illegal immigrants living south of the border took to the streets in a similar protest, they'd be breaking Mexican law. There, the constitution bars noncitizens from participating in any public political demonstration.
For most of the illegal immigrants who cross Mexico's southern border, deportation or other legal penalties are the least of their worries. Migrants routinely face rape, robbery and assault. Corrupt police and soldiers are known to abuse them and take their money.
"San Francisco says that they are going to boycott Arizona, and I'm sure the people of Arizona are happy as hell about that. In fact, if I were the people in Arizona, I'd capture the illegals and send them to San Francisco." ~ Rush Limbaugh
"You got Hezbollah in Arizona, you got Mexican drug cartels operating in Arizona, you got a steady stream of illegals over the border and you've got people being killed in Arizona. They are at their wits' end. Enforcing the law is the overall thing and if there are some civil rights violations, so be it. That's how ...desperate the situation is." ~ Rush Limbaugh
According to
According to
Texas Next for Anti-Illegals Legislation
Let's hope this is a growing trend. Naturally the Associated Press shows their rank bias with this headline:
Texas lawmaker to introduce anti-immigration bill
Nothing in the story says the proposed legislation is anti-immigration. They're opposed to illegal immigration.
Republican Rep. Riddle says if the federal government did its job "Arizona wouldn't have to take this action, and neither would Texas."
Mexico's President Felipe Calderon says “Arizona laws breed intolerance and hate" El Presidente you need to clean up your own corrupt nation and STFU about America.
According to
President of Lawless Narco-Terror Country Now Lecturing Arizona
Oh no, he's going to boycott Arizona! Well, pal, boycotts can be a two-way road. Considering your country is pretty much on the brink of collapse, you aren't quite in position to be dictating what we do in our country.
If Calderon is busy with boycotts, maybe it'll occur to him millions of Americans won't be visiting Mexico any time soon since they're afraid of drug gangs beheading them.
According to the
Mexico treats illegal immigrants in its midst harshly
Americans traveling into Mexico must get a Mexico tourist card, also called an FMT, it is a government form declaring that you have stated the purpose of your visit to Mexico to be tourism, and it MUST be carried with you at all times while you are visiting Mexico.
It is a felony to be an illegal immigrant in Mexico and they allow local police to aid immigration authorities in making arrests.
After all, if a group of illegal immigrants living south of the border took to the streets in a similar protest, they'd be breaking Mexican law. There, the constitution bars noncitizens from participating in any public political demonstration.
For most of the illegal immigrants who cross Mexico's southern border, deportation or other legal penalties are the least of their worries. Migrants routinely face rape, robbery and assault. Corrupt police and soldiers are known to abuse them and take their money.
"San Francisco says that they are going to boycott Arizona, and I'm sure the people of Arizona are happy as hell about that. In fact, if I were the people in Arizona, I'd capture the illegals and send them to San Francisco." ~ Rush Limbaugh
"You got Hezbollah in Arizona, you got Mexican drug cartels operating in Arizona, you got a steady stream of illegals over the border and you've got people being killed in Arizona. They are at their wits' end. Enforcing the law is the overall thing and if there are some civil rights violations, so be it. That's how ...desperate the situation is." ~ Rush Limbaugh
According to
According to
Texas Next for Anti-Illegals Legislation
Let's hope this is a growing trend. Naturally the Associated Press shows their rank bias with this headline:
Texas lawmaker to introduce anti-immigration bill
Nothing in the story says the proposed legislation is anti-immigration. They're opposed to illegal immigration.
Republican Rep. Riddle says if the federal government did its job "Arizona wouldn't have to take this action, and neither would Texas."
The only reason Obama and the Democrats are upset about the new Arizona immigration law is because it threatens their attempt at nationwide voter fraud." ~ Rush Limbaugh
"If you have an expired license, if you can't prove the car is yours, what happens to you? What's different about this than anything happening in Arizona? Not a damn thing. You try going to Mexico without proper documentation." ~ Rush Limbaugh
"If you have an expired license, if you can't prove the car is yours, what happens to you? What's different about this than anything happening in Arizona? Not a damn thing. You try going to Mexico without proper documentation." ~ Rush Limbaugh