"This is Earth Day and everybody's supposed to be environmentally conscious. So what happens? Obama and Biden fly separate jets to New York, go to different airports, and show up at events within blocks of each other." ~ Rush Limbaugh
"They couldn't predict within hours where the wind was gonna take the ash cloud, and yet we are supposed to alter our lives because of what computer models say global climate temperatures are going to be in 50 years." ~ Rush Limbaugh
The first Earth Day was celebrated exactly on Lenin's 100th birthday , April 22, 1970. . . .Now do you understand the connection?
"Earth Day was created by a bunch of communists from Stanford. It's not about clean air; it's about power and what's going on to make money!" ~ Brian Sussman
It's appropriate that the two are celebrated on the same day, because there is no relevant difference between the socialist and environmentalist agendas in this country. Saving the environment is simply a euphemism for eviscerating the rights of property owners and creating a dictatorship. ~ David Ziemer -Wisconsin Law Journal
Deemed as a new holy day for the Marxist faith, Earth Day has been referred to as a political holiday for those pseudo-environmentalists known as Watermelons: green on the outside but red on the inside:
For many political Leftists, environmentalism is merely a pretext through which private property and capitalism can be regulated, strangled, and finally replaced with totalitarian government ownership of everything. How could they criticize Marxist dictatorships, since their prescription for "healing the world" is socialist dictatorship? ~ Lowell Ponte - Frontpage Mag
An Earth Day tradition: George Carlin on the intellectual bankruptcy of "saving the planet"
"They couldn't predict within hours where the wind was gonna take the ash cloud, and yet we are supposed to alter our lives because of what computer models say global climate temperatures are going to be in 50 years." ~ Rush Limbaugh
The first Earth Day was celebrated exactly on Lenin's 100th birthday , April 22, 1970. . . .Now do you understand the connection?
"Earth Day was created by a bunch of communists from Stanford. It's not about clean air; it's about power and what's going on to make money!" ~ Brian Sussman
It's appropriate that the two are celebrated on the same day, because there is no relevant difference between the socialist and environmentalist agendas in this country. Saving the environment is simply a euphemism for eviscerating the rights of property owners and creating a dictatorship. ~ David Ziemer -Wisconsin Law Journal
Deemed as a new holy day for the Marxist faith, Earth Day has been referred to as a political holiday for those pseudo-environmentalists known as Watermelons: green on the outside but red on the inside:
For many political Leftists, environmentalism is merely a pretext through which private property and capitalism can be regulated, strangled, and finally replaced with totalitarian government ownership of everything. How could they criticize Marxist dictatorships, since their prescription for "healing the world" is socialist dictatorship? ~ Lowell Ponte - Frontpage Mag
An Earth Day tradition: George Carlin on the intellectual bankruptcy of "saving the planet"