Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Obama Says: "WHETHER WE LIKE IT OR NOT, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower"

Obama Says: "Whether We Like it Or Not, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower"


Rush Quotes:

"Obama's not accomplishing anything by having these countries that have no intention of ever attacking us to give us their uranium. He's just weakening everybody."

"We got another pronouncement waving a piece of paper like Neville Chamberlain, 'Yeah, Canada has agreed to disarm,' as though they were ever going to attack us."


According to Gregory of Yardale at moonbattery.com:

You Know You're In Trouble When the French Make you Look Like a Wimp

French President Nicholas Sarkozy refused to go along with Obama's scheme for unilateral disarmament of the Western World.

"France will not give up nuclear weapons because doing so would "jeopardise" its security, President Nicolas Sarkozy said this morning as global leaders gathered for a summit on nuclear security. "I cannot jeopardize the security and safety of my country," Sarkozy said to CBS News

The American president is a socialist who despises American military power. The French president is a capitalist who believes in Peace Through Strength. What the hell kind of crazy bizarro world is this?  (more like the twlight zone)


According to angrywhitedude.com:

I like the United States being a superpower, Mr. Hopenchange. I shudder to think how the world would be under Chinese or Russian domination. Because I see the United States as a force for good. You see the United States as evil. You, sir, may go to Hell!


"WHETHER WE LIKE IT OR NOT" are you kidding me. This is just another outrageous statement by our fearless leader that makes him appear weak. If he is not apologizing or bowing, he is uttering nonsense.

What's the alternative Obama? Third World status?

I've spent a many sleepless nights wondering when Canada or Mexico was going to drop the big one on us. . . . haven't you? 

Remember Obama Science Czar also said this week:  The U.S. Can’t Expect To Be #1 In Science And Technology Forever

This administration has a really big problem with all that is great and wonderful in America. 


One blogger wrote:

What he was  really saying to these foreign leaders "I know you don't like it, and I don't particularly like it either, but regardless, we are still a military superpower, FOR NOW"


"That's one of the more incredible statements I've ever heard a president of the United States make in modern times," McCain, a Vietnam veteran and former prisoner of war, told Fox News. "We are the dominant superpower, and we're the greatest force for good in the history of this country, and I thank God every day that we are a dominant superpower." ~ John McCain

