Will Our Money Go To Hamas?
According to Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) at biggovernment.com:
We are $13 trillion in debt. We will be $19.6 trillion in debt come 2015. Yet, the President wants to send $400 million for “humanitarian aid” to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, an area controlled by the terrorist organization Hamas. As well intentioned this offer may be how can we be sure our money will not be used to fund terrorist activities? Well, we can’t.
If the money given to the late PLO chief Yasser Arafat is any indication, our dollars will be used to fund more terrorist activities and line the pockets of those in charge. Moreover, people have been sentenced to prison for funneling money to Hamas under the guise of “humanitarian aid,” so it’s a bit peculiar that our government would send money under the same conditions.
Before one dime is handed over to the Palestinians, Congress needs to do its due diligence to ensure there are safeguards in place to prevent money from being used for terrorist activities.
One blogger wrote:
Ughhhhh.....what money? You mean we have some left?
So you can go to prison for funneling money to Hamas, but it is okay for Obama to send this same terrorist organization $400 million of our taxpayer dollars in "humanitarian aid” As disgusting as it is for our tax dollar going to support terrorist. Why would this be any more hypocritical than the other things that our government does?
Bernie Madoff is spending 150 years in prison for a billion dollar ponzi/pyramid scheme. What is Social Security? A trillion dollar ponzi/pyramid scheme. Social Security depends on there always being someone "new" to pay into the system to continue paying the current recipients. This is exactly why cities all across America are going broke.
Just take a look at the Dallas Police Department. The DPD has thousands of retirees drawing a hefty pension. The Dallas Police Department is now laying off, so there is no "new" blood paying into their retirement fund. So you multiply this with almost every Police and Fire Department across the country and you will see why the cities are short millions of dollars.
Now Obama wants to spend $50 billion emergency taxpayer dollars to bailout cities. When will this madness end?