Saturday, June 26, 2010


According to

They’ve screwed up their own states with generations of socialist garbage legislation. They have fostered legions of pitiful moochers dependent ever-dwindling producers. These socialist hellhole states are fiscal and moral disaster zones reaching the end of their politically correct, big-government, high taxes run. So what are the citizens of these states to do now that they’ve destroyed their own? Come to Texas!

Texas is doomed! Leftards from New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and California are burning up the roads high-tailing it down to Texas. Texas, where taxes are low (no state income taxes), housing is affordable, crime is low, schools are good, economy relatively strong compared to the rest of the country. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Yeah, sure it does…especially when the city you live in won’t even let you eat salt..much less carry a handgun! Well, all of those positives Texas has will be no more when millions of leftards arrive from the North!

So what does this data show? That Austin, already the only weird place in Texas, is going to get much weirder!

Hey, ever wondered where all those Californians leaving Mexico-owned Los Angeles are heading? Here ya go:

The inevitable disaster awaiting Texas is leftist immigrants from the failed socialist states bring their leftist votes with them. This happened in AWD’s home state of North Carolina. Once the leftist Yankees started arriving, the state has continually moved to the left. Taxes in NC are the highest in the Southeast United States. The state has a huge budget deficit. Of course, NC is controlled by DemonRats! In 2008, North Carolina voted for Barack Hussein Obama. The land of Jesse Helms (may peace and conservatism be upon him) voted for Hussein Hopenchange! I’m glad Uncle Jesse wasn’t around to see that!

Maybe Texas should enact a litmus test for immigrants. AWD would have no problem supporting a law outlawing liberals from moving to Texas. Like I said, we already have Austin. In time, these carpetbagging socialists will do to Texas what they have done to New York. Leftists are a plague that destroy everything they touch. I realize there are many sane people from the failed socialist states. But they are few in number. I welcome them to Texas. But the leftists now trying to escape the disaster they created? No possible way. You created the mess…now live in it!


I guess that old saying is true. . . .Shit flows downhill. . . .Texans will be telling the yankees and liberals. . . .If you come to live in Texas you better leave your liberal ways behind, accept our ways or get the hell out of our state.