Saturday, June 19, 2010

More Zero Tolerance Idiocy from "Educators". . . .

More Zero Tolerance Idiocy from "Educators"

According to Gregory of Yardale at

In deep blue Rhode Island, an eight year old boy was sent home from school for wearing an Army hat with plastic soldiers on it. You see, the tiny plastic soldiers carried even tinier plastic "guns," which violated the school's "no weapons" policies.

Here's how the school's super-genius superintendent justified the action.

Superintendent Kenneth R. Di Pietro said the principal told the family that the hat would be fine if David replaced the Army men holding weapons with ones that didn't have any.

Di Pietro said the district does not allow images of weapons or drugs on clothing. For example, it would not allow a student to wear a shirt with a picture of a marijuana leaf on it.

Yeah, soldiers with guns = hippies with doobies. Liberal thought at its finest.

The kid should have just sliced off the weapons and posed the plastic soldiers erotically. He would have gotten a standing ovation.