According to Neiman at sayanythingblog.com:
The Left does not believe in toleration of any views opposing their own, they do not believe in dialogue, they are disdainful of the facts. They are fast becoming urban, soft terrorists.
This Code Pinko co-founder even suggests kidnapping former President Bush, Cheney, Rove and other former administration officials with the help of the Muslim brotherhood.
Oh, this Code Pink co-founder is a close political ally of Obama, but that’s okay!
Top Obama funder, terrorist supporter and Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans assaulted former President George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove Monday evening at a Beverly Hills appearance by Rove to promote his new book, “Courage and Consequence: My Life As a Conservative in the Fight.”
Jodie Evans approached Rove while he was speaking to an audience at the Saban Theater and announced she was making a “citizen’s arrest” as she attempted to place metal handcuffs on him.
Video by KCAL-TV shows Rove pushing Jodie Evans away as she tries to cuff him. The audio picks up Rove saying to Jodie Evans, “No, no, no I didn’t say go ahead. I looked at…You get away!
Two men intervened and pulled Jodie Evans away from Rove.
Jodie Evans can be heard yelling at Rove, “Look what you did! You outed a CIA officer! You lied to take us to war! You ruined a country! Totally ruined a country!”
If these lunatics don't stop messing with my Karl Rove. . . .I might have to open up a Texas size can of whup-ass on them. . . .