According to nbcdfw.com:
"The (full body) scanners are able to detect weapons and explosives in places security screeners are not allowed to touch in physical pat-down searches, such as the groin area and even body cavities where items could be concealed."
Lots of pros and cons to the body scanners. . . .privacy issues being #1
If all the standard security measures had been practiced on Christmas Day, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab would never been allowed onto the plane in Amsterdam and headed towards United States.
He had no passport. He bought a one way ticket with cash the day of the flight. He had no luggage and was on a terrorist watch list. All the red flags, alarms, bells and whistles should have gone off. They need intelligent people at the security check points. If they can't figure out basic rules and follow them, they sure won't be able to work a complex piece of technology. Body scanners should be a last resort.
According to boston.com:
Israeli airport security, much of it invisible to the untrained eye, begins before passengers even enter the terminal. Officials constantly monitor behavior, alert to clues that may hint at danger: bulky clothing, say, or a nervous manner. Profilers -- that's what they're called -- make a point of interviewing travelers, sometimes at length. They probe, as one profiling supervisor told CBS, for ``anything out of the ordinary, anything that does not fit." Their questions can seem odd or intrusive, especially if your only previous experience with an airport interrogation was being asked whether you packed your bags yourself.
Lots of pros and cons to the body scanners. . . .privacy issues being #1
If all the standard security measures had been practiced on Christmas Day, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab would never been allowed onto the plane in Amsterdam and headed towards United States.
He had no passport. He bought a one way ticket with cash the day of the flight. He had no luggage and was on a terrorist watch list. All the red flags, alarms, bells and whistles should have gone off. They need intelligent people at the security check points. If they can't figure out basic rules and follow them, they sure won't be able to work a complex piece of technology. Body scanners should be a last resort.
According to boston.com:
Israeli airport security, much of it invisible to the untrained eye, begins before passengers even enter the terminal. Officials constantly monitor behavior, alert to clues that may hint at danger: bulky clothing, say, or a nervous manner. Profilers -- that's what they're called -- make a point of interviewing travelers, sometimes at length. They probe, as one profiling supervisor told CBS, for ``anything out of the ordinary, anything that does not fit." Their questions can seem odd or intrusive, especially if your only previous experience with an airport interrogation was being asked whether you packed your bags yourself.
Profiling is the answer and scan middle-eastern men only. Who's bombing the planes Mr. Jones or Abdul Mutallab? Of course most Muslims are not violent jihadis, but all violent jihadis are Muslim.
Can't they train dogs to sniff out these explosives? These scanners show everything. . . . Breast implants, hip replacements, penile implants, etc. . . .
If they could perfect these scanners to detect cancer, tumors, growths, etc. . . .they could kill two birds with one stone. . . .
This just in from reuters.com concerning Airport body scanners:
. . . .The devices detect objects concealed under clothes and can produce detailed images of the body. Operators in a separate room view images that blur the face and genitalia.
Profiling is the answer and scan middle-eastern men only. Who's bombing the planes Mr. Jones or Abdul Mutallab? Of course most Muslims are not violent jihadis, but all violent jihadis are Muslim.
Can't they train dogs to sniff out these explosives? These scanners show everything. . . . Breast implants, hip replacements, penile implants, etc. . . .
If they could perfect these scanners to detect cancer, tumors, growths, etc. . . .they could kill two birds with one stone. . . .
This just in from reuters.com concerning Airport body scanners:
. . . .The devices detect objects concealed under clothes and can produce detailed images of the body. Operators in a separate room view images that blur the face and genitalia.
WTF?. . . .It blurs the "genitalia" area. . . .isn't that exactly where the Airport bomber had his explosive stash. . . .
WTF?. . . .It blurs the "genitalia" area. . . .isn't that exactly where the Airport bomber had his explosive stash. . . .

According to abcnews.go.com:
One of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit was released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November 2007.
According to abcnews.go.com:
One of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit was released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November 2007.