According to Pantera at
Texas Declaration of Non-Dependence
We, the citizens of the great state of Texas, reassert that Texas and our people are free. In order to guarantee this freedom for future generations, we hereby petition the federal government to acknowledge and act upon its legal obligation to uphold the Constitution which binds the federal government by: limiting the powers of the federal government to enumerated powers (Article 1, Section 8); and designating all other powers to the states and the people (10th Amendment).
In recent times, the federal government has proposed new laws that seek powers not authorized by the Constitution. These desired powers unfairly punish the state of Texas and our citizens by redistributing Texas property to other states and federal politicians while fundamentally limiting Texas’ legal right to govern locally. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world:
Concerning Cap and Trade Legislation:
The state of Texas will lose an estimated $1.26 Billion per year;
The citizens of Texas will lose much more in increased cost of gas, food and other goods;
Politicians associated with the federal government will gain economic and political power to arbitrarily limit freedoms and assess new taxes;
The need for Cap and Trade is based upon unproven, corrupt and likely false global warming data;
Representatives of the United States have ignored opposition to Cap and Trade; the current administration has ridiculed those opposed to Cap and Trade as deniers while refusing to release raw data on relying only on a consensus of corrupt science;
Concerning Health Care Legislation:
The state of Texas will lose an estimated $2.75 Billion in new Medicare responsibilities;
The citizens of Texas will lose much more in federally mandated fees estimated at $15,000 per family; and reduced quality of health care;
Politicians associated with the federal government will gain unprecedented economic and political power by nationalizing one sixth of the U.S. economy;
The need for Heath Care legislation is built upon a faulty premise that a government run program is somehow constitutional, will be deficit neutral and will result in better services than the current private system;
Representatives of the United States have ignored opposition to Health Care legislation; majority leaders of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate have labeled those that oppose socialized health care as Nazis and Racists.
General Concerns:
Proposed laws mandate unfunded liabilities that will pillage the State of Texas’ rainy day fund of $9 Billion, likely redistributing this savings to other economically irresponsible states and forcing increased Texas state taxes;
Proposed laws unfairly punish the state of Texas, and other producer states that provide the United States with energy resources such as oil and gas;
Proposed laws will unfairly burden the citizens of Texas and our children with long term debt and oppressive restrictions on individual freedom;
Proposed laws encourage the federal government to use coercive methods, such as reallocation of federal funds, to punish states that choose to use legal and peaceful methods to oppose such laws;
Proposed laws are blatantly unconstitutional and undermine the agreed upon Constitutional contract that guaranteed limited federal powers;
Proposed laws elicit a design to reduce the citizens of Texas, and other states, under absolute despotism and dependence through forced loss of economic power and unsustainable debt;
The citizens of Texas remind representatives of the United States that the Constitution is a legal contract between the federal government and the states. Therefore, the citizens of Texas demand that the federal government limit its powers to those authorized in the Constitution.
As citizens of Texas, we hereby proclaim, the absolute right and resolve to support and encourage state actions to abolish unconstitutional federal laws including, but not limited to, Cap and Trade and Health Care. We acknowledge the right, and duty, of state governments to use any means necessary to guarantee freedom from oppressive federal laws; including nullification, legal challenges, and as a last resort and after many attempts to persuade, dissolution of ties with an unlawful, and therefore tyrannical, federal government.
Texas will remain free.
In Liberty,
A concerned citizen of the great state of Texas
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced in November that the Senate health care bill will include a public option with a State opt-out provision. . . . if Texas opts-out will Texans be forced to pay for the other States healthcare with our federal tax dollars?