According to jammiewearingfool.blogspot.com:
Increasingly unloved and ridiculed from both sides, a new and embittered President Obama is emerging this Christmas season as he begins a badly needed vacation in Hawaii.
In an interview on the eve of yesterday's health-care ram-through, Obama expressed his deep frustration over the legislative process.
The president accused Republicans of abuse for employing the very rules that make the Senate the "world's greatest deliberative body."
"If this pattern continues, you're going to see an inability on the part of America to deal with big problems in a very competitive world, and other countries are going to start running circles around us," Obama warned.
What he is saying is that other governments around the world -- those tyrannical states that do not share our respect for the minority -- are better forms of government, better equipped to compete in this modern world.
This is a frightening new side of Barack Obama.
BTW - Wonder why Obama didn't visit the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan this Christmas Season? Oh. . . .I guess he was too busy enjoying the cozinees of his $4,000 a night tax-payer funded Hawaiian hotel room instead. . . .
This Grinch might not have ruined Christmas 2009 for a lot of people, but give them a few years on Obamacare and they will definitely change their minds. . . .
Here is a perfect example of Government run Healthcare Indian style - My 79 year old Mother is having some heart/breathing issues and has been going for treatment for months at the Talihina Indian Hospital in Oklahoma. Last week she finally had her appointment with a heart specialist.
After her examination this heart specialist told her that in the past he would have immediately admitted her into the hospital and been able to find out more quickly what was wrong with her. . . .but unfortunately this doctor's hands are tied and is basically having to try the "hit and miss" approach with my mothers life - run test, change medicine, run more test, change medicine again. . . .
This hospital has the most wonderful dedicated doctors and dentists, (many are former US Military) but when you depend on the government for funding the results can be devastating.
If this is happening with my Momma now, what are you going to do when it happens to yours or to one of your children?
After observing my Momma on Christmas with no strength and constant wheezing - I just hope I don't have to go "John Q" or "Postal" on them to get her the proper treatment she needs. . . .
Talihina Indian Hospital in Oklahoma is part of "Treaties between the United States Government and Indian Tribes frequently call for the provision of medical services, the services of physicians, or the provision of hospitals for the care of Indian people."
John Q - the movie with Denzel Washington - is about a down-on-his luck father, whose insurance won't cover his son's heart transplant, takes the hospital's emergency room hostage until the doctors agree to perform the operation.
Going Postal - to suddenly become extremely and uncontrollably angry, often to the point of violence