According to Jammiewearingfool.blogspot.com
President Obama spoke at the Copenhagen Socialist Wealth Redistribution Conference also known as the climate conference, and in essence threw America under the bus. In his short speech he said the science on climate change is settled, thereby ignoring all of the recent information that indicates how the data used to arrive at that conclusion is being called into serious doubt.
For somebody who constantly chastises his critics as using the "tactic of fear" to question his policies he was sure using it in his short little speech this morning. He said the time to act is now, with not a moment to spare. Anybody who thinks he will not do an end run around the Congress using his energy and environmental czars, along with the supreme imperial power of the EPA, are deluding themselves.
In his words this morning he proved himself to be a hardcore man-made climate change truther.
In true liberal fashion, he begged those attending to give up their citizen's wealth to those less "fortunate" countries, which is exactly what countries like Zimbabwe and Venezuela want to hear. Since they have driven their countries into the ground, why not have the rest of the world join them there?
His strong support of the junk science related to climate change leaves no doubt however that his faith in this false religion will not be shaken.
Obama, addressing his counterparts at Copenhagen, reiterated the U.S. offers, called for transparency from other countries in how their emissions curbs are checked, and said the United States would continue to fight global warming regardless of what happened at the summit in Denmark.
"The time for talk is over," he said.
Copenhagen in a nutshell:
Obama will use billions of American's hard earned tax dollars to prop up 3rd world countries and American will be reduced to a 3rd world country. . . .
Note to Chavez and the other Socialist leaders of the world:
As one blogger put it: Capitalism built this country… how’s that Socialism working out for yours? Your economy is smaller than most of our individual states.