There is a lot of buzz going around Washington concerning sneaking a new "National Tax" called VAT into the HR-15 (The National Health Insurance Act). The "Value Added Tax" is a European-style value-added tax that would substantially raise the price of everything from autos to restaurant meals.
According to DNRonline: The VAT will be assessed in addition to existing income and sales taxes now being paid by individuals, families and businesses. As presently designed, the VAT is a tax built into the price of a product to be paid by every consumer. The Value-Added Tax will be imposed by the government on the value added at each stage of a product’s production. The VAT is hidden, a tax added by the vendor to the price we pay for goods and services. It is not openly itemized like a sales tax. It is not a tax to replace existing taxes. Currently, this tax is proposed to be 5 percent. The VAT in Great Britain, as well as other European nations, is now approaching 20 percent.
Just think the "VAT" tax can easily be avoided by simply not buying ANYTHING. . . . .