President Obama instructed the FBI this week to give "Miranda Rights" to Terrorist and Enemy Combatants captured on the battlefield. You know the rights awarded American Citizens when they are going to be arrested "you have the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney and anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law" blah blah blah
Obama is looking at these Terrorist and Enemy Combatants as Criminals. They are considered no more of a danger than a shoplifter at Walmart. And they will more than likely be brought back to America to have their day in court, instead of having a military tribunal.
This pre 9/11 mentality is going to embolden our enemies, because they know they will not be punished, tortured by sleep deviation, cold/hot rooms or waterboarding. No more "enhanced interrogation techniques,"Heck the US Army should just go get them a room at the Hilton with maid service. Is this anyway to WIN a WAR?
When Americans see more planes flying into buildings or a biological chemical spread throughout a city by an Islamic Terrorist, just remember the "new" politically correct term is "Man-Caused Disasters"