Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Meet Your Friendly Neighborhood Communists. . . .

According to Jonathon M. Seidl at theblaze.com:

We’ve all made fun of the corny dating phrases that begin something like, “Hi, my name is Jon. I’m a writer, a Capricorn, and I like long walks on the beach.” They rarely ever work. Yet someone must have forgotten to tell the communists — just watch this recruiting video from the Communist Party USA:

Here's what a couple of bloggers wrote:

Maybe I’m naive but what are these people thinking? Why in the world would they think that life would be better in a communist society, don’t they have plenty of example that show otherwise? This really confounds me. The whole Idea of communist/socialist societies being better reminds me of Albert Einstiens defination of insanity which is “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Hasn’t the experiment been tried enough?

Where is Joe McCarthy when we need him. The country has re-defined treason along with this presidency’s agenda.


Old Senator McCarthy was soooo right. . . .The communist were just lying low until they realized that they had a President and Whitehouse Staff that loves Marx and Mao. . . .Obama has never met a communist or dictator that he wouldn't bow and apologize to. . . .So like cockroaches, the communist are starting to come out of the woodwork. . . .

We might just have to reinstate the old Patriot call of the 1950's:  'I'd rather be dead than red'.

McCarthyism is associated with the Red Scare and often referred to as the Second Red Scare. The Red Scare is the applied term given to a time in which Americans feared Communist influence in the United States from 1917 to 1920. McCarthyism brought about the Second Red Scare in the United States in the late 1940s.
