Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Go VOTE Today. . . .

 VOTE today, but vote wisely. . . .Our GREAT NATION depends on it. . . . .

Rush Limbaugh Quotes:

"Make no mistake: Barack Obama is very happy about what he's done to the country -- very happy. He sees himself as Reverend Wright's chickens come home to roost."

"When Obama calls us 'folks', like he did on The Daily Show, we know what he really means: the enemy. Say what you want about presidents we've had in the past, but most of them have at least viewed themselves as representatives of all the people. Not this guy."

"Here's the dirty secret. Well, it's not a dirty secret. It's just that if you want higher unemployment, if you want fewer jobs, vote Democrat."

‎"The Republicans have a chance to be warriors for liberty. If they say, in the midst of this, one word about compromise or bipartisanship, to hell with them."