Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Body Scanners Create Profits for Chertoff and Others. . . .

Here's another follow the money article. . . .

According to Noel Brinkerhoff at

Expanding the use of full-body scanners at airports will improve the nation’s security, says the Obama administration.

It also will benefit the manufacturers of the equipment, including those lobbying on their behalf, like former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.

Chertoff’s consulting firm, the Chertoff Group, represents OSI Systems, one of two companies licensed to sell full-body scanners to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). OSI, maker of the Rapiscan machine, garnered attention recently because its CEO, Deepak Chopra (no relation to the spiritual author and speaker), was invited to travel with President Barack Obama on his trip to India. The arrangement demonstrated the closeness of the company with the White House, and the trip was a potential money-maker for OSI, now that India plans to install scanners at its airports in the wake of the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

Chertoff has not been shy about exploiting terrorism incidents to his client’s advantage, appearing on television as an expert after the attempted bombing of the Northwest Airlines flight on Christmas Day 2009 to advise the nation that it should invest in full-body scanners for airports.


Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither ~ Benjamin Franklin


It is total insanity for Pilots to have to go through these invasive body scanners, pat-downs and have their nail clippers taken. . . .OMG many pilots have pistols in the cockpit and could take down a plane whenever they choose. . . .This is just one example of the total insanity that the TSA has recently adopted. . . .Feeling up grandma and small children is NOT making America safer. . . .
