Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Ten Things You Need to Know About DREAM Act Amnesty. . . .
According to Van Helsing at
Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) lists 10 things you probably won't learn from Katie Cupcake and friends regarding the nightmare known as the DREAM Act, which the lame duck Democrat Congress plans to ram through in the interests of creating more voters of the socialist persuasion in time for 2012:
1. The DREAM Act is NOT limited to children, and it will be funded on the backs of hard working, law-abiding Americans.
2. The DREAM Act PROVIDES SAFE HARBOR FOR ANY ALIEN, including criminals, from being removed or deported if they simply submit an application.
3. Certain criminal aliens will be eligible for amnesty under the DREAM Act.
4. Estimates suggest that at least 2.1 million illegal aliens will be eligible for the DREAM Act amnesty. In reality, we have no idea how many illegal aliens will apply.
5. Illegal aliens will get in-state tuition benefits.
6. The DREAM Act does not require that an illegal alien finish any type of degree (vocational, two-year, or bachelor's degree) as a condition of amnesty.
7. The DREAM Act does not require that an illegal alien serve in the military as a condition for amnesty, and there is already a legal process in place for illegal aliens to obtain U.S. citizenship through military service.
8. Despite their current illegal status, DREAM Act aliens will be given all the rights that legal immigrants receive — including the legal right to sponsor their parents and extended family members for immigration.
9. Current illegal aliens will get federal student loans, federal work study programs, and other forms of federal financial aid.
10. DHS is prohibited from using the information provided by illegal aliens whose DREAM Act amnesty applications are denied to initiate their removal proceedings or investigate or prosecute fraud in the application process.
For details on each point, see the Center for Individual Freedom.
The Dems in Congress didn't give a hoot about our interests before we voted them out of office, why would they suddenly become responsive to their constituents now? This might be a good time to start learning Spanish.
Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) lists 10 things you probably won't learn from Katie Cupcake and friends regarding the nightmare known as the DREAM Act, which the lame duck Democrat Congress plans to ram through in the interests of creating more voters of the socialist persuasion in time for 2012:
1. The DREAM Act is NOT limited to children, and it will be funded on the backs of hard working, law-abiding Americans.
2. The DREAM Act PROVIDES SAFE HARBOR FOR ANY ALIEN, including criminals, from being removed or deported if they simply submit an application.
3. Certain criminal aliens will be eligible for amnesty under the DREAM Act.
4. Estimates suggest that at least 2.1 million illegal aliens will be eligible for the DREAM Act amnesty. In reality, we have no idea how many illegal aliens will apply.
5. Illegal aliens will get in-state tuition benefits.
6. The DREAM Act does not require that an illegal alien finish any type of degree (vocational, two-year, or bachelor's degree) as a condition of amnesty.
7. The DREAM Act does not require that an illegal alien serve in the military as a condition for amnesty, and there is already a legal process in place for illegal aliens to obtain U.S. citizenship through military service.
8. Despite their current illegal status, DREAM Act aliens will be given all the rights that legal immigrants receive — including the legal right to sponsor their parents and extended family members for immigration.
9. Current illegal aliens will get federal student loans, federal work study programs, and other forms of federal financial aid.
10. DHS is prohibited from using the information provided by illegal aliens whose DREAM Act amnesty applications are denied to initiate their removal proceedings or investigate or prosecute fraud in the application process.
For details on each point, see the Center for Individual Freedom.
The Dems in Congress didn't give a hoot about our interests before we voted them out of office, why would they suddenly become responsive to their constituents now? This might be a good time to start learning Spanish.
Compliments of Van Helsing at
What do you know, even after being sold for $1, Newsweek is still cranking out lame left-wing propaganda. Here's the cover of a recent issue attempting to cover for Obama's conspicuous failure by claiming the job is too big for anyone, even a messiah:
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Why the modern presidency may be too much for one person to handle |
Its mirror publication Newspeak featured a similar cover:
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How turning a free nations Socialist might be too much for just one man. Is it time for a violent progressive revolution? |
Body Scanners Create Profits for Chertoff and Others. . . .
Here's another follow the money article. . . .
According to Noel Brinkerhoff at
Expanding the use of full-body scanners at airports will improve the nation’s security, says the Obama administration.
It also will benefit the manufacturers of the equipment, including those lobbying on their behalf, like former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.
Chertoff’s consulting firm, the Chertoff Group, represents OSI Systems, one of two companies licensed to sell full-body scanners to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). OSI, maker of the Rapiscan machine, garnered attention recently because its CEO, Deepak Chopra (no relation to the spiritual author and speaker), was invited to travel with President Barack Obama on his trip to India. The arrangement demonstrated the closeness of the company with the White House, and the trip was a potential money-maker for OSI, now that India plans to install scanners at its airports in the wake of the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
According to Noel Brinkerhoff at
Expanding the use of full-body scanners at airports will improve the nation’s security, says the Obama administration.
It also will benefit the manufacturers of the equipment, including those lobbying on their behalf, like former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.
Chertoff’s consulting firm, the Chertoff Group, represents OSI Systems, one of two companies licensed to sell full-body scanners to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). OSI, maker of the Rapiscan machine, garnered attention recently because its CEO, Deepak Chopra (no relation to the spiritual author and speaker), was invited to travel with President Barack Obama on his trip to India. The arrangement demonstrated the closeness of the company with the White House, and the trip was a potential money-maker for OSI, now that India plans to install scanners at its airports in the wake of the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
Chertoff has not been shy about exploiting terrorism incidents to his client’s advantage, appearing on television as an expert after the attempted bombing of the Northwest Airlines flight on Christmas Day 2009 to advise the nation that it should invest in full-body scanners for airports.
Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither ~ Benjamin Franklin
It is total insanity for Pilots to have to go through these invasive body scanners, pat-downs and have their nail clippers taken. . . .OMG many pilots have pistols in the cockpit and could take down a plane whenever they choose. . . .This is just one example of the total insanity that the TSA has recently adopted. . . .Feeling up grandma and small children is NOT making America safer. . . .
Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither ~ Benjamin Franklin
It is total insanity for Pilots to have to go through these invasive body scanners, pat-downs and have their nail clippers taken. . . .OMG many pilots have pistols in the cockpit and could take down a plane whenever they choose. . . .This is just one example of the total insanity that the TSA has recently adopted. . . .Feeling up grandma and small children is NOT making America safer. . . .
Al Gore Lied. . . .Corn Died. . . .
According to
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore reportedly has had a change of heart on ethanol, telling a conference on green energy in Europe that he only supported tax breaks for the alternative fuel to pander to farmers in his home state of Tennessee and the first-in-the-nation caucuses state of Iowa.
Speaking at a green energy business conference in Athens sponsored by Marfin Popular Bank, Gore said the lobbyists have wrongly kept alive the program he once touted.
"It is not a good policy to have these massive subsidies for first-generation ethanol," Reuters quoted Gore saying of the U.S. policy that is about to come up for congressional review. "First-generation ethanol I think was a mistake. The energy conversion ratios are at best very small.
"One of the reasons I made that mistake is that I paid particular attention to the farmers in my home state of Tennessee, and I had a certain fondness for the farmers in the state of Iowa because I was about to run for president," the wire service reported Gore saying.
Credits for corn ethanol subsidies expire at the end of the year unless Congress moves to renew the $7.7 billion annual program. Opponents of the corn subsidies say that it removes valuable food products from the table because the U.S. ethanol industry drives up the price of corn.
Reuters reported that Gore attributed a variety of factors to the food pricing crisis that has emerged, but that biofuels definitely have had an effect.
"The size, the percentage of corn particularly, which is now being (used for) first-generation ethanol definitely has an impact on food prices," he said. "The competition with food prices is real."
Ethanol production this year will reportedly consume 41 percent of the U.S. corn crop and 15 percent of the global corn crop. Last month, the Agriculture Department said corn crop production would fall this year and attributed the decline to the increase in the price of corn.
More than half of all corn production in the U.S. goes to feeding livestock. On Monday, Agrinet news reported that the USDA's world outlook board has found that the quality of corn production, despite the lower production level, had improved livestock weights, making beef, pork and chicken healthier and therefore able to feed more people. . . . .
What a bast*rd. . . .Al Gore has finally admitted that he lied about "Ethanol" just to get votes. . . .Corn prices skyrocketed which increased the cost of food that you put on the table, and this scam has been subsidized by you the US Taxpayer for more than $37 BILLION dollars. . . .Just more proof that global warming is a hoax. . . .Just follow the money. . . .and the votes. . . .
Does any politician look out for the best interest of Americans anymore. . . .This is exactly why so many our representatives in congress leave multi-millionaires. . . .
To read the entire article go to:
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore reportedly has had a change of heart on ethanol, telling a conference on green energy in Europe that he only supported tax breaks for the alternative fuel to pander to farmers in his home state of Tennessee and the first-in-the-nation caucuses state of Iowa.
Speaking at a green energy business conference in Athens sponsored by Marfin Popular Bank, Gore said the lobbyists have wrongly kept alive the program he once touted.
"It is not a good policy to have these massive subsidies for first-generation ethanol," Reuters quoted Gore saying of the U.S. policy that is about to come up for congressional review. "First-generation ethanol I think was a mistake. The energy conversion ratios are at best very small.
"One of the reasons I made that mistake is that I paid particular attention to the farmers in my home state of Tennessee, and I had a certain fondness for the farmers in the state of Iowa because I was about to run for president," the wire service reported Gore saying.
Credits for corn ethanol subsidies expire at the end of the year unless Congress moves to renew the $7.7 billion annual program. Opponents of the corn subsidies say that it removes valuable food products from the table because the U.S. ethanol industry drives up the price of corn.
Reuters reported that Gore attributed a variety of factors to the food pricing crisis that has emerged, but that biofuels definitely have had an effect.
"The size, the percentage of corn particularly, which is now being (used for) first-generation ethanol definitely has an impact on food prices," he said. "The competition with food prices is real."
Ethanol production this year will reportedly consume 41 percent of the U.S. corn crop and 15 percent of the global corn crop. Last month, the Agriculture Department said corn crop production would fall this year and attributed the decline to the increase in the price of corn.
More than half of all corn production in the U.S. goes to feeding livestock. On Monday, Agrinet news reported that the USDA's world outlook board has found that the quality of corn production, despite the lower production level, had improved livestock weights, making beef, pork and chicken healthier and therefore able to feed more people. . . . .
What a bast*rd. . . .Al Gore has finally admitted that he lied about "Ethanol" just to get votes. . . .Corn prices skyrocketed which increased the cost of food that you put on the table, and this scam has been subsidized by you the US Taxpayer for more than $37 BILLION dollars. . . .Just more proof that global warming is a hoax. . . .Just follow the money. . . .and the votes. . . .
Does any politician look out for the best interest of Americans anymore. . . .This is exactly why so many our representatives in congress leave multi-millionaires. . . .
To read the entire article go to:
Muslim women to pat themselves down at Airports. . . .WTF?
According to Jack Minor at
. . . .It goes on to make special recommendations for Muslim women wearing a hijab covering their face. The advisory says women are to inform the officer they are only to pat down the head and neck and says “They should not subject you to a full-body or partial body pat-down.” They also recommend that women should be permitted to pat themselves down and “have the officers perform a chemical swipe of your hands.”
The director of homeland security Janet Napolitano is considering allowing muslim women to pat themselves down at Airports. . . .WTF? If muslim women are allowed to opt out of the intrusive body scans or have only their head and neck patted-down I can guarantee you when I show up at the airport I will be in a head-to-toe burka. . . .
To read the full article go to:
Heroic Marine Attacked at Welcome Home Party. . . .
Acccording to Meredith Jessup at
Lance Cpl. Marcus Uribe recently returned from his tour of duty unscathed after months of fighting in Afghanistan. But just three weeks later, it would be an incident on U.S. soil that threatened the young Marine’s life.
Uribe, a 21-year-old Colorado native, was attending a welcome home party in Surfside Beach, Texas, when police say some uninvited guests arrived and stirred up a confrontation. According to news reports, one man aimed his pickup truck at a crowd of partygoers and stepped on the gas. Uribe bravely reacted, pushing a bystander out of the way.
“Once he did that he fell, and that’s when the truck had already hit the first three people and then ran over the top of Marcus,” Uribe’s dad says.
After the dust settled, emergency crews found Uribe with a fractured skull, being cradled by the man he pushed from the truck’s path. “He saved my life,” the man told them.
Uribe was transferred home to an Englewood, Colo., hospital Thursday, a health center that specializes in dealing with head and spinal cord injuries. According to his family, his condition is stable; he’s a bit shaky on his feet and his speech has slowed, but they are hopeful for a full recovery.
Prior to his career in the Marine Corps, Uribe attended Columbine High School where he played football. He enlisted in the armed forces immediately following his high school graduation.
“I think when he joined the Marines he found that same brotherhood he had when he played on the Columbine football team,” his father Jeff told CBS4.
The suspect in the incident is being held on several charges, including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
One blogger wrote:
I‘m honestly surprised the driver wasn’t dragged outta the truck and pummeled by the rest of the crowd. The headline should’ve read, Marine survives, driver, not so lucky…
14 States Move to Deny ‘Anchor Babies’ Citizenship. . . .
According to the
PHOENIX (AP) — Lawmakers in at least 14 states are collaborating on proposed legislation to deny U.S. citizenship to children of illegal immigrants, according to lawmakers, including the sponsor of Arizona’s 2010 law targeting illegal immigration.
“We’re taking a leadership role on things that need to be fixed in America. We can’t get Congress to do it,” Republican state Sen. Russell Pearce, of Mesa, said Tuesday. “It’s a national work group so that we have model legislation that we know will be successful, that meets the constitutional criteria.”
The efforts by the state legislators come amid calls to change the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which grants automatic citizenship to U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants. Supporters cite costs to taxpayers for services provided to illegal immigrants and their children.
Pennsylvania state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, the founder of a national group of legislators critical of illegal immigration, said the 14th Amendment “greatly incentives foreign invaders to violate our border and our laws.” He had a news conference Tuesday in Harrisburg, Pa., on the multistate endeavor.
The effort could run afoul of the language in the 14th Amendment and lead to a court battle over the constitutionality of the law. But Metcalfe said providing birthright citizenship to children of illegal immigrants is an “ongoing distortion and twisting” of the amendment.
To read the full article go to:
PHOENIX (AP) — Lawmakers in at least 14 states are collaborating on proposed legislation to deny U.S. citizenship to children of illegal immigrants, according to lawmakers, including the sponsor of Arizona’s 2010 law targeting illegal immigration.
“We’re taking a leadership role on things that need to be fixed in America. We can’t get Congress to do it,” Republican state Sen. Russell Pearce, of Mesa, said Tuesday. “It’s a national work group so that we have model legislation that we know will be successful, that meets the constitutional criteria.”
The efforts by the state legislators come amid calls to change the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which grants automatic citizenship to U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants. Supporters cite costs to taxpayers for services provided to illegal immigrants and their children.
Pennsylvania state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, the founder of a national group of legislators critical of illegal immigration, said the 14th Amendment “greatly incentives foreign invaders to violate our border and our laws.” He had a news conference Tuesday in Harrisburg, Pa., on the multistate endeavor.
The effort could run afoul of the language in the 14th Amendment and lead to a court battle over the constitutionality of the law. But Metcalfe said providing birthright citizenship to children of illegal immigrants is an “ongoing distortion and twisting” of the amendment.
To read the full article go to:
Obama selectively quotes Honest Abe. . . .
According to Meredith Jessup at
Obama recently tried to invoke the Republican spirit of America’s 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, in an attempt to woo Ohio voters. However, his interpretation hardly seems to accurately convey Lincoln’s thoughts in context. Via Hands Off Texas:
On Wednesday during a speech in Parma, Ohio, President Obama decided to quote a former President to help justify his policy initiatives:
“But in the words of the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, I also believe that government should do for the people what they cannot do better for themselves”.
I assume he was paraphrasing this actual quote from President Lincoln, but unfortunately he left out the most important part:
“The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves in their separate, and individual capacities. In all that the people can individually do as well for themselves, government ought not to interfere.”
Obama recently tried to invoke the Republican spirit of America’s 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, in an attempt to woo Ohio voters. However, his interpretation hardly seems to accurately convey Lincoln’s thoughts in context. Via Hands Off Texas:
On Wednesday during a speech in Parma, Ohio, President Obama decided to quote a former President to help justify his policy initiatives:
“But in the words of the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, I also believe that government should do for the people what they cannot do better for themselves”.
I assume he was paraphrasing this actual quote from President Lincoln, but unfortunately he left out the most important part:
“The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves in their separate, and individual capacities. In all that the people can individually do as well for themselves, government ought not to interfere.”
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Baby Dead after Mom Tosses Infant into Washing Machine. . . .
According to Jaime Uribarri at
An Oklahoma woman has been charged with felony child neglect after her 10-day-old baby was killed in a washing machine.
Lyndsey Fiddler, 26, was high on drugs when she put her newborn daughter, Maggie May Trammel, in the washing machine along with the dirty laundry and started a washing cycle, local station NewsOn6 reported.
The baby’s great aunt, Rhonda Coshatt, was also in the house at the time and realized something was wrong when she saw Fiddler passed out and unresponsive on a chair with the child nowhere to be found.
After hearing a clunking noise coming from the washer, she opened the lid and found the dead infant.
Fiddler, who is being held on $100,000 bail, tested positive for a variety of drugs, including methamphetamine, amphetamines, benzodiazepine and opiates.
Under questioning, she told police that she wrapped her daughter in a blanket and gave her a pacifier, but was unable to remember how the baby ended up in the washing machine and went through an entire washing cycle.
This is one of the most horrifying stories of this decade. . .Death would be too good for this evil bit*ch. . . .RIP Baby Maggie. . . .
An Oklahoma woman has been charged with felony child neglect after her 10-day-old baby was killed in a washing machine.
Lyndsey Fiddler, 26, was high on drugs when she put her newborn daughter, Maggie May Trammel, in the washing machine along with the dirty laundry and started a washing cycle, local station NewsOn6 reported.
The baby’s great aunt, Rhonda Coshatt, was also in the house at the time and realized something was wrong when she saw Fiddler passed out and unresponsive on a chair with the child nowhere to be found.
After hearing a clunking noise coming from the washer, she opened the lid and found the dead infant.
Fiddler, who is being held on $100,000 bail, tested positive for a variety of drugs, including methamphetamine, amphetamines, benzodiazepine and opiates.
Under questioning, she told police that she wrapped her daughter in a blanket and gave her a pacifier, but was unable to remember how the baby ended up in the washing machine and went through an entire washing cycle.
This is one of the most horrifying stories of this decade. . .Death would be too good for this evil bit*ch. . . .RIP Baby Maggie. . . .
Meet Your Friendly Neighborhood Communists. . . .
According to Jonathon M. Seidl at
We’ve all made fun of the corny dating phrases that begin something like, “Hi, my name is Jon. I’m a writer, a Capricorn, and I like long walks on the beach.” They rarely ever work. Yet someone must have forgotten to tell the communists — just watch this recruiting video from the Communist Party USA:
Here's what a couple of bloggers wrote:
Maybe I’m naive but what are these people thinking? Why in the world would they think that life would be better in a communist society, don’t they have plenty of example that show otherwise? This really confounds me. The whole Idea of communist/socialist societies being better reminds me of Albert Einstiens defination of insanity which is “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Hasn’t the experiment been tried enough?
Where is Joe McCarthy when we need him. The country has re-defined treason along with this presidency’s agenda.
Old Senator McCarthy was soooo right. . . .The communist were just lying low until they realized that they had a President and Whitehouse Staff that loves Marx and Mao. . . .Obama has never met a communist or dictator that he wouldn't bow and apologize to. . . .So like cockroaches, the communist are starting to come out of the woodwork. . . .
We might just have to reinstate the old Patriot call of the 1950's: 'I'd rather be dead than red'.
McCarthyism is associated with the Red Scare and often referred to as the Second Red Scare. The Red Scare is the applied term given to a time in which Americans feared Communist influence in the United States from 1917 to 1920. McCarthyism brought about the Second Red Scare in the United States in the late 1940s.
We’ve all made fun of the corny dating phrases that begin something like, “Hi, my name is Jon. I’m a writer, a Capricorn, and I like long walks on the beach.” They rarely ever work. Yet someone must have forgotten to tell the communists — just watch this recruiting video from the Communist Party USA:
Here's what a couple of bloggers wrote:
Maybe I’m naive but what are these people thinking? Why in the world would they think that life would be better in a communist society, don’t they have plenty of example that show otherwise? This really confounds me. The whole Idea of communist/socialist societies being better reminds me of Albert Einstiens defination of insanity which is “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Hasn’t the experiment been tried enough?
Where is Joe McCarthy when we need him. The country has re-defined treason along with this presidency’s agenda.
Old Senator McCarthy was soooo right. . . .The communist were just lying low until they realized that they had a President and Whitehouse Staff that loves Marx and Mao. . . .Obama has never met a communist or dictator that he wouldn't bow and apologize to. . . .So like cockroaches, the communist are starting to come out of the woodwork. . . .
We might just have to reinstate the old Patriot call of the 1950's: 'I'd rather be dead than red'.
McCarthyism is associated with the Red Scare and often referred to as the Second Red Scare. The Red Scare is the applied term given to a time in which Americans feared Communist influence in the United States from 1917 to 1920. McCarthyism brought about the Second Red Scare in the United States in the late 1940s.
Give elderly refugees a pass on English test?
According to the
Immigrants who intend to stay in America and collect federal benefits should be required to seek U.S. citizenship. For most immigrants, that means passing an English language proficiency test.
But one group of immigrants is being treated too harshly. As The Post reported Tuesday, low-income elderly immigrants who came to this country to escape persecution are starting to lose Supplemental Security Income payments — they tend to be about $600-$700 a month — because they can’t pass the English requirement for citizenship.
SSI payments are intended to be interim help while the immigrant goes through the citizenship process. But for those who came to this county when they were 60 or older, learning a new language can be impossible.
President Bush extended payments in 2008. This year Congress adjourned for the elections without an extension.
There is an issue for South Florida, where there are numerous elderly refugees from Cuba. There is bipartisan support for an extension of benefits to these legal immigrants, but one Republican senator has put an anonymous hold on legislation to extend benefits.
Here's what some bloggers wrote:
Hell NO! I almost passed out when I read this article. This is the first cut we need to make. If you didn’t pay in to SS you get NO return. I can’t stand it. I am 41 and have been paying in since I was 14. For what? For these greedy witches to take my money. Let their GD families take care of them!!! WTF??? What is worse? Being in the US with no benefits or being in Cuba with Castro? End this program now!!!!!!!!!!!!
They want to raise my age for SS to 70 and cut my measly future check to maybe 700 or 800 and these old folks get it for FREE! Never worked here, Never paid, Get free healtcare too?
Try going to another country and saying, ” Here I am now take care of me”.
A lot of people say that Social Security (SSI) is a "SOCIALIST" program. . . .It is not "SOCIALIST" if you pay into the system and then collect. . . .It is "SOCIALIST" for all these motherf*ckers that have never paid into the system but are then allowed to collect. . . .This is exactly why Social Security is bankrupt. This is nothing but "Redistribution of Wealth" which of course is "SOCIALISM".
You think your 401k is safe? You better think again, . . .The government is already plotting to seize portions of your retirement savings accounts. . . .
To read about the actual government website go to:
To read about the government coming for your 401K go to:
Immigrants who intend to stay in America and collect federal benefits should be required to seek U.S. citizenship. For most immigrants, that means passing an English language proficiency test.
But one group of immigrants is being treated too harshly. As The Post reported Tuesday, low-income elderly immigrants who came to this country to escape persecution are starting to lose Supplemental Security Income payments — they tend to be about $600-$700 a month — because they can’t pass the English requirement for citizenship.
SSI payments are intended to be interim help while the immigrant goes through the citizenship process. But for those who came to this county when they were 60 or older, learning a new language can be impossible.
President Bush extended payments in 2008. This year Congress adjourned for the elections without an extension.
There is an issue for South Florida, where there are numerous elderly refugees from Cuba. There is bipartisan support for an extension of benefits to these legal immigrants, but one Republican senator has put an anonymous hold on legislation to extend benefits.
Here's what some bloggers wrote:
Hell NO! I almost passed out when I read this article. This is the first cut we need to make. If you didn’t pay in to SS you get NO return. I can’t stand it. I am 41 and have been paying in since I was 14. For what? For these greedy witches to take my money. Let their GD families take care of them!!! WTF??? What is worse? Being in the US with no benefits or being in Cuba with Castro? End this program now!!!!!!!!!!!!
They want to raise my age for SS to 70 and cut my measly future check to maybe 700 or 800 and these old folks get it for FREE! Never worked here, Never paid, Get free healtcare too?
Try going to another country and saying, ” Here I am now take care of me”.
A lot of people say that Social Security (SSI) is a "SOCIALIST" program. . . .It is not "SOCIALIST" if you pay into the system and then collect. . . .It is "SOCIALIST" for all these motherf*ckers that have never paid into the system but are then allowed to collect. . . .This is exactly why Social Security is bankrupt. This is nothing but "Redistribution of Wealth" which of course is "SOCIALISM".
You think your 401k is safe? You better think again, . . .The government is already plotting to seize portions of your retirement savings accounts. . . .
To read about the actual government website go to:
To read about the government coming for your 401K go to:
Toy Pig Removed From UK Farm Playsets to Avoid Religious Controversy. . . .
According to Meredith Jessup at
A UK toy shop has become the target of mothers‘ ridicule after it removed a toy pig from a children’s farm set in an attempt to kowtow to religious preferences.
The animal was missing from the Early Learning Centre’s (ELC) HappyLand Goosefeather Farm when a mother bought it as a gift for her daughter’s first birthday.
The set did contain a cow, sheep, chicken, horse and dog, but the pig sty was empty – even though there was a button that made an “oink” noise.
What? No accommodation for Hindus who might find a farm cow offensive?
When the mother named only as Caroline complained, she was told in an email the pig had been removed in case it upset Muslim or Jewish parents.
Eating pork is banned in both religions because pigs are considered unclean.
Thankfully, the company has come to its senses and promised to “reinstate the pig” after parents complained. One parent even condemned the whole episode as “political correctness gone loopy.”
But some defended the toy store’s move even suggested the company should have sold two separate versions of the toy, one with a pig and one without.
See what happens when political correctness rules of the day. . . .WTF? The farmers wife is not wearing her burka. . . .Holy allah akbar she must be stoned or beheaded immediately. . . . .
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Air Force Introduces Comrade Obama to Invisible Jet
Air Force General: Mr. President, we've just invented an invisibility cloak for Air Force One.
Obama: No way!
General: That's right, sir. The plane will be invisible. Will you be going along on its maiden flight?
Obama: I wouldn't miss it for the world.
General: Have a good trip, sir.
Compliments of Van Helsing at
Will We Ever Live Down This Disgrace?
According to Van Helsing at
Via Fox Nation, the personification of America's suicide by moonbattery continues to fling 200+ years of greatness in the trash:
Doesn't the little smirk just warm your heart?
If the Manchurian Moonbat had anything but raw contempt for the country he supposedly represents, he would at least knock it off with the constant obsequious bowing. Someone has to be telling him how it makes us look.
Via Fox Nation, the personification of America's suicide by moonbattery continues to fling 200+ years of greatness in the trash:
Doesn't the little smirk just warm your heart?
If the Manchurian Moonbat had anything but raw contempt for the country he supposedly represents, he would at least knock it off with the constant obsequious bowing. Someone has to be telling him how it makes us look.
India on $200 Million a Day. .. .
According to Van Helsing at
Pre-guillotine Louis XVI had nothing over the Moonbat Messiah where arrogance and self-indulgence are concerned. While we struggle to pay our taxes and still avoid foreclosure, our historic First Adolescent President is spending $200 million a day of our money to see the exotic sights of India:
"The huge amount of around $200 million would be spent on security, stay and other aspects of the Presidential visit," a top official of the Maharashtra Government privy to the arrangements for the high-profile visit said.
About 3,000 people including Secret Service agents, US government officials and journalists would accompany the President. Several officials from the White House and US security agencies are already here for the past one week with helicopters, a ship and high-end security instruments.
Airspace for the entire city of Mumbai will be closed for everyone but the Anointed One and his massive contingent. That ought to repair any damage his still more massive ego sustained on Tuesday. In case it doesn't, 34 US warships, including an aircraft carrier, will be patrolling off the Mumbai coast.
There's more:
All coconuts around the city's Gandhi museum, one of Mr Obama's stops in the city, are being taken down.
Mani Bhavan, where Mahatma Gandhi stayed during his freedom struggle against the British, is among five places the US president is visiting in Mumbai.
"We told the authorities to remove the dry coconuts from trees near the building. Why take a chance?" Mani Bhavan's executive secretary, Meghshyam Ajgaonkar, told the BBC.
We're paying $200 million a day, and we don't even get a chance to see a coconut bounce off Obama's swollen head.
Here's what some bloggers wrote:
Sure Michelle, he really cares about the people doesn't he. "Let them eat cake" indeed. What about all those that have lost their jobs and homes Obama? What are you going to do to help these people? A bail out to the banks isn't the answer. Spending billions of their tax dollars on a freebie family holiday isn't going to help them is it? You are a disgrace... finally it looks like America has woken up to your hidden agenda. Enjoy the ride, you're on your way out.
Anybody want to keep this guy? We will give him to you for free, actually we will give you the $200m tab! Just give him a nice house some where, Mao's red book, and a free trip to Hawaii every once and awhile and everything will be OK!
-------------------------------- wrote:
34 naval warships to accompany PrezBo on his trip to India, for reasons that still are not entirely clear, for his protection and yet when the citizens of this country holler for some help on the southern border to stem the growing threat posed by Mexican drug cartels and the flood of illegals crossing the border, not all of whom are coming to this country for jobs, his response is have his Department of Justice, led by Eric Holder, to file lawsuits to inhibit these citizens ability. I'm not sure if he intends to invade India or is going to allow the sailors a little R&R in support of Madame Michelle's reported visit to talk to the "hospitality" workers in the country.
"I'm telling you, it is uncomfortable as it can be to actually believe, much less say, that we've elected somebody who is happily presiding over our decline. I just don't like thinking this, folks." ~ Rush Limbaugh
Obama is overseas right now speaking to third world countries and talking about America's "DECLINE". . . .Nothing about America's exceptionalism and greatness. . . .He is out there praising India's and communist China's rise in the world, but talks about our "DECLINE" WTFever. . . .America will be great once again when we have a leader that is NOT bowing and apologizing to communist and socialist dictators.
Pre-guillotine Louis XVI had nothing over the Moonbat Messiah where arrogance and self-indulgence are concerned. While we struggle to pay our taxes and still avoid foreclosure, our historic First Adolescent President is spending $200 million a day of our money to see the exotic sights of India:
"The huge amount of around $200 million would be spent on security, stay and other aspects of the Presidential visit," a top official of the Maharashtra Government privy to the arrangements for the high-profile visit said.
About 3,000 people including Secret Service agents, US government officials and journalists would accompany the President. Several officials from the White House and US security agencies are already here for the past one week with helicopters, a ship and high-end security instruments.
Airspace for the entire city of Mumbai will be closed for everyone but the Anointed One and his massive contingent. That ought to repair any damage his still more massive ego sustained on Tuesday. In case it doesn't, 34 US warships, including an aircraft carrier, will be patrolling off the Mumbai coast.
There's more:
All coconuts around the city's Gandhi museum, one of Mr Obama's stops in the city, are being taken down.
Mani Bhavan, where Mahatma Gandhi stayed during his freedom struggle against the British, is among five places the US president is visiting in Mumbai.
"We told the authorities to remove the dry coconuts from trees near the building. Why take a chance?" Mani Bhavan's executive secretary, Meghshyam Ajgaonkar, told the BBC.
We're paying $200 million a day, and we don't even get a chance to see a coconut bounce off Obama's swollen head.
Here's what some bloggers wrote:
Sure Michelle, he really cares about the people doesn't he. "Let them eat cake" indeed. What about all those that have lost their jobs and homes Obama? What are you going to do to help these people? A bail out to the banks isn't the answer. Spending billions of their tax dollars on a freebie family holiday isn't going to help them is it? You are a disgrace... finally it looks like America has woken up to your hidden agenda. Enjoy the ride, you're on your way out.
Anybody want to keep this guy? We will give him to you for free, actually we will give you the $200m tab! Just give him a nice house some where, Mao's red book, and a free trip to Hawaii every once and awhile and everything will be OK!
-------------------------------- wrote:
34 naval warships to accompany PrezBo on his trip to India, for reasons that still are not entirely clear, for his protection and yet when the citizens of this country holler for some help on the southern border to stem the growing threat posed by Mexican drug cartels and the flood of illegals crossing the border, not all of whom are coming to this country for jobs, his response is have his Department of Justice, led by Eric Holder, to file lawsuits to inhibit these citizens ability. I'm not sure if he intends to invade India or is going to allow the sailors a little R&R in support of Madame Michelle's reported visit to talk to the "hospitality" workers in the country.
"I'm telling you, it is uncomfortable as it can be to actually believe, much less say, that we've elected somebody who is happily presiding over our decline. I just don't like thinking this, folks." ~ Rush Limbaugh
Obama is overseas right now speaking to third world countries and talking about America's "DECLINE". . . .Nothing about America's exceptionalism and greatness. . . .He is out there praising India's and communist China's rise in the world, but talks about our "DECLINE" WTFever. . . .America will be great once again when we have a leader that is NOT bowing and apologizing to communist and socialist dictators.
Happy Veterans Day ! ! ! !
Thanks to all the American Vets for making our great nation the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave"
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
El Rushbo Quotes of GREATNESS:
"Gallup says that Obama's approval numbers have jumped four points. Don't worry about it, folks. It always happens: Obama leaves the country, and the approval numbers go up."
"Story: 'Obama, who just lost control of the House of Representatives to the Republicans, unabashedly said the objective of his visit to India was to find jobs for his voters.' What? What about the people who didn't vote for him?"
"Obama a 'committed Christian'? I'm sorry, but you can't say that somebody's a 'committed Christian' when 30% of the country wonders whether or not he is a Muslim."
"Would somebody on my staff find out what the Food Network is saying about why the Democrats lost last Tuesday? Then I want to know what the O channel and TV Land are saying, but first the Food Network."
"Story: 'Obama, who just lost control of the House of Representatives to the Republicans, unabashedly said the objective of his visit to India was to find jobs for his voters.' What? What about the people who didn't vote for him?"
"Obama a 'committed Christian'? I'm sorry, but you can't say that somebody's a 'committed Christian' when 30% of the country wonders whether or not he is a Muslim."
"Would somebody on my staff find out what the Food Network is saying about why the Democrats lost last Tuesday? Then I want to know what the O channel and TV Land are saying, but first the Food Network."
Hugo Chavez Now Seizing Homes. . . .
According to Van Helsing at
Hopefully the election results will prevent Comrade Obama from pushing his agenda any further. We don't want to end up like Venezuela, where Big Government is now confiscating private homes:
Chavez promised Sunday to crack down on construction and real estate companies that he accused of unjustly boosting prices, which he labeled "housing fraud."
The president, a self-proclaimed revolutionary who idolizes Cuba's Fidel Castro and is currently on a visit to Havana, called his decision last week to order the expropriation of six residential complexes and "the temporary occupation" of eight gated communities in Caracas and other cities "an act of justice."
Venezuelans worry that this will lead to more pro-Chavez squatters occupying homes that are under construction, just as Obama's ACORN friends have invaded and occupied homes that belong to others.
Fortunately, even in Venezuela, there is still resistance to socialism.
Opposition politician Julio Borges accused Chavez on Sunday of trampling private-property rights and steering Venezuela toward Cuba-style communism.
Borges told a news conference that Venezuelans don't want to live in "a country of slaves, where the government is the owner of everything and the people aren't owners of anything."
Good thing Borges isn't American; the media would denounce his views as extremist and call him a racist and a "teabagger."
Coming soon to the former United States of America if Obama and the progressives get their way. . . .
Hopefully the election results will prevent Comrade Obama from pushing his agenda any further. We don't want to end up like Venezuela, where Big Government is now confiscating private homes:
Chavez promised Sunday to crack down on construction and real estate companies that he accused of unjustly boosting prices, which he labeled "housing fraud."
The president, a self-proclaimed revolutionary who idolizes Cuba's Fidel Castro and is currently on a visit to Havana, called his decision last week to order the expropriation of six residential complexes and "the temporary occupation" of eight gated communities in Caracas and other cities "an act of justice."
Venezuelans worry that this will lead to more pro-Chavez squatters occupying homes that are under construction, just as Obama's ACORN friends have invaded and occupied homes that belong to others.
Fortunately, even in Venezuela, there is still resistance to socialism.
Opposition politician Julio Borges accused Chavez on Sunday of trampling private-property rights and steering Venezuela toward Cuba-style communism.
Borges told a news conference that Venezuelans don't want to live in "a country of slaves, where the government is the owner of everything and the people aren't owners of anything."
Good thing Borges isn't American; the media would denounce his views as extremist and call him a racist and a "teabagger."
Coming soon to the former United States of America if Obama and the progressives get their way. . . .
Miss Me Yet?
Wow. . . .Two of my favorite people on the radio today. . . . Rush Limbaugh interviewing former President Bush. . . .Gosh I miss having a President that actually believed in the greatness of America. . . .
"President Bush, how many times a day in the last two years have you heard people tell you they miss you?" ~ Rush Limbaugh
"Punish Your Enemies"
According to Luke Matthews at
This is beyond the pale. For an American president to join these three words together and utter them with passion to a portion of the electorate is just plain dangerous. For the person who represents all of the American people, not just Democrats, liberals, or hyphenated Americans, to say to a specific group these three words is bordering on maniacal.
“Punish Your Enemies”
In a radio interview that aired on Univision on Monday, Mr. Obama sought to assure Hispanics that he would push an immigration overhaul after the midterm elections, despite fierce Republican opposition.
“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”
Referring specifically to Republicans such as Senator John McCain, who are stressing border security and supporting strict immigration laws like Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration measure, Mr. Obama said, “Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values.”
Obama wasn't calling Al-Qaeda, the Taliban or Osama bin Laden the "ENEMY". . . .He is talking about AMERICANS that oppose his socialist policies. . . .OMG his administation calls the "Global War on Terrorism" an "Overseas Contingency Operation" and a "Terrorist Attack" a "Man-Caused Disaster", but Americans that oppose his leftist agenda are the "ENEMY". . . .Are you kidding me?. . . .Someone please wake me up from this nightmare. . . .
This is beyond the pale. For an American president to join these three words together and utter them with passion to a portion of the electorate is just plain dangerous. For the person who represents all of the American people, not just Democrats, liberals, or hyphenated Americans, to say to a specific group these three words is bordering on maniacal.
“Punish Your Enemies”
In a radio interview that aired on Univision on Monday, Mr. Obama sought to assure Hispanics that he would push an immigration overhaul after the midterm elections, despite fierce Republican opposition.
“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”
Referring specifically to Republicans such as Senator John McCain, who are stressing border security and supporting strict immigration laws like Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration measure, Mr. Obama said, “Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values.”
Obama wasn't calling Al-Qaeda, the Taliban or Osama bin Laden the "ENEMY". . . .He is talking about AMERICANS that oppose his socialist policies. . . .OMG his administation calls the "Global War on Terrorism" an "Overseas Contingency Operation" and a "Terrorist Attack" a "Man-Caused Disaster", but Americans that oppose his leftist agenda are the "ENEMY". . . .Are you kidding me?. . . .Someone please wake me up from this nightmare. . . .
Worldwide Incidents of Islamic Terror Attacks. . . .
According to Bill O'Reilly on foxnews:
These numbers are from the Congressional Research Service:
Worldwide Incidents of Islamic Terror Attacks. . . .
Since 9/11, Islamic extremists have killed 40,142 people, as the result of 17,835 attacks
Cost of combating Islamic extremists since 9/11. . . .
Congress has approved $1.121 TRILLION for military operations, base security, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs, and veterans' health care since 9/11. . . .
You see these statistics and you can clearly see how insane it was for Juan Williams to get fired from NPR because he said "If I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”
There are over a billion muslims in the world and if just a 1% are terrorist that would still be hundreds of thousands that want to "open up a can of jihad on us". . . .
I believe the two most dangerous and frightening words in the world right now is "allah akbar" Terrorist love to shout this as they blow themselves up or chop off your head. . . .If you hear these two words being shouted out. . . .You better do what we did in the 60's. . . ."duck and cover". . . .
These numbers are from the Congressional Research Service:
Worldwide Incidents of Islamic Terror Attacks. . . .
Since 9/11, Islamic extremists have killed 40,142 people, as the result of 17,835 attacks
Cost of combating Islamic extremists since 9/11. . . .
Congress has approved $1.121 TRILLION for military operations, base security, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs, and veterans' health care since 9/11. . . .
You see these statistics and you can clearly see how insane it was for Juan Williams to get fired from NPR because he said "If I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”
There are over a billion muslims in the world and if just a 1% are terrorist that would still be hundreds of thousands that want to "open up a can of jihad on us". . . .
I believe the two most dangerous and frightening words in the world right now is "allah akbar" Terrorist love to shout this as they blow themselves up or chop off your head. . . .If you hear these two words being shouted out. . . .You better do what we did in the 60's. . . ."duck and cover". . . .
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Go VOTE Today. . . .
VOTE today, but vote wisely. . . .Our GREAT NATION depends on it. . . . .
Rush Limbaugh Quotes:
"Make no mistake: Barack Obama is very happy about what he's done to the country -- very happy. He sees himself as Reverend Wright's chickens come home to roost."
"When Obama calls us 'folks', like he did on The Daily Show, we know what he really means: the enemy. Say what you want about presidents we've had in the past, but most of them have at least viewed themselves as representatives of all the people. Not this guy."
"Here's the dirty secret. Well, it's not a dirty secret. It's just that if you want higher unemployment, if you want fewer jobs, vote Democrat."
"The Republicans have a chance to be warriors for liberty. If they say, in the midst of this, one word about compromise or bipartisanship, to hell with them."
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