Friday, October 22, 2010

'Smell of frying bacon offends Muslims'

Cafe owner ordered to remove extractor fan because neighbour claimed 'smell of frying bacon offends Muslims'

According to the

A hard-working cafe owner has been ordered to tear down an extractor fan - because the smell of her frying bacon 'offends' Muslims.

Planning bosses acted against Beverley Akciecek, 49, after being told her next-door neighbour's Muslim friends had felt 'physically sick' due to the 'foul odour'.

Councillors at Stockport Council in Greater Manchester say the smell from the fan is 'unacceptable on the grounds of residential amenity'*.


What happens in the UK today will happen in the US in a few years if we don't stop bowing to every little whim of the muslims. . . .We need to STOP this madness NOW.

Makes you wonder why the US has wasted billions of dollars on weapons in Iraq and Afghanistan when all we needed to do was toss a few pork chops and bacon slices at the enemy. . . .


*Residential amenity refers to those aspects that impact on the quality of residential areas and so is important in achieving a sustainable city. The amenity of an area can be affected by such things as building construction and commercial activities.