According to Van Helsing at moonbattery.com:
In a rare victory for Western Civilization against the liberal rot that's destroying it, city workers in Davenport, Iowa will be allowed to continue calling Good Friday by its rightful name, even though it refers to a faith that rivals our country's official state religion, moonbattery.
The city of Davenport now says Good Friday is still Good Friday for municipal workers, despite reports that the day off had been renamed "Celebration of Spring." (Spring Holiday)
The city issued a statement Monday saying the renaming was a recommendation made by the Davenport Civil Rights Commission last summer. The statement says the city administrator mistakenly forwarded the recommendation for further review and action, leading to the release of a holiday notice with the holiday renamed.
The statement said that the City Council never voted on the change, and the name never officially changed.
However, moonbat totalitarians are holding the line in the war of against Christianity in Westchester County, New York:
The Greenburgh Nature Center will host two Spring Egg Hunts on Saturday, April 3 at 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Children can search the center's grounds for chocolate eggs, and some special eggs worth a prize.
By "Spring Egg" they mean "Easter Egg" — but of course, it wouldn't be inclusive to include Christians in traditions associated with Christian holidays.
Muslims have joined their liberal allies in the campaign to extirpate Christianity:
A group of students at Trinity University in Texas wants the Christian-rooted school to remove the words "Our Lord" from their diplomas, the Houston Chronicle reported.
"A diploma is a very personal item, and people want to proudly display it in their offices and homes," Sidra Qureshi, president of Trinity Diversity Connection, told the Chronicle. "By having the phrase 'In the Year of Our Lord,' it is directly referencing Jesus Christ, and not everyone believes in Jesus Christ."
Qureshi, a Muslim student at the school, is leading the campaign to remove the words.
Why would a militant Muslim attend an explicitly Christian school? To force it to stop being Christian, naturally.
At least we don't need to worry that they'll revive the practice of feeding Christians to lions. PETA would never allow such exploitation of animals.
Davenport officials called the name change an "error."
An "ERROR". . . .Are you kidding me. . . .The City Administrator in Davenport knew exactly what he was doing. It is about time that leaders like Craig Malin realize that America is still a "Christian Nation", and that political correctness such as this will not be tolerated. All Christians need to continue to "fight the good fight" and not remain silent or our religious rights will slowly dwindle away.
Thankfully, a couple of weeks ago the Federal Appeals Court ruled that "IN GOD WE TRUST" on our currency and "UNDER GOD" in our pledge is constitutional.
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