Wednesday, March 17, 2010

1 Year of Obama, $2 Trillion in Debt. . . .

According to Gregory of Yardale at

In a little over one year of Obamunist Rule, the USA's National Debt has expanded by $2,000,000,000,000.

The Deficit began to explode in 2007 when the Democrats took control of Congress. And is anticipated to remain at stratospheric levels... basically forever. Spending levels vastly increased once Obama was elected president.

There are no prospects for any voluntary reductions in Federal Spending.

Foreign creditors are looking to downgrade the USA's credit rating.

And the Democrats are trying to ram through a multi-trillion dollar health care and student loan entitlement package.

And they don't care about the damage it does to the country, as long as the country isn't being run by people who believe in God and protecting the unborn.


FYI. . . .

Keep your eyes on Greece. . . .All the buzz on the internet for the last couple of weeks is. . . .if Greece goes into economic collapse and then Spain. . . . .America will soon follow. . . .We might not have to wait for 2012 to see the end of life as we know it. . . . .