Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Violence: the Democrats' Reichstag fire. . . .

According to Wes Vernon at renewamerica.com:

Fake anger and indignation are the oldest weapons in the Marxist arsenal. And the Marxists now running the Washington show are following the "Reichstag fire" strategy: Seize on a momentary outrage — magnify it, blame it on the enemy even in the absence of evidence, and use it as a distraction from what you yourself are doing.

Adolf Hitler used that ploy in the early days of his regime when a man-caused fire spread through the Reichstag building that housed Germany's parliament. A lone Dutch insurrectionist was found inside the building, and that was used to conflate the arson to a massive conspiratorial plot by Hitler's enemies to overthrow the government. Thus did Hitler "rally the troops" and consolidate his power.

And always remember — as the Obama-Reid-Pelosi cabal and its fellow oppressives strive mightily to erase from our historical memories — that the real name of Hitler's Nazi party was the National Socialist German Workers Party.

Reichstag 2010

87 years later, the Marxist Democrats on Capitol Hill used secrecy, backroom deals, bribery, deceit, and other tactics of Chicago-style thuggery to eke out — by the slimmest of margins — passage of legislation to take over one sixth of the American economy and use the heavy hand of buttinski government to dictate the relationship between you and your doctor.

Supposedly in reaction, some windows were broken in district offices of congressmen who voted for the bill, along with some threatening phone calls and the destruction of a propane connection to a lawmaker's gas grille. Additionally there was the lying unverified report of a racial slur hurled at a black member of Congress. Right away (after closed door strategy meetings), Congressional Democrats — smear buckets in hand — pounced in unison to blame all opponents of their Hitlerian health initiative and demanding that they take responsibility for the violence.

In other words, change the subject and ignore the outrage on the part of millions of Americans distressed by the big-government takeover — including scores of thousands who peacefully assembled on the Capitol Grounds to express their alarm at the arrogance of the elected representatives who ignore their constituents. Just jam Obamacare down our throats and holler the equivalent of "Help! Stop hitting my fist with your face!"

It's happened here

The Reichstag Fire strategy has a long history on these shores. Smaller examples have included the Muslim student complaining of anti-Muslim violence, only to be caught on video setting up the so-called "violence" herself; and the student of "protected" victimhood who had hung a noose in a campus library to spur an outpouring of speeches and demonstrations.


What a bunch of wimps the dems are. . . .Complaining about a couple of supposedly racial and gay remarks. . . .What happened to sticks and stones may break my bones? What do they expect after passing Obamacare against the will of the American People. They didn't act this afraid after President John and Senator Robert Kennedy were assassinated back in the 60's. The Tea Party patriots are really a rough crowd to deal with. . . .Right?. . . .Most are just regular hardworking Americans that want America to still be a GREAT Nation for their children and grandchildren.


To read the full article go to:http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/vernon/100329
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