According to Van Helsing at moonbattery.com:
The ObamaCare outrage wasn't the only attack on America to take place yesterday. Hordes of future Democrat voters — i.e., illegal aliens — converged on Washington to demand the amnesty that Dems are counting on giving them to offset the voters they have enraged with their reckless spending and ham-fisted power grabs.
Protestors were instructed to wave only American flags for propaganda purposes, but as you can see, Old Glory isn't their flag of choice.
Citizenship rights with lavish entitlements for at least 30 million of these folks, with the borders left wide open to let in tens of millions more, is about the only chance Dems have of holding onto Congress.
Now the dems will try to rush through immigration reform so that there will be up to 20 million illegals that will be able to vote for them in November. . . .Just wait and see. . . .Our fight has just begun. . . .