Wednesday, March 31, 2010
ObamaCare Puts the Screws to the Young. . . .

Free healthcare in liberal utopia, via The Real Cuba.
One great thing about being young is, no matter how wrong you are, you have plenty of time to learn better. Under Hopey Change, American youth ought to be learning fast. Those not old enough to remember Jimmy Carter heavily favored our first adolescent president. Their reward — a 17% rise in healthcare premiums:
Beginning in 2014, most Americans will be required to buy insurance or pay a tax penalty. That's when premiums for young adults seeking coverage on the individual market would likely climb by 17 percent on average, or roughly $42 a month, according to an analysis of the plan conducted for The Associated Press.
The higher costs will pinch many people in their 20s and early 30s who are struggling to start or advance their careers with the highest unemployment rate in 26 years.
Not to worry; they can just break the law by refusing to buy insurance until they get sick or injured, at which point insurance companies will be forced to cover them. There are supposed to be penalties, but it isn't clear to what extent these will be enforced. Even when they are, paying a fine will be cheaper than carrying insurance, especially when rates on young people skyrocket to compensate for new restrictions on how much older people can be charged.
Before long insurance companies will be driven into bankruptcy, as planned, and we'll have the "single-payer" Soviet-style healthcare system toward which ObamaCare is intended as a bridge. Then healthcare will be completely free, because someone else will be forced to pay for everything — the liberal leech's conception of utopia.
But as anyone who's been to a hospital in a socialist country knows, you do get what you pay for.
War on Christianity Continues. . . .

According to Van Helsing at
In a rare victory for Western Civilization against the liberal rot that's destroying it, city workers in Davenport, Iowa will be allowed to continue calling Good Friday by its rightful name, even though it refers to a faith that rivals our country's official state religion, moonbattery.
The city of Davenport now says Good Friday is still Good Friday for municipal workers, despite reports that the day off had been renamed "Celebration of Spring." (Spring Holiday)
The city issued a statement Monday saying the renaming was a recommendation made by the Davenport Civil Rights Commission last summer. The statement says the city administrator mistakenly forwarded the recommendation for further review and action, leading to the release of a holiday notice with the holiday renamed.
The statement said that the City Council never voted on the change, and the name never officially changed.
However, moonbat totalitarians are holding the line in the war of against Christianity in Westchester County, New York:
The Greenburgh Nature Center will host two Spring Egg Hunts on Saturday, April 3 at 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Children can search the center's grounds for chocolate eggs, and some special eggs worth a prize.
By "Spring Egg" they mean "Easter Egg" — but of course, it wouldn't be inclusive to include Christians in traditions associated with Christian holidays.
Muslims have joined their liberal allies in the campaign to extirpate Christianity:
A group of students at Trinity University in Texas wants the Christian-rooted school to remove the words "Our Lord" from their diplomas, the Houston Chronicle reported.
"A diploma is a very personal item, and people want to proudly display it in their offices and homes," Sidra Qureshi, president of Trinity Diversity Connection, told the Chronicle. "By having the phrase 'In the Year of Our Lord,' it is directly referencing Jesus Christ, and not everyone believes in Jesus Christ."
Qureshi, a Muslim student at the school, is leading the campaign to remove the words.
Why would a militant Muslim attend an explicitly Christian school? To force it to stop being Christian, naturally.
At least we don't need to worry that they'll revive the practice of feeding Christians to lions. PETA would never allow such exploitation of animals.
Davenport officials called the name change an "error."
An "ERROR". . . .Are you kidding me. . . .The City Administrator in Davenport knew exactly what he was doing. It is about time that leaders like Craig Malin realize that America is still a "Christian Nation", and that political correctness such as this will not be tolerated. All Christians need to continue to "fight the good fight" and not remain silent or our religious rights will slowly dwindle away.
Thankfully, a couple of weeks ago the Federal Appeals Court ruled that "IN GOD WE TRUST" on our currency and "UNDER GOD" in our pledge is constitutional.
To read the full article go to:
Why Can’t We Just Sit Down With Bin Laden And Say: Hey Man, Why Are You Mad At Me?

According to
“Imagine if somebody were to really sit down with Osama Bin Ladin and say, ‘listen man,what is it that you’re so angry at me about that you’re willing to have people strap bombs to themselves, or get inside of airplanes and fly them into buildings.’ That would be the miracle if we can get, sit down and talk to our enemies and find a way for them to hear us.” – Matthew Modine
Imagine the world if America was run by this guy. . . .
WTF? This dickhead, washed-up "Full Metal Jacket" actor would be beheaded just like Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg. . . .Well. . . .In that case maybe he SHOULD go meet Osama bin Laden. . . .
It’s the End of the Country as We Know It, So Let’s Have Fun. . . .
According to Frank J. at
The idea of the Democrats in power now seems to be to as erode as much rights as possible and get more control in the hands of the government. Unfortunately, it’s really hard to roll that back, but another strategy would be to just have fun with it. See, the Republicans should regain majorities again, so maybe we should just abuse this new found power. Like, Democrats are going to force people to buy health insurance, and if that somehow passes the Supreme Court, let’s think of all the things we can force liberals to buy when we’re back in control:
* Bibles
* Guns
* Soap
* Country music
* Glenn Beck’s latest book
* An angry badger
* Framed photo of Ronald Reagan
Afterward, maybe liberals will be like, “Hey, maybe giving the government so much power was a bad idea.” Too late!
The idea of the Democrats in power now seems to be to as erode as much rights as possible and get more control in the hands of the government. Unfortunately, it’s really hard to roll that back, but another strategy would be to just have fun with it. See, the Republicans should regain majorities again, so maybe we should just abuse this new found power. Like, Democrats are going to force people to buy health insurance, and if that somehow passes the Supreme Court, let’s think of all the things we can force liberals to buy when we’re back in control:
* Bibles
* Guns
* Soap
* Country music
* Glenn Beck’s latest book
* An angry badger
* Framed photo of Ronald Reagan
Afterward, maybe liberals will be like, “Hey, maybe giving the government so much power was a bad idea.” Too late!
The Fix. . . .
(received in an email and thought you'd enjoy)
There recently was an article in the St. Petersburg Fl. Times. The Business Section asked readers for ideas on: "How Would You Fix the Economy?"
I think this guy nailed it!
Dear Mr. President,
Please find below my suggestion for fixing America 's economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the "Patriotic Retirement Plan":
There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
2) They MUST buy a new American CAR. Forty million cars ordered – Auto Industry fixed.
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage – Housing Crisis fixed.
It can't get any easier than that!!
Mr. President, while you're at it, make Congress retire on Social Security and Medicare. I'll bet both programs would be fixed pronto!
P.S. If more money is needed, have all members in Congress pay their taxes....
There recently was an article in the St. Petersburg Fl. Times. The Business Section asked readers for ideas on: "How Would You Fix the Economy?"
I think this guy nailed it!
Dear Mr. President,
Please find below my suggestion for fixing America 's economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the "Patriotic Retirement Plan":
There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
2) They MUST buy a new American CAR. Forty million cars ordered – Auto Industry fixed.
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage – Housing Crisis fixed.
It can't get any easier than that!!
Mr. President, while you're at it, make Congress retire on Social Security and Medicare. I'll bet both programs would be fixed pronto!
P.S. If more money is needed, have all members in Congress pay their taxes....
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
FOX: Why Does The Health Care Bill Create A 6,000 Person Health Care Reserve Corps. . . .
This is going to have a lot of people up in arms.
Watch Judge Napolitano explain this:
This 6,000 member Healthcare Force along with Obama's Civilian National Security Force sounds innocent enough, Right? . . . .but at one time so did the Nazi "brownshirts" and the "SS". . . .
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." ~ President Obama
Watch Judge Napolitano explain this:
This 6,000 member Healthcare Force along with Obama's Civilian National Security Force sounds innocent enough, Right? . . . .but at one time so did the Nazi "brownshirts" and the "SS". . . .
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." ~ President Obama
Maxine Sums Up The Health Care Bill. . . .
Maxine says: Let me get this straight. We're going to be gifted with a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it (but exempts themselves from it), signed by a president who also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke.
What could possibly go wrong?
What could possibly go wrong?
Is everyone sleeping? The Wolves are circling. . . .
(received in an email and wanted to share with you)
Well, boys and girls, today we are letting the fox guard the hen house.
The wolves will be herding the sheep!
Obama Appoints two devout Muslims to home land security posts.
Doesn't this make you feel safer already?
Obama and Janet Napolitano Appoint Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development DHS Secretary.
Janet Napolitano swore-in Kareem Shora, a devout Muslim, who was born in Damascus, Syria as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).
NOTE: Has anyone ever heard a new government official being identified as a devout Catholic, a devout Jew or a devout Protestant...? Just wondering.
These appointments should make our home land much safer, huh!!
Was it not "Devout Muslim men" that flew planes into U.S. buildings 8 years ago?
Was it not a Devout Muslim who killed 13 at Fort Hood?
Do you think President Franklin D. Roosevelt would have appointed a Japanese Kamikaze Pilot or a German Nazi to his cabinet during WWII? I think NOT. . . .
Well, boys and girls, today we are letting the fox guard the hen house.
The wolves will be herding the sheep!
Obama Appoints two devout Muslims to home land security posts.
Doesn't this make you feel safer already?
Obama and Janet Napolitano Appoint Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development DHS Secretary.
Janet Napolitano swore-in Kareem Shora, a devout Muslim, who was born in Damascus, Syria as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).
NOTE: Has anyone ever heard a new government official being identified as a devout Catholic, a devout Jew or a devout Protestant...? Just wondering.
These appointments should make our home land much safer, huh!!
Was it not "Devout Muslim men" that flew planes into U.S. buildings 8 years ago?
Was it not a Devout Muslim who killed 13 at Fort Hood?
Do you think President Franklin D. Roosevelt would have appointed a Japanese Kamikaze Pilot or a German Nazi to his cabinet during WWII? I think NOT. . . .
Violence: the Democrats' Reichstag fire. . . .
According to Wes Vernon at
Reichstag 2010
It's happened here
To read the full article go to:
Fake anger and indignation are the oldest weapons in the Marxist arsenal. And the Marxists now running the Washington show are following the "Reichstag fire" strategy: Seize on a momentary outrage — magnify it, blame it on the enemy even in the absence of evidence, and use it as a distraction from what you yourself are doing.
Adolf Hitler used that ploy in the early days of his regime when a man-caused fire spread through the Reichstag building that housed Germany's parliament. A lone Dutch insurrectionist was found inside the building, and that was used to conflate the arson to a massive conspiratorial plot by Hitler's enemies to overthrow the government. Thus did Hitler "rally the troops" and consolidate his power.
And always remember — as the Obama-Reid-Pelosi cabal and its fellow oppressives strive mightily to erase from our historical memories — that the real name of Hitler's Nazi party was the National Socialist German Workers Party.
Reichstag 2010
87 years later, the Marxist Democrats on Capitol Hill used secrecy, backroom deals, bribery, deceit, and other tactics of Chicago-style thuggery to eke out — by the slimmest of margins — passage of legislation to take over one sixth of the American economy and use the heavy hand of buttinski government to dictate the relationship between you and your doctor.
Supposedly in reaction, some windows were broken in district offices of congressmen who voted for the bill, along with some threatening phone calls and the destruction of a propane connection to a lawmaker's gas grille. Additionally there was the lying unverified report of a racial slur hurled at a black member of Congress. Right away (after closed door strategy meetings), Congressional Democrats — smear buckets in hand — pounced in unison to blame all opponents of their Hitlerian health initiative and demanding that they take responsibility for the violence.
In other words, change the subject and ignore the outrage on the part of millions of Americans distressed by the big-government takeover — including scores of thousands who peacefully assembled on the Capitol Grounds to express their alarm at the arrogance of the elected representatives who ignore their constituents. Just jam Obamacare down our throats and holler the equivalent of "Help! Stop hitting my fist with your face!"
The Reichstag Fire strategy has a long history on these shores. Smaller examples have included the Muslim student complaining of anti-Muslim violence, only to be caught on video setting up the so-called "violence" herself; and the student of "protected" victimhood who had hung a noose in a campus library to spur an outpouring of speeches and demonstrations.
What a bunch of wimps the dems are. . . .Complaining about a couple of supposedly racial and gay remarks. . . .What happened to sticks and stones may break my bones? What do they expect after passing Obamacare against the will of the American People. They didn't act this afraid after President John and Senator Robert Kennedy were assassinated back in the 60's. The Tea Party patriots are really a rough crowd to deal with. . . .Right?. . . .Most are just regular hardworking Americans that want America to still be a GREAT Nation for their children and grandchildren.
To read the full article go to:
Heat is turned up on Obama….Maybe he ISN’T who he says he is?
According to Joan Swirsky at
Now that the regime currently occupying the White House has bribed, threatened, intimidated, bullied, manipulated, and cut unconstitutional and illegal deals with Democrats in exchange for their votes for the totalitarian nightmare of socialized medicine, the subject of Obama's missing birth certificate is more timely and relevant than ever — precisely because the ugly spectacle emphasized once again the degree to which Obama has arrogantly flouted, sneered at, and spit upon the U.S. Constitution, a document he and his handlers and henchmen clearly revile and are determined to shred and destroy.
At this point, every honest, decent member of Congress and the media, as well as ordinary citizens, knows that there was something putridly rotten about Obama’s election. Not just the billion dollars in campaign donations, most of which are still unaccounted for but known to have flowed from foreign donors, many of them enemies of America. And not just the missing mountains of qualifying data that all presidential candidates are expected to produce, including:
•His Illinois law license. Is he even a lawyer? Where is his supposed Harvard Law degree? Where are the papers he wrote in law school? Why does he not correct people when they say he was a law professor when he was never a professor but only a lecturer?
•His Selective Service registration, which investigative-journalist and lawyer Debbie Schlussel has reported to be falsified, an accusation that Linda Bentley quite persuasively documented just the other day.
•His visa, or more probably visas. After all, he did travel to Pakistan in 1981 when Americans were forbidden into that country. Did he use the Indonesian visa he got when he was a citizen of that country?
•His school records from Indonesia and Hawaii.
•His college transcripts from Occidental College in CA, Columbia College in NY, and Harvard Law School in MA.
•His baptism certificate.
•His Illinois State Senate records.
•His law practice client list.
•His records from the University of Chicago, where Obama, the instructor, supposedly taught.
Just as mysterious is the question of who exactly backed this virtually unknown neophyte senator with the paper-thin résumé and almost non-existent voting record — this man who had lifelong associations with countless dubious-if-not-criminal friends and associates, as well as political radicals.
Now that the regime currently occupying the White House has bribed, threatened, intimidated, bullied, manipulated, and cut unconstitutional and illegal deals with Democrats in exchange for their votes for the totalitarian nightmare of socialized medicine, the subject of Obama's missing birth certificate is more timely and relevant than ever — precisely because the ugly spectacle emphasized once again the degree to which Obama has arrogantly flouted, sneered at, and spit upon the U.S. Constitution, a document he and his handlers and henchmen clearly revile and are determined to shred and destroy.
At this point, every honest, decent member of Congress and the media, as well as ordinary citizens, knows that there was something putridly rotten about Obama’s election. Not just the billion dollars in campaign donations, most of which are still unaccounted for but known to have flowed from foreign donors, many of them enemies of America. And not just the missing mountains of qualifying data that all presidential candidates are expected to produce, including:
•His Illinois law license. Is he even a lawyer? Where is his supposed Harvard Law degree? Where are the papers he wrote in law school? Why does he not correct people when they say he was a law professor when he was never a professor but only a lecturer?
•His Selective Service registration, which investigative-journalist and lawyer Debbie Schlussel has reported to be falsified, an accusation that Linda Bentley quite persuasively documented just the other day.
•His visa, or more probably visas. After all, he did travel to Pakistan in 1981 when Americans were forbidden into that country. Did he use the Indonesian visa he got when he was a citizen of that country?
•His school records from Indonesia and Hawaii.
•His college transcripts from Occidental College in CA, Columbia College in NY, and Harvard Law School in MA.
•His baptism certificate.
•His Illinois State Senate records.
•His law practice client list.
•His records from the University of Chicago, where Obama, the instructor, supposedly taught.
Just as mysterious is the question of who exactly backed this virtually unknown neophyte senator with the paper-thin résumé and almost non-existent voting record — this man who had lifelong associations with countless dubious-if-not-criminal friends and associates, as well as political radicals.
Ronald Reagan was right, Medicare has led to Socialism. . . .
(Los Angeles Times) Warning that enacting Medicare would lead to socialism, Reagan said, "You and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like in America when men were free"
To read the full article go to:,0,2877908.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fmostviewed+%28L.A.+Times+-+Most+Viewed+Stories%29
To read the full article go to:,0,2877908.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fmostviewed+%28L.A.+Times+-+Most+Viewed+Stories%29
Climate Moonbat: Democracy Must Be Suspended to Fight Manbearpig. . . .

According to Gregory of Yardale at
In the name of ManBearPig, we've already decided to sacrifice truth (e.g. the East Anglia climate studies) and capitalism, now, uber-Moonbat James Lovelock suggests its time to throw Democracy onto the bonfire.
One of the main obstructions to meaningful action is "modern democracy", he added. "Even the best democracies agree that when a major war approaches, democracy must be put on hold for the time being. I have a feeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while."
As we know from Thomas Friedman and Chairman Zero's gushing praise of Chinese authoritarianism, what the progressive left really wants is the end of this messy business in which people have a say in their governance. The war against the Phantom Menace of Manbearpig is just the excuse.
One blogger wrote:
"Even the best democracies agree that when a major war approaches, democracy must be put on hold for the time being."
Since when?! We have gone through 2 world wars and countless minor wars and yet not once have we been forced to abandon democracy. And he expects us to believe that a possible ecological disaster, not even a real military conflict, requires us to abandon our democracy.
Shocker: Premiums Expected to Rise 17% for Young Adults in First Year of Mandate. . . .
According to Gabriel Malor at
Figure that: if you make it illegal not to buy something, it gets more expensive.
Health insurance premiums for young adults are expected to rise about 17 percent once they're required to buy insurance four years from now. That estimate is from an analysis by Rand Health.
Young people will need to carry more of the burden of health care under the new health overhaul law. The new law limits an industry practice of charging older customers more.
Of course, this is only the hopeandchange to premiums for young adults. The young adults who would have chosen to forgo health insurance because they're young, healthy, and stupid (like I did), are now forced to participate in the whole scheme. The higher rates are just icing.
Aetna: Premiums Will Go Up Because of ObamaCare
According to Gabriel Malor at
You knew this and I knew this and the vast majority of voters knew this. Now health insurers are saying it out loud.
Jim Geraghty spotted it in an interview with Aetna's CEO:
Will insurance premiums go up? The answer is yes, and some of the things that will drive those premiums are significant additional taxes the industry will ultimately have to pay in the first year.
The President said that this bill would not have any impact on people who already had coverage, that it was about the uninsured, that there would be no change. Will this legislation change the coverage of people who are already paying for it?
My perception is, yes, things will change. You might not have a plan that includes the exact same doctors. You might have plans that have richer benefits, and therefore you're going to pay more for benefits you may or may not want. It would have been a better message to say, we're going to make certain you maintain your eligibility.
Watch out, Mr. CEO man, I'm sure Waxman and Stupak will be happy to add you to their list of people to mock, slander, and abuse at their congressional "investigation" next week.
Anyone with half-a-brain knew that insurance premiums would escalate under Obamacare. That is part of the "socialist" plan to force Americans onto the government plan.
Think about it. . . .Could State Farm or any insurance company stay in business if they were forced to cover someone with 6 DWI's, 150 speeding tickets and 25 wrecks for the same price as someone with a clean driving record? Hell NO! ! ! ! That is exactly what Obamacare expects health insurance companies to do by forcing them to accept anyone without regard to their pre-existing conditions.
Why even pay these high healthcare premiums? Just wait till you are in the hospital with a heart attack then call up the insurance company and tell them you now want to purchase coverage then cancel when you get released. Heck the insurance companies can't deny you coverage . . . .Right?
Figure that: if you make it illegal not to buy something, it gets more expensive.
Health insurance premiums for young adults are expected to rise about 17 percent once they're required to buy insurance four years from now. That estimate is from an analysis by Rand Health.
Young people will need to carry more of the burden of health care under the new health overhaul law. The new law limits an industry practice of charging older customers more.
Of course, this is only the hopeandchange to premiums for young adults. The young adults who would have chosen to forgo health insurance because they're young, healthy, and stupid (like I did), are now forced to participate in the whole scheme. The higher rates are just icing.
Aetna: Premiums Will Go Up Because of ObamaCare
According to Gabriel Malor at
You knew this and I knew this and the vast majority of voters knew this. Now health insurers are saying it out loud.
Jim Geraghty spotted it in an interview with Aetna's CEO:
Will insurance premiums go up? The answer is yes, and some of the things that will drive those premiums are significant additional taxes the industry will ultimately have to pay in the first year.
The President said that this bill would not have any impact on people who already had coverage, that it was about the uninsured, that there would be no change. Will this legislation change the coverage of people who are already paying for it?
My perception is, yes, things will change. You might not have a plan that includes the exact same doctors. You might have plans that have richer benefits, and therefore you're going to pay more for benefits you may or may not want. It would have been a better message to say, we're going to make certain you maintain your eligibility.
Watch out, Mr. CEO man, I'm sure Waxman and Stupak will be happy to add you to their list of people to mock, slander, and abuse at their congressional "investigation" next week.
Anyone with half-a-brain knew that insurance premiums would escalate under Obamacare. That is part of the "socialist" plan to force Americans onto the government plan.
Think about it. . . .Could State Farm or any insurance company stay in business if they were forced to cover someone with 6 DWI's, 150 speeding tickets and 25 wrecks for the same price as someone with a clean driving record? Hell NO! ! ! ! That is exactly what Obamacare expects health insurance companies to do by forcing them to accept anyone without regard to their pre-existing conditions.
Why even pay these high healthcare premiums? Just wait till you are in the hospital with a heart attack then call up the insurance company and tell them you now want to purchase coverage then cancel when you get released. Heck the insurance companies can't deny you coverage . . . .Right?
Monday, March 29, 2010
Health Care Reform In Action! Arizona To Be Forced To Spend Almost $4 Billion It Doesn't Have. . . .
According to DrewM at
Like most states, Arizona is facing tremendous financial pressures. Unlike most states, they were prepared to do something about it by actually cutting back on services such as Medicaid.
Thanks to ObamaCare and the state's 3 House Democrats, not only won't they be allowed to do that, they will have to spend $3.8 billion between now and 2014 when (if) the federal subsidies kick in and another $8 billion after that between 2014-2021.
Seems in our new unitary government, states aren't allowed to decrease their current levels of Medicaid benefits, else they risk losing all their federal subsidies.
Entitlements live in a universe all their own...benefits and costs always go up, never down.
This is exactly why the CBO's numbers on Obamacare was under a TRILLION dollars. . . .The States have to pick up a big piece of the pie.
States are just beginning to realize the consequences of Obamacare. . . .This is why the Attorney Generals of 14 states have already filed a lawsuit due to the federal government overstepping its authority.
The main question: Does the federal government have the right to force states to participate in the program and make citizens purchase health insurance?
If the government can force us to purchase government run healthcare can they also force us to purchase a GM vehicle since GM is now owned by the government? Just wondering. . . .
Like most states, Arizona is facing tremendous financial pressures. Unlike most states, they were prepared to do something about it by actually cutting back on services such as Medicaid.
Thanks to ObamaCare and the state's 3 House Democrats, not only won't they be allowed to do that, they will have to spend $3.8 billion between now and 2014 when (if) the federal subsidies kick in and another $8 billion after that between 2014-2021.
Seems in our new unitary government, states aren't allowed to decrease their current levels of Medicaid benefits, else they risk losing all their federal subsidies.
Entitlements live in a universe all their own...benefits and costs always go up, never down.
This is exactly why the CBO's numbers on Obamacare was under a TRILLION dollars. . . .The States have to pick up a big piece of the pie.
States are just beginning to realize the consequences of Obamacare. . . .This is why the Attorney Generals of 14 states have already filed a lawsuit due to the federal government overstepping its authority.
The main question: Does the federal government have the right to force states to participate in the program and make citizens purchase health insurance?
If the government can force us to purchase government run healthcare can they also force us to purchase a GM vehicle since GM is now owned by the government? Just wondering. . . .
Students Learn Economic Consequences of Moonbattery. . . .
According to Van Helsing at
It's nice to see students are taught something besides liberal lies after all. Students at a Southern California high school have learned that nanny state authoritarianism is not good for business:
Tiger's Den, the student-run snack bar at South Pasadena High School, has watched its profit plummet by more than half this year after a law banned junk food sales in California public schools and forced it to yank its best-seller, AriZona ice teas.
The shop is open 30 minutes a day during the school lunch break, and it has made about $6,000 in profit this year. That's compared with $14,000 at this point last year.
The student managers blame the law's July 1, 2009, deadline, by which time high schools had to exorcise sodas, including diet varieties, and other sugary drinks. …
For the students, it's been a real-life business lesson on the risk of relying on a star product and on the power of lawmakers to wreak havoc on small companies.
Scott Feldman, president of the South Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, advises the students:
You just got delivered a nasty-gram and you will always remember what it was like to lose 50% of your revenue and how hard you had to work to make it up. There is no difference between that and what happens to businesses in the real world.
No doubt their teachers can put the experience into perspective by explaining that by generating a profit, they were indulging in racist oppression and endangering the polar bears.
This is small bananas compared to the increased taxes, job losses and many other consequences that are coming to life due to the passage of Obamacare. . . . and if Obama can rush through "cap and trade" and "immigration reform" our great Nation may never recover. . . .
It's nice to see students are taught something besides liberal lies after all. Students at a Southern California high school have learned that nanny state authoritarianism is not good for business:
Tiger's Den, the student-run snack bar at South Pasadena High School, has watched its profit plummet by more than half this year after a law banned junk food sales in California public schools and forced it to yank its best-seller, AriZona ice teas.
The shop is open 30 minutes a day during the school lunch break, and it has made about $6,000 in profit this year. That's compared with $14,000 at this point last year.
The student managers blame the law's July 1, 2009, deadline, by which time high schools had to exorcise sodas, including diet varieties, and other sugary drinks. …
For the students, it's been a real-life business lesson on the risk of relying on a star product and on the power of lawmakers to wreak havoc on small companies.
Scott Feldman, president of the South Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, advises the students:
You just got delivered a nasty-gram and you will always remember what it was like to lose 50% of your revenue and how hard you had to work to make it up. There is no difference between that and what happens to businesses in the real world.
No doubt their teachers can put the experience into perspective by explaining that by generating a profit, they were indulging in racist oppression and endangering the polar bears.
This is small bananas compared to the increased taxes, job losses and many other consequences that are coming to life due to the passage of Obamacare. . . . and if Obama can rush through "cap and trade" and "immigration reform" our great Nation may never recover. . . .
Wise Words From The Past That Are Still True Today. . . . .
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatreds.
You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
~ William J. H. Boetcker, 1916
Wish the leaders of today would listen to these brilliant words. . . .No truer Anti-Socialist words have ever been spoken. . . .
You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatreds.
You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
~ William J. H. Boetcker, 1916
Wish the leaders of today would listen to these brilliant words. . . .No truer Anti-Socialist words have ever been spoken. . . .
Craig Becker on Illegal Aliens. . . .
According to Van Helsing at
Card check (ie, coercive unionization) isn't the only radical policy that forced Comrade Obama to resort to a recess appointment to get union lawyer Craig Becker on the National Labor Relations Board. Here he is declaring that it's a-okay with Big Government if businesses hire illegal aliens:
At least it's reassuring to know that Becker isn't always petulantly hostile to employers.
This should give you an idea of where B. Hussein is coming from on "immigration reform" — as if it weren't already obvious. If you think unemployment is a problem now, wait until amnesty makes it official that anyone who can get here will be made a citizen, along with all their relatives back home.
Can't find work? Too bad, because our liberal rulers could not care less.
Craig Becker is only one of the 15 radicals that Obama appointed while America was distracted by March Madness. . . .
Reminds me of John 3:19:
Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
Card check (ie, coercive unionization) isn't the only radical policy that forced Comrade Obama to resort to a recess appointment to get union lawyer Craig Becker on the National Labor Relations Board. Here he is declaring that it's a-okay with Big Government if businesses hire illegal aliens:
At least it's reassuring to know that Becker isn't always petulantly hostile to employers.
This should give you an idea of where B. Hussein is coming from on "immigration reform" — as if it weren't already obvious. If you think unemployment is a problem now, wait until amnesty makes it official that anyone who can get here will be made a citizen, along with all their relatives back home.
Can't find work? Too bad, because our liberal rulers could not care less.
Craig Becker is only one of the 15 radicals that Obama appointed while America was distracted by March Madness. . . .
Reminds me of John 3:19:
Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
5-Year-Old Boy Left Stranded In A Tree By School Staff ! ! ! !
According to
From the UK Daily Mail
A boy of five was left stranded in a tree at school because of a bizarre health and safety policy – which banned teachers from helping him down.
The mischievous pupil climbed the 20ft tree at the end of morning break and refused to come down.
But instead of helping him, staff followed guidelines and retreated inside the school building to ‘observe from a distance’ so the child would not get ‘distracted and fall’.
The boy was only rescued after 45 minutes in the tree when passer-by Kim Barrett, 38, noticed the child and helped him down herself.
But instead of being thanked for her actions by the head teacher of the Manor School in Melksham, Wiltshire, she was reported to the police for trespassing.
B.S. Report–This is how lawyers have adversely affected society. A five-year-old boy is stuck in a tree yet the school staff leave him there because of some insane regulations that are obviously in place to protect the school and its teachers from a lawsuit.
So they leave the child up in a tree! If it was a cat that was stuck in the tree, they probably would have called the Fire Department to the rescue. And then they press trespassing charges against the only sane person in the story–the woman who rightly recognized that you don’t leave a child stuck in a tree!
Perfect example of when common sense goes out the window. . . . .
From the UK Daily Mail
A boy of five was left stranded in a tree at school because of a bizarre health and safety policy – which banned teachers from helping him down.
The mischievous pupil climbed the 20ft tree at the end of morning break and refused to come down.
But instead of helping him, staff followed guidelines and retreated inside the school building to ‘observe from a distance’ so the child would not get ‘distracted and fall’.
The boy was only rescued after 45 minutes in the tree when passer-by Kim Barrett, 38, noticed the child and helped him down herself.
But instead of being thanked for her actions by the head teacher of the Manor School in Melksham, Wiltshire, she was reported to the police for trespassing.
B.S. Report–This is how lawyers have adversely affected society. A five-year-old boy is stuck in a tree yet the school staff leave him there because of some insane regulations that are obviously in place to protect the school and its teachers from a lawsuit.
So they leave the child up in a tree! If it was a cat that was stuck in the tree, they probably would have called the Fire Department to the rescue. And then they press trespassing charges against the only sane person in the story–the woman who rightly recognized that you don’t leave a child stuck in a tree!
Perfect example of when common sense goes out the window. . . . .
The Washington Post Reminds You, All Criticism of the President Is Racist. . . .

According to Gregory of Yardale at
To the unhinged, paranoid left --- America is but one short step away from imposing Jim Crow, if not re-instituting slavery. And any criticism of the president's policies is proof that white conservatives yearn to put all African-Americans back in chains.
Colbert King lets his unhinged, paraonoid, rat-crazy freak flag fly in the Washington Post.
The angry faces at Tea Party rallies are eerily familiar. They resemble faces of protesters lining the street at the University of Alabama in 1956 as Autherine Lucy, the school's first black student, bravely tried to walk to class. Those same jeering faces could be seen gathered around the Arkansas National Guard troopers who blocked nine black children from entering Little Rock's Central High School in 1957.
The faces were similar in that they had eyes, mouths, noses. But this is how crazy progressive logic works: "If I can analogize a current event to something racist that happened in the past, it proves the current event is racist." i.e. There was a crowd of people, They were protesting something. A crowd of people in 1956 protested something and they were racist. So, this crowd must be racist, too.
The real truth behind the Dramacrats charges of violence and racism is this:
•They cannot defend adding a multi-trillion dollar entitlement when the Government is already insolvent primarily because of existing entitlements
•They cannot defend putting onerous burdens on private employers after destroying nearly 4 million private sector jobs in one year.
•They cannot defend putting billions of dollars in new requirements on the states when the states are already broke.
•They cannot defend legislation so sloppily written that it exempts sick kids from coverage while allowing sex offenders to get sex drugs.
Accusing their enemies of being violent racists is the only thing they've got. And the only thing their brain-dead base can understand. Hate sells.
Obamacare sure is looking expensive. . . .

According to
AT&T on Friday said it will record a $1 billion non-cash expense in the first quarter related to the newly passed health-care law, joining a growing list of large U.S. companies.
The AT&T write-down is the largest reported so far. Caterpillar this week recorded a $100 million charge in the first quarter and Deere & Co. said it will report a one-time $150 million expense.
Among its many changes, the new health-care law eliminated a tax deduction that companies used to cut the cost of drug-benefit programs for retired workers. President Obama signed the massive health-care overhaul into law earlier this week in a big victory for ruling Democrats.
Yet companies that still offer retiree drug benefits, mostly older industrial concerns or those with unionized employees, say the end of the deduction could force them to alter their benefit plans. In other words, they might curtail or even cancel them.
"As a result of this legislation, including the additional tax burden, AT&T will be evaluating prospective changes to the active and retiree health care benefits offered by the company," AT&T said in a filing with the government on Friday.
So the upshot is many retirees are potentially going to lose their employer provided prescription benefits and be put into the Medicare system. At exactly the same time, the Democrats are cutting $500 billion out of Medicare to help pay for ObamaCare. In other words, they are increasing demand and cutting supply of health care services
Can you say trainwreck? I knew you could.
Seems to me that the Democrats see the elderly and infirm as a "shovel-ready" project.
And this is only the beginning.
According to Gregory of Yardale at
The Dramacrats are furious that companies like AT&T, John Deere, and Caterpillar have reported that ObamaCare is going to cost them hundreds of millions of dollars to implement. They are angry that Medtronics has said it may have to lay off hundreds of workers because of the new medical devices tax.
The Dramacrat Politburo is issuing letters to the management of those companies, threatening to pull them into Washington for show trials hearings. They are demanding that these dissident capitalists turn over all records detailing how they arrived at the outrageous conclusion that... um... insurance is going to cost a lot more when Government mandates it to cover more people with more conditions.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that these companies and many more will reduce or cut benefits, lay off employees or pass the bulk of this expense onto the customers.
Democratic Senator: Health Care Law to Address 'Mal-Distribution of Income'. . . .
After the Senate passed a "fix-it" bill Thursday to make changes to the new health care law, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the influential Finance Committee, said the overhaul was an "income shift" to help the poor.
As Democrats tout the moral underpinnings of the federal health care system overhaul -- ensuring health care coverage for nearly all Americans -- one senator appeared to go off message when he said the legislation would address the "mal-distribution of income in America."
After the Senate passed a "fix-it" bill Thursday to make changes to the new health care law, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the influential Finance Committee, said the overhaul was an "income shift" to help the poor.
"Too often, much of late, the last couple three years, the mal-distribution of income in American is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy and the middle income class is left behind," he said. "Wages have not kept up with increased income of the highest income in America. This legislation will have the effect of addressing that mal-distribution of income in America."
That contrasted with the arguments Democrats have been making in the past year for reinventing the health care system: to expand health care coverage to 32 million uninsured Americans and tighten regulations on insurance companies while reducing the federal deficit.
But some Republican critics have suggested the overhaul is taking the country down the path to socialism. The nearly $1 trillion legislation pays for itself in large part through new taxes on the wealthy -- Americans who make $250,000 and more.
To read the full article go to:
Ever wondered...?
(Received in an email and wanted to share. . . .soooo TRUE)
If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!
Lot of truth here!
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn`t buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn`t eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.
(Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)
If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will delete it because he's "offended".
If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!
Lot of truth here!
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn`t buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn`t eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.
(Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)
If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will delete it because he's "offended".
CBO report: Debt will rise to 90% of GDP. . . .
According to David M. Dickson at
President Obama's fiscal 2011 budget will generate nearly $10 trillion in cumulative budget deficits over the next 10 years, $1.2 trillion more than the administration projected, and raise the federal debt to 90 percent of the nation's economic output by 2020, the Congressional Budget Office reported Thursday.
In its 2011 budget, which the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released Feb. 1, the administration projected a 10-year deficit total of $8.53 trillion. After looking it over, CBO said in its final analysis, released Thursday, that the president's budget would generate a combined $9.75 trillion in deficits over the next decade.
"An additional $1.2 trillion in debt dumped on [GDP] to our children makes a huge difference," said Brian Riedl, a budget analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation. "That represents an additional debt of $10,000 per household above and beyond the federal debt they are already carrying."
The federal public debt, which was $6.3 trillion ($56,000 per household) when Mr. Obama entered office amid an economic crisis, totals $8.2 trillion ($72,000 per household) today, and it's headed toward $20.3 trillion (more than $170,000 per household) in 2020, according to CBO's deficit estimates.
That figure would equal 90 percent of the estimated gross domestic product in 2020, up from 40 percent at the end of fiscal 2008. By comparison, America's debt-to-GDP ratio peaked at 109 percent at the end of World War II, while the ratio for economically troubled Greece hit 115 percent last year.
America Dragged Kicking and Screaming to the VAT
According to The MaryHunter at
Charles Krauthammer discusses ObamaCare's next trick.
We are now $8 trillion in debt. The Congressional Budget Office projects that $12 trillion will be added over the next decade. Obamacare, when stripped of its budgetary gimmicks -- the unfunded $200 billion-plus "doctor fix," the double counting of Medicare cuts, the 10-6 sleight-of-hand (counting 10 years of revenue and only six years of outflows) -- is at minimum a $2 trillion new entitlement.
This is a fiscally disastrous path, since out-of-control health care costs now will paid for under ObamaCare -- which did absolutely nothing to address the costs issue itself. Where will this lead us? Inevitably, to the VAT - both literally and figuratively.
The ultimate cash cow, value-added taxes have been used to feed welfare states worldwide. The European Union nations have enormous VATs: Germany: 19%, France and Italy: 20% percent, Scandinavian countries: 25%.
Obama set out to be a consequential president, on the order of Ronald Reagan. With the VAT, Obama's triumph will be complete. He will have succeeded in reversing Reaganism. Liberals have long complained that Reagan's strategy was to starve the (governmental) beast in order to shrink it: First, cut taxes -- then ultimately you have to reduce government spending.
Obama's strategy is exactly the opposite: Expand the beast and then feed it.
Surprise surprise, this was part of Chairman Zero's nefarious, free-market-hating plan from the start.
Oh Great. . . .NOW the CBO tells us the debt will rise to 90% of GDP. . . .What happened to spending a TRILLION dollars was going to save us money? We are sooooo screwed. . . .
To read the full article:
President Obama's fiscal 2011 budget will generate nearly $10 trillion in cumulative budget deficits over the next 10 years, $1.2 trillion more than the administration projected, and raise the federal debt to 90 percent of the nation's economic output by 2020, the Congressional Budget Office reported Thursday.
In its 2011 budget, which the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released Feb. 1, the administration projected a 10-year deficit total of $8.53 trillion. After looking it over, CBO said in its final analysis, released Thursday, that the president's budget would generate a combined $9.75 trillion in deficits over the next decade.
"An additional $1.2 trillion in debt dumped on [GDP] to our children makes a huge difference," said Brian Riedl, a budget analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation. "That represents an additional debt of $10,000 per household above and beyond the federal debt they are already carrying."
The federal public debt, which was $6.3 trillion ($56,000 per household) when Mr. Obama entered office amid an economic crisis, totals $8.2 trillion ($72,000 per household) today, and it's headed toward $20.3 trillion (more than $170,000 per household) in 2020, according to CBO's deficit estimates.
That figure would equal 90 percent of the estimated gross domestic product in 2020, up from 40 percent at the end of fiscal 2008. By comparison, America's debt-to-GDP ratio peaked at 109 percent at the end of World War II, while the ratio for economically troubled Greece hit 115 percent last year.
America Dragged Kicking and Screaming to the VAT
According to The MaryHunter at
Charles Krauthammer discusses ObamaCare's next trick.
We are now $8 trillion in debt. The Congressional Budget Office projects that $12 trillion will be added over the next decade. Obamacare, when stripped of its budgetary gimmicks -- the unfunded $200 billion-plus "doctor fix," the double counting of Medicare cuts, the 10-6 sleight-of-hand (counting 10 years of revenue and only six years of outflows) -- is at minimum a $2 trillion new entitlement.
This is a fiscally disastrous path, since out-of-control health care costs now will paid for under ObamaCare -- which did absolutely nothing to address the costs issue itself. Where will this lead us? Inevitably, to the VAT - both literally and figuratively.
The ultimate cash cow, value-added taxes have been used to feed welfare states worldwide. The European Union nations have enormous VATs: Germany: 19%, France and Italy: 20% percent, Scandinavian countries: 25%.
Obama set out to be a consequential president, on the order of Ronald Reagan. With the VAT, Obama's triumph will be complete. He will have succeeded in reversing Reaganism. Liberals have long complained that Reagan's strategy was to starve the (governmental) beast in order to shrink it: First, cut taxes -- then ultimately you have to reduce government spending.
Obama's strategy is exactly the opposite: Expand the beast and then feed it.
Surprise surprise, this was part of Chairman Zero's nefarious, free-market-hating plan from the start.
Oh Great. . . .NOW the CBO tells us the debt will rise to 90% of GDP. . . .What happened to spending a TRILLION dollars was going to save us money? We are sooooo screwed. . . .
To read the full article:
The Lie Clock. . . .
A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, "What are all those clocks?"
St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock.
Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."
"Oh,' said the man, "whose clock is that?"
"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.."
"Incredible", said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"
St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."
"Where's Obama's clock?" asked the man.
"Obama's clock is in Jesus' office ... He's using it as a ceiling fan."
St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock.
Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."
"Oh,' said the man, "whose clock is that?"
"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.."
"Incredible", said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"
St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."
"Where's Obama's clock?" asked the man.
"Obama's clock is in Jesus' office ... He's using it as a ceiling fan."
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Freedom of Speech, Canadian Style. . . .
According to Van Helsing at
The great Ann Coulter will be spreading her countermoonbat message on Canadian campuses this week. Needless to say, progressives aren't pleased. They believe in freedom of speech — unless of course you don't toe their line. Then you might find yourself thrown in jail, as stressed in this letter from the University of Ottawa's Vice-President Academic and Provost (via the National Post):
Dear Ms. Coulter,
I understand that you have been invited by University of Ottawa Campus Conservatives to speak at the University of Ottawa this coming Tuesday. We are, of course, always delighted to welcome speakers on our campus and hope that they will contribute positively to the meaningful exchange of ideas that is the hallmark of a great university campus. We have a great respect for freedom of expression in Canada, as well as on our campus, and view it as a fundamental freedom, as recognized by our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
I would, however, like to inform you, or perhaps remind you, that our domestic laws, both provincial and federal, delineate freedom of expression (or "free speech") in a manner that is somewhat different than the approach taken in the United States. I therefore encourage you to educate yourself, if need be, as to what is acceptable in Canada and to do so before your planned visit here.
You will realize that Canadian law puts reasonable limits on the freedom of expression. For example, promoting hatred against any identifiable group would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges. Outside of the criminal realm, Canadian defamation laws also limit freedom of expression and may differ somewhat from those to which you are accustomed. I therefore ask you, while you are a guest on our campus, to weigh your words with respect and civility in [quack quack quack quack…]
Francois Houle,
Vice-President Academic and Provost, University of Ottawa
In another expression of the Canadian academic community's devotion to the free exchange of ideas:
The president of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa has barred a volunteer organizer from putting up posters advertising the upcoming appearance of American right-wing columnist and political commentator Ann Coulter.
She is to talk about political correctness, media bias and freedom of speech Tuesday night at Marion Hall as part of a Canadian lecture tour. Canadian conservative political activist Ezra Levant will also speak at the event and introduce Coulter.
"The federation does not support Ann Coulter speaking on our campus," said student president Seamus Wolfe. "We're trying to work with the administration to see if we can ask her to do her speaking event somewhere else."
Wolfe justifies the squelching of speech not in tune with his totalitarian ideology by deeming it "hate speech" — on the grounds that liberals hate it when anyone dares to disagree with them. As the hard left looks for new horizons after healthcare, expect similar tactics to be used to silence opposition in the USSA.
Coming soon to an American University near you. . . . .
The great Ann Coulter will be spreading her countermoonbat message on Canadian campuses this week. Needless to say, progressives aren't pleased. They believe in freedom of speech — unless of course you don't toe their line. Then you might find yourself thrown in jail, as stressed in this letter from the University of Ottawa's Vice-President Academic and Provost (via the National Post):
Dear Ms. Coulter,
I understand that you have been invited by University of Ottawa Campus Conservatives to speak at the University of Ottawa this coming Tuesday. We are, of course, always delighted to welcome speakers on our campus and hope that they will contribute positively to the meaningful exchange of ideas that is the hallmark of a great university campus. We have a great respect for freedom of expression in Canada, as well as on our campus, and view it as a fundamental freedom, as recognized by our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
I would, however, like to inform you, or perhaps remind you, that our domestic laws, both provincial and federal, delineate freedom of expression (or "free speech") in a manner that is somewhat different than the approach taken in the United States. I therefore encourage you to educate yourself, if need be, as to what is acceptable in Canada and to do so before your planned visit here.
You will realize that Canadian law puts reasonable limits on the freedom of expression. For example, promoting hatred against any identifiable group would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges. Outside of the criminal realm, Canadian defamation laws also limit freedom of expression and may differ somewhat from those to which you are accustomed. I therefore ask you, while you are a guest on our campus, to weigh your words with respect and civility in [quack quack quack quack…]
Francois Houle,
Vice-President Academic and Provost, University of Ottawa
In another expression of the Canadian academic community's devotion to the free exchange of ideas:
The president of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa has barred a volunteer organizer from putting up posters advertising the upcoming appearance of American right-wing columnist and political commentator Ann Coulter.
She is to talk about political correctness, media bias and freedom of speech Tuesday night at Marion Hall as part of a Canadian lecture tour. Canadian conservative political activist Ezra Levant will also speak at the event and introduce Coulter.
"The federation does not support Ann Coulter speaking on our campus," said student president Seamus Wolfe. "We're trying to work with the administration to see if we can ask her to do her speaking event somewhere else."
Wolfe justifies the squelching of speech not in tune with his totalitarian ideology by deeming it "hate speech" — on the grounds that liberals hate it when anyone dares to disagree with them. As the hard left looks for new horizons after healthcare, expect similar tactics to be used to silence opposition in the USSA.
Coming soon to an American University near you. . . . .
If You're Underemployed Get Used to It, America. . . .
RUSH: From Gallup: "Gallup's underemployment measure hit 20.0% on March 15 -- up from 19.7% two weeks earlier and 19.5% at the start of the year. Gallup Daily tracking makes it possible to monitor the underemployment rate throughout the month, rather than just once per month, making it the best and most timely way to measure the U.S. jobs situation. The findings underscore why Americans say the most important problem facing the nation today is jobs and unemployment."
Well, I'm sorry. If you're unemployed, get used to it. We are facing a permanent unemployment rate of nine to 10% or greater, and the passage of the health care bill, when he signs it, practically guarantees it. I mean, we don't have any of the money that we are going to spend on this. We do not have it. More money is going to be taxed on individuals and businesses in order to give the illusion of paying for this health care bill. More and more money is being taken out of the private sector, which is where unemployment exists, and with no growth in the private sector, there aren't going to be any jobs.
Well, I'm sorry. If you're unemployed, get used to it. We are facing a permanent unemployment rate of nine to 10% or greater, and the passage of the health care bill, when he signs it, practically guarantees it. I mean, we don't have any of the money that we are going to spend on this. We do not have it. More money is going to be taxed on individuals and businesses in order to give the illusion of paying for this health care bill. More and more money is being taken out of the private sector, which is where unemployment exists, and with no growth in the private sector, there aren't going to be any jobs.
Mismanaged States Will Withhold Tax Refunds. . . .
According to Van Helsing at
Don't hold your breath waiting for a refund on your state income tax:
Residents eager to get their state tax refunds may have a long wait this year: The recession has tied up cash and caused officials in half a dozen states to consider freezing refunds, in one case for as long as five months.
[Moonbat-infested] New York, hit with a $9 billion deficit, may delay $500 million in refunds to keep the state from running out of cash, says Gov. David Paterson. …
[Equally moonbat-infested] California's massive budget shortfall of more than $20 billion last year prompted it not only to delay tax refunds but to issue billions of dollars in IOUs to vendors and others who were owed money.
However, the Land of Fruits and Nuts will reportedly be able to return refunds on time this year, probably because the state has been seizing an extra 10% of every paycheck.
In a recent report, the budget officers group and the National Governors Association said state fiscal conditions "have continued to worsen," and that state revenues can be expected to lag one to three years behind a national recovery from recession.
Meanwhile, the federal kakistocracy has just rammed through a healthcare bill that will impose crippling costs on already cash-strapped states.
The country was steered into an iceberg in November 2008. Now it's going down.
Don't hold your breath waiting for a refund on your state income tax:
Residents eager to get their state tax refunds may have a long wait this year: The recession has tied up cash and caused officials in half a dozen states to consider freezing refunds, in one case for as long as five months.
[Moonbat-infested] New York, hit with a $9 billion deficit, may delay $500 million in refunds to keep the state from running out of cash, says Gov. David Paterson. …
[Equally moonbat-infested] California's massive budget shortfall of more than $20 billion last year prompted it not only to delay tax refunds but to issue billions of dollars in IOUs to vendors and others who were owed money.
However, the Land of Fruits and Nuts will reportedly be able to return refunds on time this year, probably because the state has been seizing an extra 10% of every paycheck.
In a recent report, the budget officers group and the National Governors Association said state fiscal conditions "have continued to worsen," and that state revenues can be expected to lag one to three years behind a national recovery from recession.
Meanwhile, the federal kakistocracy has just rammed through a healthcare bill that will impose crippling costs on already cash-strapped states.
The country was steered into an iceberg in November 2008. Now it's going down.
IRS to Hire Thousands of Stormtroopers to Enforce ObamaCare. . . .
According to The MaryHunter at
You thought it couldn't get any more threatening than simply passing ObamaCare? Well it just did.
Top IRS officials have been working with Democrats on Capitol Hill to determine how the agency will enforce President Obama's new health care law. Republican lawmakers estimate the legislation will require the hiring of many thousands of new (and armed) tax enforcement agents.
While it's still not known exactly how many will be hired, here's what's clear: Under the new law, the IRS is required to fine taxpayers thousands of dollars if they do not purchase health insurance. In order for the government to enforce compliance, tax authorities will need information, for the first time, about people's health care. Collecting that data will require more IRS personnel.
A March 18 report from House Ways & Means Committee Republicans estimates the IRS will need to hire between 11,800 and 16,500 new agents to enforce the bill.
We've seen this before: a different movie but a very similar script. This all goes hand in hand with Emperor Obama's scheme to place more and more of the American public under close tax scrutiny.
Critics have slammed the new federal mandate for its harsh consequences (failing to buy health insurance could land you in jail) and have raised constitutional questions about its legality. And they point to the Obama administration's recent efforts to ramp up IRS audits, especially of small businesses, as evidence that the mandate is likely to prove more onerous than previously thought.
You thought it couldn't get any more threatening than simply passing ObamaCare? Well it just did.
Top IRS officials have been working with Democrats on Capitol Hill to determine how the agency will enforce President Obama's new health care law. Republican lawmakers estimate the legislation will require the hiring of many thousands of new (and armed) tax enforcement agents.
While it's still not known exactly how many will be hired, here's what's clear: Under the new law, the IRS is required to fine taxpayers thousands of dollars if they do not purchase health insurance. In order for the government to enforce compliance, tax authorities will need information, for the first time, about people's health care. Collecting that data will require more IRS personnel.
A March 18 report from House Ways & Means Committee Republicans estimates the IRS will need to hire between 11,800 and 16,500 new agents to enforce the bill.
We've seen this before: a different movie but a very similar script. This all goes hand in hand with Emperor Obama's scheme to place more and more of the American public under close tax scrutiny.
Critics have slammed the new federal mandate for its harsh consequences (failing to buy health insurance could land you in jail) and have raised constitutional questions about its legality. And they point to the Obama administration's recent efforts to ramp up IRS audits, especially of small businesses, as evidence that the mandate is likely to prove more onerous than previously thought.
Rush Limbaugh Quotes Yesterday and Today. . . .
I had to post all his Maha Rushie's quotes from today. . . .Read them and let the truth soak in:
"Is there anybody who now doubts what I meant when I said, 'I hope he fails'?"
"The great majority of Americans are middle class, and this health care bill is the first giant step toward making them dependent on the federal government for their needs. The middle class must receive a handout but must not receive tax cuts to enable them to move up the ladder."
"Starting today, the best health care system in the world is history. Depending on what illness or disease you have or contract, you may well not get health care. The government will ration health care -- which it already does with Medicare, Medicaid, the VA and S-CHIP."
"America is hanging by a thread, so we have to see what we can do with a thread. At the end of the day our freedom has been assaulted. This is the kind of change that people did not think they were going to get when they voted for Barack Obama. Freedom must win the day."
"The cost of this is incalculable to our character, to the relationship citizens have to their government, to freedom, to liberty. The destruction here is totally predictable, and that's why this is so frightening. Medicaid has essentially just been expanded, and it's a 45-year failure."
"How can anybody who is focused on freedom, American exceptionalism, the individual and the consent of the governed, propose a plan which the House did, their reconciliation package, that adds 16,000 new IRS agents to examine the tax returns of the American people?"
"The problems beyond our borders are of very little interest to Barack Obama compared to his desires within our borders. He will continue his crusade to forever alter this country. He has come to divide. He has come to conquer."
Some of the Republicans on our side still don't get it, still refuse to see this man, his presidency, his administration for what it is, and some of our own conservative so-called commentariat don't get it. Rome is burning, and instead of putting out the fire we have too many people looking for a bag of marshmallows."
"If you're unemployed, get used to it. We are facing a permanent unemployment rate of nine to 10% or greater, and the passage of the health care bill, when he signs it, practically guarantees it."
"The next big push is not going to be jobs, the next big push is going to be amnesty, and it's coming sooner than you think. Obama can't wait for this. He's going to need these people as voters in 2012."
"The liberal media is celebrating this great victory. What great victory? Over who? Us! The American people!"
"I think the timing of this signing ceremony, which to me looked like the largest Star Wars bar scene I have ever seen, I think this was in my face, 'cause they think that I am the ideological leader of the opposition."
"I'm still an American and 'til they take that away from me there's no day ruined."
"It's clear that the bill is not about health. If it were about insuring the uninsured, we wouldn't be waiting four years to do it."
"There's a striking ignorance on the left of basic economics. They have no understanding of it."
"We want to pass a legacy on that we inherited when we were born, raised, and grew up, and that legacy is American exceptionalism, the opportunity to be the best you can be with as few shackles and obstacles in the way as possible."
"If this health care plan is so good, how come the people who wrote it are exempted from it?"
"Nobody except us -- and I mean all of you in this audience -- nobody is talking about the absolute inability to pay for any of these programs now."
"We are broke; we are in debt; we have a deficit of one-and-a-half trillion dollars this year, $14 trillion dollar national debt. It's incomprehensible, and there's no way of paying it back. But under the premise of paying it back, get ready, your taxes are going to be skyrocketing, everybody, value-added tax, it's going to happen."
"How many of you expected a job to happen within the next month or two after Obama signed the stimulus bill? Three or four more million of you lost your gigs."
"Is there anybody who now doubts what I meant when I said, 'I hope he fails'?"
"The great majority of Americans are middle class, and this health care bill is the first giant step toward making them dependent on the federal government for their needs. The middle class must receive a handout but must not receive tax cuts to enable them to move up the ladder."
"Starting today, the best health care system in the world is history. Depending on what illness or disease you have or contract, you may well not get health care. The government will ration health care -- which it already does with Medicare, Medicaid, the VA and S-CHIP."
"America is hanging by a thread, so we have to see what we can do with a thread. At the end of the day our freedom has been assaulted. This is the kind of change that people did not think they were going to get when they voted for Barack Obama. Freedom must win the day."
"The cost of this is incalculable to our character, to the relationship citizens have to their government, to freedom, to liberty. The destruction here is totally predictable, and that's why this is so frightening. Medicaid has essentially just been expanded, and it's a 45-year failure."
"How can anybody who is focused on freedom, American exceptionalism, the individual and the consent of the governed, propose a plan which the House did, their reconciliation package, that adds 16,000 new IRS agents to examine the tax returns of the American people?"
"The problems beyond our borders are of very little interest to Barack Obama compared to his desires within our borders. He will continue his crusade to forever alter this country. He has come to divide. He has come to conquer."
Some of the Republicans on our side still don't get it, still refuse to see this man, his presidency, his administration for what it is, and some of our own conservative so-called commentariat don't get it. Rome is burning, and instead of putting out the fire we have too many people looking for a bag of marshmallows."
"If you're unemployed, get used to it. We are facing a permanent unemployment rate of nine to 10% or greater, and the passage of the health care bill, when he signs it, practically guarantees it."
"The next big push is not going to be jobs, the next big push is going to be amnesty, and it's coming sooner than you think. Obama can't wait for this. He's going to need these people as voters in 2012."
"The liberal media is celebrating this great victory. What great victory? Over who? Us! The American people!"
"I think the timing of this signing ceremony, which to me looked like the largest Star Wars bar scene I have ever seen, I think this was in my face, 'cause they think that I am the ideological leader of the opposition."
"I'm still an American and 'til they take that away from me there's no day ruined."
"It's clear that the bill is not about health. If it were about insuring the uninsured, we wouldn't be waiting four years to do it."
"There's a striking ignorance on the left of basic economics. They have no understanding of it."
"We want to pass a legacy on that we inherited when we were born, raised, and grew up, and that legacy is American exceptionalism, the opportunity to be the best you can be with as few shackles and obstacles in the way as possible."
"If this health care plan is so good, how come the people who wrote it are exempted from it?"
"Nobody except us -- and I mean all of you in this audience -- nobody is talking about the absolute inability to pay for any of these programs now."
"We are broke; we are in debt; we have a deficit of one-and-a-half trillion dollars this year, $14 trillion dollar national debt. It's incomprehensible, and there's no way of paying it back. But under the premise of paying it back, get ready, your taxes are going to be skyrocketing, everybody, value-added tax, it's going to happen."
"How many of you expected a job to happen within the next month or two after Obama signed the stimulus bill? Three or four more million of you lost your gigs."
Al Sharpton admits Obama = Socialism. . . .
"I think that the president and Nancy Pelosi get credit," Sharpton said. "I think this began the transforming of the country the way the president had promised. This is what he ran on." And if that transformation is socialism, then so be it, he explained. That is what the American public "overwhelmingly" voted for. ~ Al Sharpton
March on America. . . .

According to Van Helsing at
The ObamaCare outrage wasn't the only attack on America to take place yesterday. Hordes of future Democrat voters — i.e., illegal aliens — converged on Washington to demand the amnesty that Dems are counting on giving them to offset the voters they have enraged with their reckless spending and ham-fisted power grabs.
Protestors were instructed to wave only American flags for propaganda purposes, but as you can see, Old Glory isn't their flag of choice.
Citizenship rights with lavish entitlements for at least 30 million of these folks, with the borders left wide open to let in tens of millions more, is about the only chance Dems have of holding onto Congress.
Now the dems will try to rush through immigration reform so that there will be up to 20 million illegals that will be able to vote for them in November. . . .Just wait and see. . . .Our fight has just begun. . . .
Libel Tourism: 95,000 'Descendants' of Mohammed to Sue Over Cartoons. . . .

According to
Before you laugh, consider this suit will be taking place in Britain, and there's already precedent for insanity. I'm surprised they've only got 95,000 plaintiffs. Why not just come up with 10 million? A billion?. . . .
. . . .“Direct descendants of the prophet have a particular place within Muslim society . . . By effectively criticising and making fun of the prophet you are, by implication, holding them up to scandal, contempt and public ridicule,” he said. “So it may be that they will suffer some kind of damage among their own community. The question is, is that defamatory in English law?”
. . . .It'll be interesting to see how these 95,000 "descendants" of Mohammed prove they're related.
To read the full article go to
Traffic Camera. . . .
My husband was driving when he saw the flash of a traffic camera. He figured that his picture had been taken for exceeding the limit even though he knew that he was not speeding.
Just to be sure, he went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed.
Now he began to think that this was quite funny, so he drove even slower as he passed the area once more, but the traffic camera again flashed.
He tried a fourth and fifth time with the same results and was now laughing as the camera flashed while he rolled past at a snail's pace.
Two weeks later, he got five tickets in the mail for driving without a seat belt.
You can't fix stupid.
Just to be sure, he went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed.
Now he began to think that this was quite funny, so he drove even slower as he passed the area once more, but the traffic camera again flashed.
He tried a fourth and fifth time with the same results and was now laughing as the camera flashed while he rolled past at a snail's pace.
Two weeks later, he got five tickets in the mail for driving without a seat belt.
You can't fix stupid.
Tax Poem. . . .
Tax his land, tax his wage,
Tax his bed in which he lays.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Teach him taxes are the rule.
Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
Tax his work, tax his dirt.
Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his car, tax his grass,
Tax the roads he must pass.
Tax his food, tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
If he cries, tax his tears.
Tax his bills, tax his gas,
Tax his notes, tax his cash.
Tax him good and let him know,
That after taxes, he has no dough.
If he hollers, tax him more,
Tax him until he’s good and sore.
Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he lays.
Put these words upon his tomb,
“Taxes drove me to my doom!”
And when he’s gone, we won’t relax,
We’ll still be after the inheritance tax.
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and there was prosperity, absolutely no national debt, the largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
Accounts Receivable Tax, Building Permit Tax, CDL License Tax, Cigarette Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Dog License Tax, Federal Income Tax, Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA), Fishing License Tax, Food License Tax, Fuel Permit Tax, Gasoline Tax, Hunting License Tax, Inheritance Tax, Inventory Tax, IRS, Interest Charges (tax on top of tax), IRS Penalties (tax on topof tax), Liquor Tax, Luxury Tax, Marriage License Tax, Medicare Tax, Property Tax, Real Estate Tax, Service charge taxes, Social Security Tax, Road Usage Tax (Truckers), Sales Taxes, Recreational Vehicle Tax, School Tax, State Income Tax, State Unemployment Tax (SUTA), Telephone Federal Excise Tax, Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax, Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax, Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax, Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax, TelephoneState and Local Tax, Telephone Usage Charge Tax, Utility Tax, Vehicle License Registration Tax, Vehicle Sales Tax, Watercraft Registration Tax, Well Permit Tax, Workers Compensation Tax.
What happened ??????
Rush Limbaugh quotes on New taxes:
"I just had somebody quick scan the reconciliation bill that's posted, and the first thing to report is that the word tax or some variation of it shows up 124 times in 159 pages. So there you have it."
"If you're not paying your own way and the taxpayers are paying your way, and we are bankrupt and broke, the taxpayers can't keep paying your way."
"How can anybody who is focused on freedom, American exceptionalism, the individual and the consent of the governed, propose a plan which the House did, their reconciliation package, that adds 16,000 new IRS agents to examine the tax returns of the American people?"
Tax his bed in which he lays.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Teach him taxes are the rule.
Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
Tax his work, tax his dirt.
Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his car, tax his grass,
Tax the roads he must pass.
Tax his food, tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
If he cries, tax his tears.
Tax his bills, tax his gas,
Tax his notes, tax his cash.
Tax him good and let him know,
That after taxes, he has no dough.
If he hollers, tax him more,
Tax him until he’s good and sore.
Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he lays.
Put these words upon his tomb,
“Taxes drove me to my doom!”
And when he’s gone, we won’t relax,
We’ll still be after the inheritance tax.
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and there was prosperity, absolutely no national debt, the largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
Accounts Receivable Tax, Building Permit Tax, CDL License Tax, Cigarette Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Dog License Tax, Federal Income Tax, Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA), Fishing License Tax, Food License Tax, Fuel Permit Tax, Gasoline Tax, Hunting License Tax, Inheritance Tax, Inventory Tax, IRS, Interest Charges (tax on top of tax), IRS Penalties (tax on topof tax), Liquor Tax, Luxury Tax, Marriage License Tax, Medicare Tax, Property Tax, Real Estate Tax, Service charge taxes, Social Security Tax, Road Usage Tax (Truckers), Sales Taxes, Recreational Vehicle Tax, School Tax, State Income Tax, State Unemployment Tax (SUTA), Telephone Federal Excise Tax, Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax, Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax, Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax, Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax, TelephoneState and Local Tax, Telephone Usage Charge Tax, Utility Tax, Vehicle License Registration Tax, Vehicle Sales Tax, Watercraft Registration Tax, Well Permit Tax, Workers Compensation Tax.
What happened ??????
Rush Limbaugh quotes on New taxes:
"I just had somebody quick scan the reconciliation bill that's posted, and the first thing to report is that the word tax or some variation of it shows up 124 times in 159 pages. So there you have it."
"If you're not paying your own way and the taxpayers are paying your way, and we are bankrupt and broke, the taxpayers can't keep paying your way."
"How can anybody who is focused on freedom, American exceptionalism, the individual and the consent of the governed, propose a plan which the House did, their reconciliation package, that adds 16,000 new IRS agents to examine the tax returns of the American people?"
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Social Security and Obamacare. . . .That Is Your Future. . . .
Obama and his leftist buddies keep saying that you will be able to keep the healthcare that you now have.
But look at it this way. . . .
Most companies used to offer a retirement package to their employees and in the last couple of decades that has slowly disappeared as an incentive. WHY? Because the big shot CEO's know that their employees will be able to eventually collect Social Security. . . .so the hell with expensive retirement packages.
The same thing will eventually happen with healthcare. Why would a company pay all these excessive healthcare cost when their employees can be covered by a government plan.
If Obamacare passes tomorrow. . . .life as we know it in America will never be the same. You will be taxed and regulated from everything you eat to everything you like to do.
But look at it this way. . . .
Most companies used to offer a retirement package to their employees and in the last couple of decades that has slowly disappeared as an incentive. WHY? Because the big shot CEO's know that their employees will be able to eventually collect Social Security. . . .so the hell with expensive retirement packages.
The same thing will eventually happen with healthcare. Why would a company pay all these excessive healthcare cost when their employees can be covered by a government plan.
If Obamacare passes tomorrow. . . .life as we know it in America will never be the same. You will be taxed and regulated from everything you eat to everything you like to do.
Homicidal Illegal Alien Was Living Large in Subsidized Housing. . . .
According to Van Helsing at
It's nice to know that some people benefit from America being run by moonbats who leave the borders wide open and shower those who sneak across with free goodies at taxpayer expense. Juan Barrera, for example:
A Panamanian murderer who escaped a prison in the Central American country has been captured in the District, where authorities say he used a fake Social Security card to obtain federally subsidized housing and cruised around town in three luxury cars.
The FBI was led to 36-year-old Juan Barrera by an anonymous caller who claimed Barrera was planning to fire a rocket launcher at a Metro train, according to an affidavit recently filed in Greenbelt's federal court. …
Barrera reportedly told authorities he entered the United States by sneaking in through Mexico, the affidavit said.
But there's not much we can do about it. If we build a 50-foot fence, guys like Barrera will just bring a 51-foot ladder — or so says the head of Homeland Security, who has given up the daunting task of defending our borders in favor of the easier job of demonizing veterans.
It's nice to know that some people benefit from America being run by moonbats who leave the borders wide open and shower those who sneak across with free goodies at taxpayer expense. Juan Barrera, for example:
A Panamanian murderer who escaped a prison in the Central American country has been captured in the District, where authorities say he used a fake Social Security card to obtain federally subsidized housing and cruised around town in three luxury cars.
The FBI was led to 36-year-old Juan Barrera by an anonymous caller who claimed Barrera was planning to fire a rocket launcher at a Metro train, according to an affidavit recently filed in Greenbelt's federal court. …
Barrera reportedly told authorities he entered the United States by sneaking in through Mexico, the affidavit said.
But there's not much we can do about it. If we build a 50-foot fence, guys like Barrera will just bring a 51-foot ladder — or so says the head of Homeland Security, who has given up the daunting task of defending our borders in favor of the easier job of demonizing veterans.
Hacker Disables More Than 100 Cars Remotely. . . .
According to Kevin Poulsen at
More than 100 drivers in Austin, Texas found their cars disabled or the horns honking out of control, after an intruder ran amok in a web-based vehicle-immobilization system normally used to get the attention of consumers delinquent in their auto payments.
Police with Austin’s High Tech Crime Unit on Wednesday arrested 20-year-old Omar Ramos-Lopez, a former Texas Auto Center employee who was laid off last month, and allegedly sought revenge by bricking the cars sold from the dealership’s four Austin-area lots.
“We initially dismissed it as mechanical failure,” says Texas Auto Center manager Martin Garcia. “We started having a rash of up to a hundred customers at one time complaining. Some customers complained of the horns going off in the middle of the night. The only option they had was to remove the battery.”
The dealership used a system called Webtech Plus as an alternative to repossessing vehicles that haven’t been paid for. Operated by Cleveland-based Pay Technologies, the system lets car dealers install a small black box under vehicle dashboards that responds to commands issued through a central website, and relayed over a wireless pager network. The dealer can disable a car’s ignition system, or trigger the horn to begin honking, as a reminder that a payment is due. The system will not stop a running vehicle.
Texas Auto Center began fielding complaints from baffled customers the last week in February, many of whom wound up missing work, calling tow trucks or disconnecting their batteries to stop the honking. The troubles stopped five days later, when Texas Auto Center reset the Webtech Plus passwords for all its employee accounts, says Garcia. Then police obtained access logs from Pay Technologies, and traced the saboteur’s IP address to Ramos-Lopez’s AT&T internet service, according to a police affidavit filed in the case.
Ramos-Lopez’s account had been closed when he was terminated from Texas Auto Center in a workforce reduction last month, but he allegedly got in through another employee’s account, Garcia says. At first, the intruder targeted vehicles by searching on the names of specific customers. Then he discovered he could pull up a database of all 1,100 Auto Center customers whose cars were equipped with the device. He started going down the list in alphabetical order, vandalizing the records, disabling the cars and setting off the horns.
“Omar was pretty good with computers,” says Garcia.
The incident is the first time an intruder has abused the no-start system, according to Jim Krueger, co-owner of Pay Technologies. “It was a fairly straightforward situation,” says Krueger. “He had retained a password, and what happened was he went in and created a little bit of havoc.”
Krueger disputes that the horns were honking in the middle of the night; he says the horn honking can only be activated between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.
First rolled out about 10 years ago, remote immobilization systems are a controversial answer to delinquent car payments, with critics voicing concerns that debtors could suffer needless humiliation, or find themselves stranded during an emergency. Proponents say the systems let financers extend credit to consumers who might otherwise be ineligible for an auto loan.
Austin police filed computer intrusion charges against Ramos-Lopez on Tuesday.
Who cares if a car dealership can shut down your car if you are late on a payment? Right? Well you damn sure better care. It's one thing if it's a car dealership, but it's a whole different ballgame if it is the GOVERNMENT.
More than 100 drivers in Austin, Texas found their cars disabled or the horns honking out of control, after an intruder ran amok in a web-based vehicle-immobilization system normally used to get the attention of consumers delinquent in their auto payments.
Police with Austin’s High Tech Crime Unit on Wednesday arrested 20-year-old Omar Ramos-Lopez, a former Texas Auto Center employee who was laid off last month, and allegedly sought revenge by bricking the cars sold from the dealership’s four Austin-area lots.
“We initially dismissed it as mechanical failure,” says Texas Auto Center manager Martin Garcia. “We started having a rash of up to a hundred customers at one time complaining. Some customers complained of the horns going off in the middle of the night. The only option they had was to remove the battery.”
The dealership used a system called Webtech Plus as an alternative to repossessing vehicles that haven’t been paid for. Operated by Cleveland-based Pay Technologies, the system lets car dealers install a small black box under vehicle dashboards that responds to commands issued through a central website, and relayed over a wireless pager network. The dealer can disable a car’s ignition system, or trigger the horn to begin honking, as a reminder that a payment is due. The system will not stop a running vehicle.
Texas Auto Center began fielding complaints from baffled customers the last week in February, many of whom wound up missing work, calling tow trucks or disconnecting their batteries to stop the honking. The troubles stopped five days later, when Texas Auto Center reset the Webtech Plus passwords for all its employee accounts, says Garcia. Then police obtained access logs from Pay Technologies, and traced the saboteur’s IP address to Ramos-Lopez’s AT&T internet service, according to a police affidavit filed in the case.
Ramos-Lopez’s account had been closed when he was terminated from Texas Auto Center in a workforce reduction last month, but he allegedly got in through another employee’s account, Garcia says. At first, the intruder targeted vehicles by searching on the names of specific customers. Then he discovered he could pull up a database of all 1,100 Auto Center customers whose cars were equipped with the device. He started going down the list in alphabetical order, vandalizing the records, disabling the cars and setting off the horns.
“Omar was pretty good with computers,” says Garcia.
The incident is the first time an intruder has abused the no-start system, according to Jim Krueger, co-owner of Pay Technologies. “It was a fairly straightforward situation,” says Krueger. “He had retained a password, and what happened was he went in and created a little bit of havoc.”
Krueger disputes that the horns were honking in the middle of the night; he says the horn honking can only be activated between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.
First rolled out about 10 years ago, remote immobilization systems are a controversial answer to delinquent car payments, with critics voicing concerns that debtors could suffer needless humiliation, or find themselves stranded during an emergency. Proponents say the systems let financers extend credit to consumers who might otherwise be ineligible for an auto loan.
Austin police filed computer intrusion charges against Ramos-Lopez on Tuesday.
Who cares if a car dealership can shut down your car if you are late on a payment? Right? Well you damn sure better care. It's one thing if it's a car dealership, but it's a whole different ballgame if it is the GOVERNMENT.
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