Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The US Census Needs to Come to Its Senses. . . .

The 2010 US Census will not differentiate between US Citizens and Non-Citizens. . . .Remember this when they mail out only the little short form (6 pages) to homes next year. . . .Illegal aliens will be counted the exact same as American Citizens.

Why is this a problem? States like California, Texas, Arizona, Florida, New York, etc. which has a large number of illegals will gain a large number of Congressional seats, and the other states will lose seats because of these bogus numbers.

If illegals are counted the same as legal US citizens then the Representatives we will be sending to Washington will not only be representing US Citizens, but they will be granting the illegals a voice in our democracy. Illegals can't vote, right? Just wait. . . .There is an Obama Czar working on that right now. . . .

Maybe "Legal" Citizens should protest by putting bogus numbers on their census cards or not fill them out at all. . . .Oh that's right. . . .That would be "illegal".

Why do we even need a Census Bureau to count American Citizens? From birth till death we are tracked by our Social Security numbers. Simple math (this many in. . . .this many out) They could just use these numbers if they did not have a specific reason to count "illegals", and since they no longer ask how many toilets you have. (but then what would community organizers like Acorn do till the next election?)

This summer there was a lady walking through our Mesquite neighborhood using a GPS device at every house and when I questioned her about it she said it was to register the *GPS coordinates of every entryway in America by no further than 40 feet for the Census. Does that not send a chill up your spine? The US Government now has GPS coordinates to within 40 feet of your front door. . . . .(BTW she was getting paid $17.00 per hour to do this and would not confirm or deny if she worked for Acorn)

You can bet there are probably more surprises coming soon, because Obama just moved the US Census Bureau from the Commerce Department to the White House in January of this year.


According to the By 1980 there were two census forms. The shorter form went to every person physically present in the country and was used to establish congressional apportionment. It had no question pertaining to an individual’s citizenship or legal status as a resident. The longer form gathered various kinds of socioeconomic information including citizenship status, but it went only to a sample of U.S. households. That pattern was repeated for the 1990 and 2000 censuses.

The 2010 census will use only the short form. The long form has been replaced by the Census Bureau’s ongoing American Community Survey. Dr. Elizabeth Grieco, chief of the Census Bureau’s Immigration Statistics Staff, told us in a recent interview that the 2010 census short form does not ask about citizenship because “Congress has not asked us to do that.”

*I am currently researching more about the GPS coordinates at every entryway for a future "Big Brother" article

2010 Census form:

2000 Census long form:
Is this person a CITIZEN of the United States?
Yes, born in the United States → Skip to 15a
Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands,
or Northern Marianas
Yes, born abroad of American parent or parents
Yes, a U.S. citizen by naturalization
No, not a citizen of the United States