Sunday, September 13, 2009

Is the Census Coming to it's Senses?

According to the Wall Street Journal:  "The U.S. Census Bureau on Friday dropped Acorn as a partner for the 2010 Census after two separate hidden-camera videos captured four employees of the community organization giving tax advice on running a brothel to a man posing as an aspiring politician and a woman posing as his girlfriend and a prostitute."

The Census Bureau earlier this year signed up the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, one of the nation's largest community groups, as a national partner for the decennial census, a role that entails helping to publicize the importance of the count and encouraging people to participate.

According to "This country is out of control. It is being run by thieves, thugs, and those with an agenda. But first let's get to thieves, thugs and those with an agenda, ACORN, who are currently stealing money from you. Your taxpayer dollars going to fund ACORN. They have as much as $8.5 billion of stimulus cash available to them."


I would have loved to have seen Mr. Community Organizer-in-Chief's face when he heard this news. I guess he will now throw "Acorn" under the bus too, “this is not the Acorn that I knew” Remember "The ACORN doesn't fall far from the Obama tree".

Acorn fired the employees in the video, but these Acorn thugs are currently being investigated for voter registration fraud and corruption in 13 states. . . .

Joseph Stalin the evil Communist leader of the USSR, said "The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do."

In America, it usually is the "people who cast the votes" that decide an election, but if Acorn registered over 400,000 fraudulent votes like they allegedly did in 2008; picked these people up to take to the polls - then who's to say if tens-of-thousands of votes were counted using fraudulent information.

We all know that a few hundred votes can swing an election in your favor. The "people who count the votes" determined the election in 2000 during the Florida "hanging chad" debacle? This was an election that could have gone in either direction, but thankfully it went in the favor of President Bush.

Note to Census Bureau:  Now you need to count the "illegal aliens" on the 2010 census, or are you afraid of the outrage that it would create when the true numbers were revealed?

(WOW. . . .it is really freaky, but today I found so many quotes from the murderer of millions (Joseph Stalin) that fit America today. Could it be because President Obama has allowed the "Trojan Horse" of Communist/Socialist into the Whitehouse)

Update:  The Baltimore city state's attorney is considering prosecuting those responsible for taping the ACORN employees on charges that they violated Maryland's wiretap laws.  Oh, that is just great. . . .Shoot the Messenger. . . .The article didn't say anything about prosecuting the corrupt Acorn employees.