According to Ladies and gentlemen, your President is a robot. Or a wax sculpture. Maybe a cardboard cutout. All I know is no human being has a photo smile this amazingly consistent.
On Wednesday, the Obamas hosted a reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, during which they stood for 130 photographs with visiting foreign dignitaries in town for the UN meeting. The President has exactly the same smile in every single shot. See for yourself — the pictures are up on the State Department’s flickr (link below). And, of course, compressed into 20 seconds for your viewing pleasure.
Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Global Warming in 3-D. . . .
According to Google is using its Google Earth mapping tool to simulate on a 3D map of the world the predicted effects of climate change until the year 2100.
Using data provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the search giant created new layers for Google Earth showing the range of expected temperature and precipitation changes under different global emissions scenarios that could occur throughout the century.
In a video tour introducing the new Google tools, climate change activist Al Gore showed some of these upcoming layers, which will let users view the ongoing effects of sea-level rises, polar ice-sheet melting and water shortages.
Just follow the money. . . .and you will see who is benefiting from all this Global Warming" hysteria and the future finalized "Cap-and-Trade" bill. Al Gore will make billions, and so will his liberal, UN, climatologist friends.
According to "Nancy Pelosi, of course, is not the only member of Congress to own significant shares of energy companies. Senators and representatives from all over the country do, not just the "oilies" from energy states like Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana."
Whatever happened to CONFLICT OF INTEREST STANDARDS in our government?
The UN Predicted a Climate Disaster back in 1989 over 20 years ago. Has Florida sunk into the ocean yet?
Listen to John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel saying global warming is the greatest scam in history:
When these climatologist can accurately predict what the weather will be tonite, tomorrow or even this weekend then they might gain some credibility. These are the same a**holes that want us to believe that they can predict how the climate will be in 2100. . . .
The weather rock is much more accurate than these buffoons. . . .Wouldn't you love to tell these wackos "Don't Piss on my leg and tell me its raining".
Don't Piss on my leg and tell me its raining = To tell a fabrication in such a way as to be ridiculously transparent; misleading; doing one thing, and purposely mislabeling it; bold face liar
View the Al Gore google video:
follow the money article:,2933,251458,00.html
U.S. Northeast May Have Coldest Winter in a Decade
Using data provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the search giant created new layers for Google Earth showing the range of expected temperature and precipitation changes under different global emissions scenarios that could occur throughout the century.
In a video tour introducing the new Google tools, climate change activist Al Gore showed some of these upcoming layers, which will let users view the ongoing effects of sea-level rises, polar ice-sheet melting and water shortages.
Just follow the money. . . .and you will see who is benefiting from all this Global Warming" hysteria and the future finalized "Cap-and-Trade" bill. Al Gore will make billions, and so will his liberal, UN, climatologist friends.
According to "Nancy Pelosi, of course, is not the only member of Congress to own significant shares of energy companies. Senators and representatives from all over the country do, not just the "oilies" from energy states like Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana."
Whatever happened to CONFLICT OF INTEREST STANDARDS in our government?
The UN Predicted a Climate Disaster back in 1989 over 20 years ago. Has Florida sunk into the ocean yet?
Listen to John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel saying global warming is the greatest scam in history:
When these climatologist can accurately predict what the weather will be tonite, tomorrow or even this weekend then they might gain some credibility. These are the same a**holes that want us to believe that they can predict how the climate will be in 2100. . . .
The weather rock is much more accurate than these buffoons. . . .Wouldn't you love to tell these wackos "Don't Piss on my leg and tell me its raining".
Don't Piss on my leg and tell me its raining = To tell a fabrication in such a way as to be ridiculously transparent; misleading; doing one thing, and purposely mislabeling it; bold face liar
View the Al Gore google video:
follow the money article:,2933,251458,00.html
U.S. Northeast May Have Coldest Winter in a Decade
Hail to the CH- CH- CH- Chief. . . .
Rush to your nearest CVS and purchase the Chia Obama while supplies last. . . .Walgreens had previously pulled them off their shelves, but now they're back. . . .just in time for Christmas. . . .
Chia, the makers of the famous Chia pets, are now selling the Obama Chia. Just spread the seeds on his head, water them, and watch him grow. The Obama Chia symbolizes hope, change, and a total waste of $12.95
Like other Chia products ,a little water and seed and after 3 days it starts growing. The company had also product tested a Chia-Joe Biden, but had to nix the idea when after six months of a little water and seed, it did nothing.
Just soak the President's scalp, spread the wealth and watch it grow.
I'll put my Obama Chia on the cabinet right next to my Obama Waffles:
Empire State Building Celebrates Communism
NEW YORK — New York's iconic Empire State Building will light up red and yellow Wednesday in honor of the 60th anniversary of communist China.
The Chinese consul, Peng Keyu, and other officials will take part in the lighting ceremony which will bathe the skyscraper in the colors of the People's Republic until Thursday, Empire State Building representatives said in a statement.
The upper sections of the building are regularly illuminated to mark special occasions, ranging from all blue to mark "Old Blue Eyes" Frank Sinatra's death in 1998 to green for the annual Saint Patrick's Day.
Just last week the tower turned bright red.
However, that was not to mark some other communist achievement, but the 70th anniversary of the film "The Wizard of Oz" in which Dorothy wears ruby slippers rather than the silver of the original L. Frank Baum novel.
I wrote in a previous blog concerning “China's national flag to go up at the White House" in honor of the 60th anniversary of communist China.
Will the slaughter of 60 million people under Communist Mao even be mentioned? What about the 50 million that went through Mao’s re-education through hard labor prison camps? What about the 1989 massacre of Chinese protesters in Tian'anmen Square? What about the human rights abuses (i.e. political prisoners, environmentalists, journalists, underground Christians) etc.
"Oh Crap, Have the Chinese foreclosed on us already?
Here's Rush explaining "Cap-and-Trade" or AKA the "Tax-and-Trade bill". . . .
CALLER: Thanks, Rush. Hey, could you please explain cap-and-trade in layman's terms?
RUSH: Yeah. F-r-a-u-d.
CALLER: (laughing)
RUSH: It's all you need to know. Theoretically, here's how it works. You have two evil, polluting businesses. One of them is an automobile plant, and the other one is an oil refinery. Two of the most hated industries of the Drive-Bys and the liberals. The government will then arbitrarily, according to some science that they will assign somebody to figure out, they will allow a certain amount of pollution from each factory. Then, if one of the factories produces more than it is allowed, the over-polluting factory will be able to buy credits from another factory not polluting its share so that it will be allowed to over-pollute as long as somebody down the road is under-polluting.
CALLER: Oh, boy.
RUSH: And so the cap-and-trade basically is just a work -- the system's already in place called pollution credits, is what it used to be called. Now they're calling it cap-and-trade, and it also involves, if you over-pollute, go plant some trees, stupid things like this. It is in place in Europe. It is a scam. It is not working. It's not producing any money except for the people who came up with the idea, the Algores of the world. It will mean absolutely nothing, but it will destroy the coal industry, and Obama has promised it.
The Wall Street Journal says that "Cap-and-Trade" would be "the biggest tax in American history"?
One yahoo blogger stated: Cap-and-Trade will raise the costs on any users of electricity which is basically every person and business. It will result in jobs moving to countries that don't have cap and trade policies. Spain has cap and trade, and now has over 18% unemployment.
The winners will be big carbon credit traders like Goldman Sachs, Al Gore's Generation IM Climate Solution Fund, and big mega corporations which will buy up carbon credits and be able to expand, while smaller companies, and start ups, won't be able to grow and expand because they won't be able to afford it, or won't have access to the necessary carbon credits which will be monopolized by big corporations.
Here's my explanation of "Cap-and-Trade". . . .
This is a JOB KILLER not a JOB CREATOR. . . .
The rich will be able to "off set" their carbon use, but ordinary Americans will not be able to afford it. Al Gore and his buddies can still fly in their private jets and sail around in their yachts and to clear their conscience pay to "off set" their carbon use to companies to plant trees or some other bureaucratic bullshit.
This Congress is accomplishing what foreign enemies couldn't do and that is "Destroy our Country from Within"
read more about Cap-and-Trade at:
CALLER: Thanks, Rush. Hey, could you please explain cap-and-trade in layman's terms?
RUSH: Yeah. F-r-a-u-d.
CALLER: (laughing)
RUSH: It's all you need to know. Theoretically, here's how it works. You have two evil, polluting businesses. One of them is an automobile plant, and the other one is an oil refinery. Two of the most hated industries of the Drive-Bys and the liberals. The government will then arbitrarily, according to some science that they will assign somebody to figure out, they will allow a certain amount of pollution from each factory. Then, if one of the factories produces more than it is allowed, the over-polluting factory will be able to buy credits from another factory not polluting its share so that it will be allowed to over-pollute as long as somebody down the road is under-polluting.
CALLER: Oh, boy.
RUSH: And so the cap-and-trade basically is just a work -- the system's already in place called pollution credits, is what it used to be called. Now they're calling it cap-and-trade, and it also involves, if you over-pollute, go plant some trees, stupid things like this. It is in place in Europe. It is a scam. It is not working. It's not producing any money except for the people who came up with the idea, the Algores of the world. It will mean absolutely nothing, but it will destroy the coal industry, and Obama has promised it.
The Wall Street Journal says that "Cap-and-Trade" would be "the biggest tax in American history"?
One yahoo blogger stated: Cap-and-Trade will raise the costs on any users of electricity which is basically every person and business. It will result in jobs moving to countries that don't have cap and trade policies. Spain has cap and trade, and now has over 18% unemployment.
The winners will be big carbon credit traders like Goldman Sachs, Al Gore's Generation IM Climate Solution Fund, and big mega corporations which will buy up carbon credits and be able to expand, while smaller companies, and start ups, won't be able to grow and expand because they won't be able to afford it, or won't have access to the necessary carbon credits which will be monopolized by big corporations.
Here's my explanation of "Cap-and-Trade". . . .
This is a JOB KILLER not a JOB CREATOR. . . .
The rich will be able to "off set" their carbon use, but ordinary Americans will not be able to afford it. Al Gore and his buddies can still fly in their private jets and sail around in their yachts and to clear their conscience pay to "off set" their carbon use to companies to plant trees or some other bureaucratic bullshit.
This Congress is accomplishing what foreign enemies couldn't do and that is "Destroy our Country from Within"
read more about Cap-and-Trade at:
Rush Limbaugh Quotes of the Day. . . .
"What President Limbaugh Would Do About the War in Afghanistan. . . .Here's an approach we could try: We win. They lose"
"Sadly, our president is bothered by the word "victory."
"When the French come across as having bigger gonads than we do, it's funny. It's sad, but funny."
"Believe me when I tell you that Obama looks at the Constitution as an obstacle and a problem The Bill of Rights tells us what the government cannot do to us, and Obama doesn't like that."
"Now, in a normal, sane media world, somebody would track down Obama and say, 'Mr. President, Moammar Khadafy was on Larry King Live last night, and he said his views are identical to yours and thinks you should be president forever. What's your reaction?' But, of course, that will not happen."
"Obama is among those making the case that American kids aren't spending enough time in school, and so now he wants to get rid of the summer vacation and have kids in school year round. We all know why he wants this done: more indoctrination time."
. . . .Rush Limbaugh
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Race-Based Disciplinary System
According to Yesterday, the Tuscon Arizona school district did the unthinkable; it called for a race-based school disciplinary system. Get out the duct-tape, for your head may explode…and you’ll need it to keep the pieces from flying away.
…The board is calling for a two-tiered form of student discipline. One for Black and Hispanic students; one for everyone else.
With the goal of creating a “restorative school culture and climate” that conveys a “sense of belonging to all students,” the board is insisting that its schools reduce its suspensions and/or expulsions of minority students to the point that the data reflect “no ethnic/racial disparities.”
From the section of the 52-page plan titled “Restorative School Culture and Climate,” subhead, “Discipline”:
“School data that show disparities in suspension/expulsion rates will be examined in detail for root causes. Special attention will be dedicated to data regarding African-American and Hispanic students.”
The board approved creating an “Equity Team” that will oversee the plan to ensure “a commitment to social justice for all students.”
The happy-face edu-speak notwithstanding, what the Tucson Unified School District board of governors has approved this summer is a race-based system of discipline.
Offenses by students will be judged, and penalties meted out, depending on the student’s hue.
Any lingering questions on whether a race-war is being encouraged in this country? Social justice. Run Amuck.
What happens to the kids that are mixed? Your black side gets to stay in school while your white side gets expelled? What happened to: "all men are created equal" from the Declaration of Independence? These are the same people that complain about "racial profiling" too. WTF ever. . . .
…The board is calling for a two-tiered form of student discipline. One for Black and Hispanic students; one for everyone else.
With the goal of creating a “restorative school culture and climate” that conveys a “sense of belonging to all students,” the board is insisting that its schools reduce its suspensions and/or expulsions of minority students to the point that the data reflect “no ethnic/racial disparities.”
From the section of the 52-page plan titled “Restorative School Culture and Climate,” subhead, “Discipline”:
“School data that show disparities in suspension/expulsion rates will be examined in detail for root causes. Special attention will be dedicated to data regarding African-American and Hispanic students.”
The board approved creating an “Equity Team” that will oversee the plan to ensure “a commitment to social justice for all students.”
The happy-face edu-speak notwithstanding, what the Tucson Unified School District board of governors has approved this summer is a race-based system of discipline.
Offenses by students will be judged, and penalties meted out, depending on the student’s hue.
Any lingering questions on whether a race-war is being encouraged in this country? Social justice. Run Amuck.
What happens to the kids that are mixed? Your black side gets to stay in school while your white side gets expelled? What happened to: "all men are created equal" from the Declaration of Independence? These are the same people that complain about "racial profiling" too. WTF ever. . . .
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Terrorist in Big D. . . .
According to Federal authorities arrested a 19-year-old Jordanian citizen whom they said placed an inactive car bomb today at Fountain Place, a 60-story skyscraper in downtown Dallas.
Hosam Maher Husein Smadi has repeatedly voiced his intent to serve Osama bin Laden and al-Qa’ida and commit “violent Jihad,” authorities said in a prepared statement.
“Today’s arrest of Hosam Maher Husein Smadi underscores the FBI’s unwavering commitment to bring to justice persons who attempt to bring harm to citizens of this country and significant danger to this community,” special FBI agent in charge Robert E. Casey, Jr. said in the statement. “Smadi made a decision to act to commit a significant conspicuous act of violence under his banner of ‘self Jihad.’”
Authorities said that Smadi was under continuous FBI surveillance. Federal agents posed as members of an al-Qa’ida sleeper cell. Smadi, who was in the U.S. illegally, allegedly told them that he came to the country specifically to commit “Jihad for the sake of God.”
According to authorities, Smadi identified potential Dallas targets in June and allegedly scoped out Fountain Place in July. Authorities said that Smadi lived and worked in Italy, about 45 miles south of Dallas.
Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert said city officials were notified of the impending arrest beforehand.
“We were clearly communicated to that there was not going to be a danger to anybody,” Leppert said. “There’s a good working relationship between the police and the FBI. This is an example of that.”
Leppert mentioned that there was another terrorism arrest in Springfield today.
Regarding the arrests in Dallas, Denver, New York City and Springfield, he said, “It’s a comment on the world we live in. All of us need to be vigilant.”
According to an arrest warrant affidavit, an undercover FBI agent first came across Smadi in an online group of extremists. Smadi stood out to authorities because of an alleged “vehement intention to actually conduct terror attacks in the United States.”
Undercover agents communicated with Smadi more than 60 times, according to the affidavit. All conversations were in Arabic, which the affidavit says is Smadi’s native language.
Suspect lived in Ellis County
“In the name of God, the Gracious and the Merciful, this is my vow to you, my brother, that I am ready,” Smadi allegedly told undercover FBI agents. “And if you were a lover of Jihad as I am, then, by God, I am ready for the Jihadi life.”
According to an arrest warrant affidavit, an undercover FBI agent first came across Smadi in an online group of extremists. Smadi stood out to authorities because of an alleged “vehement intention to actually conduct terror attacks in the United States.”
Undercover agents communicated with Smadi more than 60 times, according to the affidavit. All conversations were in Arabic, which the affidavit says is Smadi’s native language.
“In the named of God, the Gracious and the Merciful, this is my vow to you, my brother, that I am ready,” Smadi allegedly told undercover FBI agents. “And if you were a lover of Jihad as I am, then, by God, I am ready for the Jihadi life.”
The affidavit says that Smadi repeatedly voiced an intent to attack those whom he deemed to be Islamic enemies, including Christians and Jews.
“We shall attack them in their very own homes,” Smadi said, according to the affidavit. “Brother, by God, we shall attack them in a manner that hurts, an attack that shakes the world.”
The affidavit also says that undercover agents attempted to persuade Smadi that the Jihad obligations of a Muslim can be satisfied in different ways. Smadi allegedly responded each time that he planned to commit “significant, conspicuous violence.”
“I want to destroy… targets… everything that helps America on its war on Arabs will be targeted,” Smadi allegedly told undercover agents.
FBI agents say in the affidavit that Smadi indicated a desire to attack buildings housing credit card companies in a “strike to the economy.” The agents also said that Smadi considered attacking military recruitment centers, including a National Guard Armory in Dallas. And he also mentioned bombing a Dallas airport and financial institution within 10 to 15 minutes of each other, the affidavit says.
Smadi allegedly later ruled out attacking the airport because security was too tight and instead decided to focus on a large financial institution.
“It will shake the currently weak economy in the State and the Amercian nation because this bank is one of the largest banks in this city,” he allegedly said speaking of Wells Fargo in Dallas.
Tomorrow (9/25/09) there will be a projected 50,000 Muslims meeting and praying to allah in Washington, D.C. Makes you wonder how many of them are wanting to blow up buildings and commit terrorist acts against Americans? They claim "Our Time Has Come".
Fountain Place at 1445 Ross Avenue
Hosam Maher Husein Smadi has repeatedly voiced his intent to serve Osama bin Laden and al-Qa’ida and commit “violent Jihad,” authorities said in a prepared statement.
“Today’s arrest of Hosam Maher Husein Smadi underscores the FBI’s unwavering commitment to bring to justice persons who attempt to bring harm to citizens of this country and significant danger to this community,” special FBI agent in charge Robert E. Casey, Jr. said in the statement. “Smadi made a decision to act to commit a significant conspicuous act of violence under his banner of ‘self Jihad.’”
Authorities said that Smadi was under continuous FBI surveillance. Federal agents posed as members of an al-Qa’ida sleeper cell. Smadi, who was in the U.S. illegally, allegedly told them that he came to the country specifically to commit “Jihad for the sake of God.”
According to authorities, Smadi identified potential Dallas targets in June and allegedly scoped out Fountain Place in July. Authorities said that Smadi lived and worked in Italy, about 45 miles south of Dallas.
Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert said city officials were notified of the impending arrest beforehand.
“We were clearly communicated to that there was not going to be a danger to anybody,” Leppert said. “There’s a good working relationship between the police and the FBI. This is an example of that.”
Leppert mentioned that there was another terrorism arrest in Springfield today.
Regarding the arrests in Dallas, Denver, New York City and Springfield, he said, “It’s a comment on the world we live in. All of us need to be vigilant.”
According to an arrest warrant affidavit, an undercover FBI agent first came across Smadi in an online group of extremists. Smadi stood out to authorities because of an alleged “vehement intention to actually conduct terror attacks in the United States.”
Undercover agents communicated with Smadi more than 60 times, according to the affidavit. All conversations were in Arabic, which the affidavit says is Smadi’s native language.
Suspect lived in Ellis County
“In the name of God, the Gracious and the Merciful, this is my vow to you, my brother, that I am ready,” Smadi allegedly told undercover FBI agents. “And if you were a lover of Jihad as I am, then, by God, I am ready for the Jihadi life.”
According to an arrest warrant affidavit, an undercover FBI agent first came across Smadi in an online group of extremists. Smadi stood out to authorities because of an alleged “vehement intention to actually conduct terror attacks in the United States.”
Undercover agents communicated with Smadi more than 60 times, according to the affidavit. All conversations were in Arabic, which the affidavit says is Smadi’s native language.
“In the named of God, the Gracious and the Merciful, this is my vow to you, my brother, that I am ready,” Smadi allegedly told undercover FBI agents. “And if you were a lover of Jihad as I am, then, by God, I am ready for the Jihadi life.”
The affidavit says that Smadi repeatedly voiced an intent to attack those whom he deemed to be Islamic enemies, including Christians and Jews.
“We shall attack them in their very own homes,” Smadi said, according to the affidavit. “Brother, by God, we shall attack them in a manner that hurts, an attack that shakes the world.”
The affidavit also says that undercover agents attempted to persuade Smadi that the Jihad obligations of a Muslim can be satisfied in different ways. Smadi allegedly responded each time that he planned to commit “significant, conspicuous violence.”
“I want to destroy… targets… everything that helps America on its war on Arabs will be targeted,” Smadi allegedly told undercover agents.
FBI agents say in the affidavit that Smadi indicated a desire to attack buildings housing credit card companies in a “strike to the economy.” The agents also said that Smadi considered attacking military recruitment centers, including a National Guard Armory in Dallas. And he also mentioned bombing a Dallas airport and financial institution within 10 to 15 minutes of each other, the affidavit says.
Smadi allegedly later ruled out attacking the airport because security was too tight and instead decided to focus on a large financial institution.
“It will shake the currently weak economy in the State and the Amercian nation because this bank is one of the largest banks in this city,” he allegedly said speaking of Wells Fargo in Dallas.
Tomorrow (9/25/09) there will be a projected 50,000 Muslims meeting and praying to allah in Washington, D.C. Makes you wonder how many of them are wanting to blow up buildings and commit terrorist acts against Americans? They claim "Our Time Has Come".
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Kanye West on the Georgia Flooding. . . .
Parts of Georgia have been hit by massive flooding with at least six people killed by surging water, here's what Kanye West had to say about it. . . .
and maybe since President Obama hasn't even acknowledged the devastaion in Georgia. Kayne will be saying next. . . . .President Obama "hates black people" just like he said about President Bush after the New Orleans floods :) :)
Bumper stickers seen on a Marine Corps Base. . . .
"U.S. Marines -- Certified Counselors to the 72 Virgins Dating Club"
"Water-boarding is out so kill them all!"
"Interrogators can't water board dead guys"
"U.S. Marines -- Travel Agents To Allah"
"Stop Global Whining"
"When In Doubt, Empty The Magazine"
Naval Corollary; "Dead men don't testify."
"The Marine Corps -- When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be Destroyed Overnight"
"Death Smiles At Everyone -- Marines Smile Back"
"Marine Sniper - You can run, but you'll just die tired!"
"What Do I Feel When I Kill A Terrorist? .... A little Recoil.
"Marines -- Providing Enemies of America an Opportunity To Die For their Country Since 1775"
"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Anyone Who Threatens It"
"Happiness Is A Belt-Fed Weapon"
"It's God's Job to Forgive Bin Laden -- It's Our Job To Arrange The Meeting"
"Artillery Brings Dignity to What Would Otherwise Be Just A Brawl"
"One Shot, Twelve Kills -- USN Gun Fire Support"
"Do draft dodgers Have Reunions? If So, What Do They Talk About?"
"My kid fought in Iraq so your kid can party in college"
"Machine Gunners -- Accuracy by Volume"
"A Dead Enemy Is A Peaceful Enemy -- Blessed Be The Peacemakers"
"If You Can Read, Thank A Teacher. If You Can Read It In English, Thank A Veteran"
"Except For Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, WAR has Never Solved Anything."
"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem."
"Water-boarding is out so kill them all!"
"Interrogators can't water board dead guys"
"U.S. Marines -- Travel Agents To Allah"
"Stop Global Whining"
"When In Doubt, Empty The Magazine"
Naval Corollary; "Dead men don't testify."
"The Marine Corps -- When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be Destroyed Overnight"
"Death Smiles At Everyone -- Marines Smile Back"
"Marine Sniper - You can run, but you'll just die tired!"
"What Do I Feel When I Kill A Terrorist? .... A little Recoil.
"Marines -- Providing Enemies of America an Opportunity To Die For their Country Since 1775"
"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Anyone Who Threatens It"
"Happiness Is A Belt-Fed Weapon"
"It's God's Job to Forgive Bin Laden -- It's Our Job To Arrange The Meeting"
"Artillery Brings Dignity to What Would Otherwise Be Just A Brawl"
"One Shot, Twelve Kills -- USN Gun Fire Support"
"Do draft dodgers Have Reunions? If So, What Do They Talk About?"
"My kid fought in Iraq so your kid can party in college"
"Machine Gunners -- Accuracy by Volume"
"A Dead Enemy Is A Peaceful Enemy -- Blessed Be The Peacemakers"
"If You Can Read, Thank A Teacher. If You Can Read It In English, Thank A Veteran"
"Except For Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, WAR has Never Solved Anything."
"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem."
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Obama's Plan to Disarm America. . . .
Headline today on
Barack Obama has demanded the Pentagon conduct a radical review of US nuclear weapons doctrine to prepare the way for deep cuts in the country's arsenal, the Guardian can reveal.
'A multilateral process in which weapons states agree to radical disarmament': Obama has rejected the Pentagon's first draft of the "nuclear posture review" as being too timid, and has called for a range of more far-reaching options consistent with his goal of eventually abolishing nuclear weapons altogether, according to European officials.
Those options include:
• Reconfiguring the US nuclear force to allow for an arsenal measured in hundreds rather than thousands of deployed strategic warheads.
• Redrafting nuclear doctrine to narrow the range of conditions under which the US would use nuclear weapons.
• Exploring ways of guaranteeing the future reliability of nuclear weapons without testing or producing a new generation of warheads.
The review is due to be completed by the end of this year, and European officials say the outcome is not yet clear. But one official said: "Obama is now driving this process. He is saying these are the president's weapons, and he wants to look again at the doctrine and their role."
The old saying "if the government takes our guns only the criminals will have guns" Wouldn't the same philosophy apply to our nukes? Our Nation will be defenseless. President Obama is reducing our Nukes when Iran and North Korea are at this very moment producing theirs.
This is "Change" our Nation may not survive President Obama.
Read the full article at:
Barack Obama ready to slash US nuclear arsenal
President Obama's decision to order a review comes as he takes the rare step of chairing a watershed session of the UN security council.
Barack Obama has demanded the Pentagon conduct a radical review of US nuclear weapons doctrine to prepare the way for deep cuts in the country's arsenal, the Guardian can reveal.
'A multilateral process in which weapons states agree to radical disarmament': Obama has rejected the Pentagon's first draft of the "nuclear posture review" as being too timid, and has called for a range of more far-reaching options consistent with his goal of eventually abolishing nuclear weapons altogether, according to European officials.
Those options include:
• Reconfiguring the US nuclear force to allow for an arsenal measured in hundreds rather than thousands of deployed strategic warheads.
• Redrafting nuclear doctrine to narrow the range of conditions under which the US would use nuclear weapons.
• Exploring ways of guaranteeing the future reliability of nuclear weapons without testing or producing a new generation of warheads.
The review is due to be completed by the end of this year, and European officials say the outcome is not yet clear. But one official said: "Obama is now driving this process. He is saying these are the president's weapons, and he wants to look again at the doctrine and their role."
The old saying "if the government takes our guns only the criminals will have guns" Wouldn't the same philosophy apply to our nukes? Our Nation will be defenseless. President Obama is reducing our Nukes when Iran and North Korea are at this very moment producing theirs.
This is "Change" our Nation may not survive President Obama.
Read the full article at:
Moving to MEXICO. . . .
Dear President Obama:
I'm planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me.
We're planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and we'll need your help to make a few arrangements.
We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws.
I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Calderon, that I'm on my way over?
Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:
1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.
3. Please print all Mexican government forms in English.
4. I want my grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) teachers.
5. Tell their schools they need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. I want my grandkids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their school.
7. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.
9. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico, but, I don't plan to purchase car insurance, and I probably won't make any special effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least one English-speaking officer.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put U S. flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, or have any labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start.
13. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy.
14. I want to receive free food stamps.
15. Naturally, I'll expect free rent subsidies.
16. I'll need Income tax credits so although I don't pay Mexican Taxes, I'll receive money from the government.
17. Please arrange it so that the Mexican Gov't pays $4,500 to help me buy a new car.
18. Oh yes, I almost forgot, please enroll me free into the Mexican Social Security program so that I'll get a monthly income in retirement.
I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all his people who walk over to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that President Calderon won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.
Thank you so much for your kind help.
author unknown
I'm planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me.
We're planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and we'll need your help to make a few arrangements.
We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws.
I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Calderon, that I'm on my way over?
Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:
1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.
3. Please print all Mexican government forms in English.
4. I want my grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) teachers.
5. Tell their schools they need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. I want my grandkids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their school.
7. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.
9. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico, but, I don't plan to purchase car insurance, and I probably won't make any special effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least one English-speaking officer.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put U S. flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, or have any labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start.
13. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy.
14. I want to receive free food stamps.
15. Naturally, I'll expect free rent subsidies.
16. I'll need Income tax credits so although I don't pay Mexican Taxes, I'll receive money from the government.
17. Please arrange it so that the Mexican Gov't pays $4,500 to help me buy a new car.
18. Oh yes, I almost forgot, please enroll me free into the Mexican Social Security program so that I'll get a monthly income in retirement.
I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all his people who walk over to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that President Calderon won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.
Thank you so much for your kind help.
author unknown
Monday, September 21, 2009
Are Bath-Time Photos Child Pornography?
Are bath-time photos innocent or child pornography? Well, if you have to ask then you must be a pervert. Now we are not talking about sexually explicit child pornography, we are talking about innocent pictures like your little kids taking a bubble bath. My gosh, I have pictures of my kids bathing and even Jon peeing off the porch as a toddler. Am I a pervert? This is example where the authorities overstep their boundaries and concentrate on complete BS instead of going after the true perverts.
According to the Last fall A.J. and Lisa Demaree took a memory stick with family photos to the printing center at the Wal-Mart store in Peoria, Ariz. Some of the photos showed their three young girls, all under 5 years old, partially nude in the bathtub. The Demarees say these were innocent pictures that all families take. But a Wal-Mart employee felt otherwise and contacted the police who agreed that this was a child pornography situation.
The police report read, "The young girl appeared to be posed in a provocative manner." A report issued by Peoria authorities described the photos as "child erotica" and "sex exploitation."
Child Protective Services searched the Demaree home and took custody of the children for a month while the state investigated. They watched family videotapes and found a few in which the children were playing unclothed. Lisa was suspended from her school job for a year, and both of their names were placed on the sex offender registry. The couple spent $75,000 on legal bills.
The Demarees were eventually cleared of any charges and their daughters returned, but they are now suing the state and Wal-Mart for what they call unfair accusations.
This morning the Demarees appeared on "Good Morning America." "I don't' understand it at all," A.J. told "GMA." "Ninety-nine percent of the families in America have these exact same photos."
"It took us a long time to take a picture [again]," Lisa told "GMA." "I even worry about them in their bathing suits now, if I get a shot of them in their bathing suits and they're tilting their heads a certain way or their hips are sticking out a little bit, all I think of is 'Does someone think that it was posed? Or how is that going to be perceived?'"
"Honestly we've missed a year of our children's lives as far as our memories go," Lisa added, "As crazy as it may seem, what you may think are the most beautiful innocent pictures of your children may be seen as something completely different and completely perverted."
Can you imagine the nightmare that these parents have gone through? They are damaged forever and I hope they win their lawsuit. I can guarantee you that 99% of the jurors have taken these type of innocent pictures of their own children, and will reward this couple for this outrageousness.
When will this insanity stop? When will the government quit intruding into our lives? They are taking children from innocent families, but continue to allow the true sick perverts to run our streets? Just look at the recent case in California where the 11 year old girl was held captive for 18 years by that monster and his wife, where were you to rescue her? You were wasting your limited resources on trival cases such as with this couple over a few innocent photos. . . .No one is saying that you shouldn't have investigated a complaint, but this issue should have been resolved in a matter of minutes not months.
Hey authorities, don't come after me, any pics of my children were taken 18 years ago and they are old enough to vouch that the pics are innocent and they haven't suffered any irreversible harm.
go to this website and you can see the innocent photo:
According to the Last fall A.J. and Lisa Demaree took a memory stick with family photos to the printing center at the Wal-Mart store in Peoria, Ariz. Some of the photos showed their three young girls, all under 5 years old, partially nude in the bathtub. The Demarees say these were innocent pictures that all families take. But a Wal-Mart employee felt otherwise and contacted the police who agreed that this was a child pornography situation.
The police report read, "The young girl appeared to be posed in a provocative manner." A report issued by Peoria authorities described the photos as "child erotica" and "sex exploitation."
Child Protective Services searched the Demaree home and took custody of the children for a month while the state investigated. They watched family videotapes and found a few in which the children were playing unclothed. Lisa was suspended from her school job for a year, and both of their names were placed on the sex offender registry. The couple spent $75,000 on legal bills.
The Demarees were eventually cleared of any charges and their daughters returned, but they are now suing the state and Wal-Mart for what they call unfair accusations.
This morning the Demarees appeared on "Good Morning America." "I don't' understand it at all," A.J. told "GMA." "Ninety-nine percent of the families in America have these exact same photos."
"It took us a long time to take a picture [again]," Lisa told "GMA." "I even worry about them in their bathing suits now, if I get a shot of them in their bathing suits and they're tilting their heads a certain way or their hips are sticking out a little bit, all I think of is 'Does someone think that it was posed? Or how is that going to be perceived?'"
"Honestly we've missed a year of our children's lives as far as our memories go," Lisa added, "As crazy as it may seem, what you may think are the most beautiful innocent pictures of your children may be seen as something completely different and completely perverted."
Can you imagine the nightmare that these parents have gone through? They are damaged forever and I hope they win their lawsuit. I can guarantee you that 99% of the jurors have taken these type of innocent pictures of their own children, and will reward this couple for this outrageousness.
When will this insanity stop? When will the government quit intruding into our lives? They are taking children from innocent families, but continue to allow the true sick perverts to run our streets? Just look at the recent case in California where the 11 year old girl was held captive for 18 years by that monster and his wife, where were you to rescue her? You were wasting your limited resources on trival cases such as with this couple over a few innocent photos. . . .No one is saying that you shouldn't have investigated a complaint, but this issue should have been resolved in a matter of minutes not months.
Hey authorities, don't come after me, any pics of my children were taken 18 years ago and they are old enough to vouch that the pics are innocent and they haven't suffered any irreversible harm.
go to this website and you can see the innocent photo:
"Our Time has Come" (part 2)
If you were wondering who’s behind “Islam on Capitol Hill" that is to occur this Friday in Washington D.C. Wonder no longer. It is Hassen Ibn Abdellah, the lawyer that defended the terrorist that were convicted in the 1st World Trade Center bombing back in 1993.
According to Abdellah thinks his “Time Has Come”? The August 31 Newark Star-Ledger explains: “It was President Obama’s words at his inauguration in January, and then his speech in Egypt in June, that led Abdellah and an area imam, Abdul Malik, to begin discussing the idea….”
The program for the “Day of Islamic Unity”:
*The Athan (Islamic call to prayer) will be chanted on Capitol Hill, echoing off of the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and other great edifices that surround Capitol Hill
*Thousands of Muslims from all races, creeds, colors and ethnicities will gather for the sole purpose of prayer
*Bonds of friendship will be formed between those in attendance, both Muslims and Non-Muslims
*Muslim youth will experience tours of the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court.
*The peace, beauty and solidarity of Islam will shine through America’s capitol.
Caution: the response below is NOT politically correct. . . .
Who do these people think they are? They are like cockroaches. . . .just when you think you have gotten rid of them you see one run across the kitchen cabinet. After killing 3,000 Americans just 8 years ago and still causing havoc around the world, you'd think they wouldn't dare have the nerve to pray to Allah on the steps of Capital Hill. Oh that's right. . . . they are there to promote "The peace, beauty and solidarity of Islam".
Now do you want me to tell you what I really think?
In case things get a little tougher during the next few months, we In LOUISIANA, TEXAS , OKLAHOMA & ARKANSAS have a plan.
Maybe you don't know it, but TEXAS, OKLAHOMA, ARKANSAS & LOUISIANA have a legal right to secede from the Union . (Reference the Texas/Louisiana-American Annexation Treaty of 1848.)
Us TEXOARKLANS love y'all Americans, but we'll probably have to take action since Barack Obama won the election and is now the President of the U.S.A. We'll miss ya'll though.
Here is what can happen:
1. Barack Hussein Obama, after becoming the President of the United States , begins to try and create a socialist country, then TEXAS , LOUISIANA , ARKANSAS and OKLAHOMA announces that they are going to secede from the Union ..
2. George W. Bush becomes the President of the Republic of TEXOARKLA . You might think that he doesn't talk too pretty, but we haven't had another terrorist attack and the economy was fine until the effects of Barney Frank and the Democrats lowering the qualifications for home loans came home to roost..
So what does TEXOARKLA have to do to survive as a Republic?
1. NASA is just south of Houston , Texas . We will control the space industry.
2. We refine over 90% of the gasoline in the United States ..
3. Defense Industry--we have over 65% of it. The term "Don't mess with TEXAS ," will take on a whole new meaning.
4. Oil - we can supply all the oil that the Republic of TEXOARKLA will need for the next 300 years. What will the other states do? Gee, we don't know. Why not ask Obama?
5. Natural Gas - again, we have all we need and it's too bad about those Northern States. John Kerry and AlGore will just have to figure out a way to keep them warm...
6. Computer Industry - we lead the nation in producing computer chips and communications equipment - small companies like Texas Instruments, Dell Computer, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor, Motorola, Intel, AMD, Nortel, Alcatel, etc.. The list goes on and on.
7. Medical Care - We have the research centers for cancer research, the best burn centers and the top trauma units in the world, as well as other large health centers.
8. We have enough colleges to keep educating and making smarter citizens: University of Texas , Texas A&M, Texas Tech, University of Oklahoma , Oklahoma State University, UL-Lafayette, UL-Monroe, LSU, Louisiana Tech University , University of Arkansas , Arkansas State University , Baylor, Rice, TCU, SMU and MANY more.
9. We have an intelligent and energetic work force and it isn't restricted by a bunch of unions. Here in TEXOARKLA, we are a Right-to-Work State and, therefore, it's every man and woman for themselves.. We just go out and get the job done.. And if we don't like the way one company operates, we get a job somewhere else.
10. We have essential control of the paper, plastics, and insurance industries, etc.
11. In case of a foreign invasion, we have the TEXOARKLA National Guard, the TEXOARKLA Air National Guard, and several military bases. We don't have an Army, but since everybody down here has at least six guns and a pile of ammo, we can raise an Army in 24 hours if we need one. If the situation really gets bad, we can always call the Department of Public Safety and ask them to send over the Texas Rangers.
12. We are totally self-sufficient in beef, poultry, hogs, and several types of grain, fruit and vegetables and let's not forget seafood from the Gulf. Also, everybody down here knows how to cook them so that they taste good. We don't need any food from somewhere else.
13. FIVE of the ten largest cities in the United States and THIRTY TWO of the 100 largest cities in the United States are located in TEXOARKLA. And TEXOARKLA also has more land than California , New York , New Jersey , Connecticut , Delaware , Hawaii , Massachusetts , Maryland , Rhode Island and Vermont combined.
14. Trade: FIVE of the ten largest ports in the United States are located in TEXOARKLA.
15. We also manufacture cars down here, but we don't need to. You see, nothing rusts in TEXOARKLA so our vehicles stay beautiful and run well for decades.
This just names a few of the items that will keep the Republic of TEXOARKLA in good shape. There isn't a thing out there that we need and don't have.
Now to the rest of you folks in the United States under President Obama:
Since you won't have the refineries to get gas for your cars, only President Obama will be able to drive around in his big 9 mpg SUV. The rest of the United States will have to walk or ride bikes.
You won't have any TV as the Space Center in Houston will cut off satellite communications.
You won't have any natural gas to heat your homes, but since AlGore has predicted global warming, you will not need the gas as long as you survive the 2000 years it will take to get enough heat from Global Warming.
In other words, the rest of ya'll in the USA can enjoy change!
Signed, The People of TEXOARKLA
P.S. This is not a threatening letter - just a note to give you something to think about!
Sleep well tonight 'cause the eyes of TEXOARKLA are on YOU!!
author unknown
In case things get a little tougher during the next few months, we In LOUISIANA, TEXAS , OKLAHOMA & ARKANSAS have a plan.
Maybe you don't know it, but TEXAS, OKLAHOMA, ARKANSAS & LOUISIANA have a legal right to secede from the Union . (Reference the Texas/Louisiana-American Annexation Treaty of 1848.)
Us TEXOARKLANS love y'all Americans, but we'll probably have to take action since Barack Obama won the election and is now the President of the U.S.A. We'll miss ya'll though.
Here is what can happen:
1. Barack Hussein Obama, after becoming the President of the United States , begins to try and create a socialist country, then TEXAS , LOUISIANA , ARKANSAS and OKLAHOMA announces that they are going to secede from the Union ..
2. George W. Bush becomes the President of the Republic of TEXOARKLA . You might think that he doesn't talk too pretty, but we haven't had another terrorist attack and the economy was fine until the effects of Barney Frank and the Democrats lowering the qualifications for home loans came home to roost..
So what does TEXOARKLA have to do to survive as a Republic?
1. NASA is just south of Houston , Texas . We will control the space industry.
2. We refine over 90% of the gasoline in the United States ..
3. Defense Industry--we have over 65% of it. The term "Don't mess with TEXAS ," will take on a whole new meaning.
4. Oil - we can supply all the oil that the Republic of TEXOARKLA will need for the next 300 years. What will the other states do? Gee, we don't know. Why not ask Obama?
5. Natural Gas - again, we have all we need and it's too bad about those Northern States. John Kerry and AlGore will just have to figure out a way to keep them warm...
6. Computer Industry - we lead the nation in producing computer chips and communications equipment - small companies like Texas Instruments, Dell Computer, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor, Motorola, Intel, AMD, Nortel, Alcatel, etc.. The list goes on and on.
7. Medical Care - We have the research centers for cancer research, the best burn centers and the top trauma units in the world, as well as other large health centers.
8. We have enough colleges to keep educating and making smarter citizens: University of Texas , Texas A&M, Texas Tech, University of Oklahoma , Oklahoma State University, UL-Lafayette, UL-Monroe, LSU, Louisiana Tech University , University of Arkansas , Arkansas State University , Baylor, Rice, TCU, SMU and MANY more.
9. We have an intelligent and energetic work force and it isn't restricted by a bunch of unions. Here in TEXOARKLA, we are a Right-to-Work State and, therefore, it's every man and woman for themselves.. We just go out and get the job done.. And if we don't like the way one company operates, we get a job somewhere else.
10. We have essential control of the paper, plastics, and insurance industries, etc.
11. In case of a foreign invasion, we have the TEXOARKLA National Guard, the TEXOARKLA Air National Guard, and several military bases. We don't have an Army, but since everybody down here has at least six guns and a pile of ammo, we can raise an Army in 24 hours if we need one. If the situation really gets bad, we can always call the Department of Public Safety and ask them to send over the Texas Rangers.
12. We are totally self-sufficient in beef, poultry, hogs, and several types of grain, fruit and vegetables and let's not forget seafood from the Gulf. Also, everybody down here knows how to cook them so that they taste good. We don't need any food from somewhere else.
13. FIVE of the ten largest cities in the United States and THIRTY TWO of the 100 largest cities in the United States are located in TEXOARKLA. And TEXOARKLA also has more land than California , New York , New Jersey , Connecticut , Delaware , Hawaii , Massachusetts , Maryland , Rhode Island and Vermont combined.
14. Trade: FIVE of the ten largest ports in the United States are located in TEXOARKLA.
15. We also manufacture cars down here, but we don't need to. You see, nothing rusts in TEXOARKLA so our vehicles stay beautiful and run well for decades.
This just names a few of the items that will keep the Republic of TEXOARKLA in good shape. There isn't a thing out there that we need and don't have.
Now to the rest of you folks in the United States under President Obama:
Since you won't have the refineries to get gas for your cars, only President Obama will be able to drive around in his big 9 mpg SUV. The rest of the United States will have to walk or ride bikes.
You won't have any TV as the Space Center in Houston will cut off satellite communications.
You won't have any natural gas to heat your homes, but since AlGore has predicted global warming, you will not need the gas as long as you survive the 2000 years it will take to get enough heat from Global Warming.
In other words, the rest of ya'll in the USA can enjoy change!
Signed, The People of TEXOARKLA
P.S. This is not a threatening letter - just a note to give you something to think about!
Sleep well tonight 'cause the eyes of TEXOARKLA are on YOU!!
author unknown
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
"Single Payer" vs "Public Option" Health Care. . . .
(Click to enlarge)
With all the debate going on over the "Single Payer" vs "Public Option" This chart shows the differences between the two health care plans. . . .
Which one is Obama for this week? He seems to change from time to time. . . .
Chart prepared by League of Women Voters of Arizona
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Capitalism vs.Socialism (The Debate Continues)
Just this morning, I was having a discussion with Brandee about how all the propaganda whores that are for Socialism sure like to benefit off of Capitalism. We were discussing Michael Moore, and how he likes to pimp his buddies Castro and Chavez in his movies and books.
Have you ever heard that he gives all his profits to the poor or back to the government? Does he and others like him “redistribute their own wealth”? This is exactly what would happen to their money under Socialism.
Capitalism is the reason that millions have risked their lives to escape Socialist and Communist Countries to reach America the “land of opportunity”.
Today on Facebook Glenn Beck posted: I really love it when people who despise Capitalism try to convince you to spend money on their products. (Imagine if Stalin pimped his line of t-shirts on Facebook?) For instance, Michael Moore recently said that “capitalism is evil,” but I bet he... sure wouldn’t mind if you spent some cash to go see his new propaganda piece, “Capitalism: A Love Story.”
Is Capitalism perfect? No, but it sure as heck beats any alternative system. Just like with the current Healthcare debate, some reform is needed to maintain a Capitalist system in America. Some reasons for the current economic collapse was corporate greed, CEO's making $150 million dollar bonuses knowing their companies were tanking, etc.
Tonight on the Jay Leno show - Michael Moore discussed his new movie, and this time he actually goes after both Republicans and Democrats. He made some valid points, but is this just another one of his propaganda films to push for Socialism in America? I will bet dollars to donuts it is.
“America is a land of opportunity and don't ever forget it.”~ Will Rogers
Capitalism says you are responsible for yourself, Socialism says we're all responsible for each other, Communism says government is responsible for you - author unknown
Have you ever heard that he gives all his profits to the poor or back to the government? Does he and others like him “redistribute their own wealth”? This is exactly what would happen to their money under Socialism.
Capitalism is the reason that millions have risked their lives to escape Socialist and Communist Countries to reach America the “land of opportunity”.
Today on Facebook Glenn Beck posted: I really love it when people who despise Capitalism try to convince you to spend money on their products. (Imagine if Stalin pimped his line of t-shirts on Facebook?) For instance, Michael Moore recently said that “capitalism is evil,” but I bet he... sure wouldn’t mind if you spent some cash to go see his new propaganda piece, “Capitalism: A Love Story.”
Is Capitalism perfect? No, but it sure as heck beats any alternative system. Just like with the current Healthcare debate, some reform is needed to maintain a Capitalist system in America. Some reasons for the current economic collapse was corporate greed, CEO's making $150 million dollar bonuses knowing their companies were tanking, etc.
Tonight on the Jay Leno show - Michael Moore discussed his new movie, and this time he actually goes after both Republicans and Democrats. He made some valid points, but is this just another one of his propaganda films to push for Socialism in America? I will bet dollars to donuts it is.
“America is a land of opportunity and don't ever forget it.”~ Will Rogers
Capitalism says you are responsible for yourself, Socialism says we're all responsible for each other, Communism says government is responsible for you - author unknown
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Our Time has Come. . . .
According to Washington, D.C. - On September 25th there will be a national prayer gathering of Muslims on the west front of the U.S. Capitol Building. They are expecting at least 50,000 to attend from mosques all across America .
They will gather to pray from 4:00 AM until 7:00 PM. The gathering will take place by the site where U.S. Presidents have been inaugurated since 1981. The organizers say that it was Obama's inauguration speech in January and his speech broadcast from Egypt in June that gave them the idea for this prayer gathering on Capitol Hill.
The last words on most of the web pages are what bothers me - "Our Time Has Come". Very interesting that this is occurring.
According to During his overseas "Trash America" tour, the blame-America-first doofus we have in the White House had this to say in Turkey,
"We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. uh uh We consider ourselves uh uh a nation of us citizens"
What's this "we" stuff, buddy?
Maybe it's understandable Obama feels that way since he spent twenty years' worth of Sundays at an anti-white, pseudo-Christian hate group instead of going to a real Christian church, but the majority of Americans, myself included, do consider this to be a Christian nation.
This country was founded by Christians seeking religious freedom and Christian principles shaped our founding documents and our culture.
This nation would not be a great nation without Christianity and it will not remain a great or moral country without the majority of its citizens remaining Christian.
That's not to say that there aren't great or moral people of other religions or even great or moral people who have no religion at all, but what's true of individuals, isn't true of nations. We've seen that played out in Western Europe, which is in a rapidly increasing state of decay and we're seeing it here in the U.S. as the number of Christians decreases.
According to September 2, 2009 - US President Barack Obama praised Islam as an integral part of America, as he feted prominent US Muslims at an Iftar dinner marking the holy fasting month of Ramadan.
"On this occasion, we celebrate the holy month of Ramadan and we also celebrate how much Muslims have enriched America and its culture in ways both large and small,'' he said
Mr. President, I'd like you to give us some examples of how "Muslims have enriched America and its culture in ways both large and small''. . . .All I know is that this "Christian" Nation's Military has given millions of muslims freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan in the last eight years. . . .
Hopefully, the FBI will be at this rally looking for the next Osama bin Laden wannabe. . . .,27574,26016301-23109,00.html
According to Washington, D.C. - On September 25th there will be a national prayer gathering of Muslims on the west front of the U.S. Capitol Building. They are expecting at least 50,000 to attend from mosques all across America .
They will gather to pray from 4:00 AM until 7:00 PM. The gathering will take place by the site where U.S. Presidents have been inaugurated since 1981. The organizers say that it was Obama's inauguration speech in January and his speech broadcast from Egypt in June that gave them the idea for this prayer gathering on Capitol Hill.
The last words on most of the web pages are what bothers me - "Our Time Has Come". Very interesting that this is occurring.
According to During his overseas "Trash America" tour, the blame-America-first doofus we have in the White House had this to say in Turkey,
"We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. uh uh We consider ourselves uh uh a nation of us citizens"
What's this "we" stuff, buddy?
Maybe it's understandable Obama feels that way since he spent twenty years' worth of Sundays at an anti-white, pseudo-Christian hate group instead of going to a real Christian church, but the majority of Americans, myself included, do consider this to be a Christian nation.
This country was founded by Christians seeking religious freedom and Christian principles shaped our founding documents and our culture.
This nation would not be a great nation without Christianity and it will not remain a great or moral country without the majority of its citizens remaining Christian.
That's not to say that there aren't great or moral people of other religions or even great or moral people who have no religion at all, but what's true of individuals, isn't true of nations. We've seen that played out in Western Europe, which is in a rapidly increasing state of decay and we're seeing it here in the U.S. as the number of Christians decreases.
According to September 2, 2009 - US President Barack Obama praised Islam as an integral part of America, as he feted prominent US Muslims at an Iftar dinner marking the holy fasting month of Ramadan.
"On this occasion, we celebrate the holy month of Ramadan and we also celebrate how much Muslims have enriched America and its culture in ways both large and small,'' he said
Mr. President, I'd like you to give us some examples of how "Muslims have enriched America and its culture in ways both large and small''. . . .All I know is that this "Christian" Nation's Military has given millions of muslims freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan in the last eight years. . . .
Hopefully, the FBI will be at this rally looking for the next Osama bin Laden wannabe. . . .,27574,26016301-23109,00.html
Is the Census Coming to it's Senses?
According to the Wall Street Journal: "The U.S. Census Bureau on Friday dropped Acorn as a partner for the 2010 Census after two separate hidden-camera videos captured four employees of the community organization giving tax advice on running a brothel to a man posing as an aspiring politician and a woman posing as his girlfriend and a prostitute."
The Census Bureau earlier this year signed up the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, one of the nation's largest community groups, as a national partner for the decennial census, a role that entails helping to publicize the importance of the count and encouraging people to participate.
According to "This country is out of control. It is being run by thieves, thugs, and those with an agenda. But first let's get to thieves, thugs and those with an agenda, ACORN, who are currently stealing money from you. Your taxpayer dollars going to fund ACORN. They have as much as $8.5 billion of stimulus cash available to them."
I would have loved to have seen Mr. Community Organizer-in-Chief's face when he heard this news. I guess he will now throw "Acorn" under the bus too, “this is not the Acorn that I knew” Remember "The ACORN doesn't fall far from the Obama tree".
Acorn fired the employees in the video, but these Acorn thugs are currently being investigated for voter registration fraud and corruption in 13 states. . . .
Joseph Stalin the evil Communist leader of the USSR, said "The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do."
In America, it usually is the "people who cast the votes" that decide an election, but if Acorn registered over 400,000 fraudulent votes like they allegedly did in 2008; picked these people up to take to the polls - then who's to say if tens-of-thousands of votes were counted using fraudulent information.
We all know that a few hundred votes can swing an election in your favor. The "people who count the votes" determined the election in 2000 during the Florida "hanging chad" debacle? This was an election that could have gone in either direction, but thankfully it went in the favor of President Bush.
Note to Census Bureau: Now you need to count the "illegal aliens" on the 2010 census, or are you afraid of the outrage that it would create when the true numbers were revealed?
(WOW. . . .it is really freaky, but today I found so many quotes from the murderer of millions (Joseph Stalin) that fit America today. Could it be because President Obama has allowed the "Trojan Horse" of Communist/Socialist into the Whitehouse)
Update: The Baltimore city state's attorney is considering prosecuting those responsible for taping the ACORN employees on charges that they violated Maryland's wiretap laws. Oh, that is just great. . . .Shoot the Messenger. . . .The article didn't say anything about prosecuting the corrupt Acorn employees.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Will America Collapse from Within?
Joseph Stalin on America: ". . . .it's patriotism, it's morality, and it's spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas. America will collapse from within."
Joseph Stalin, Communist leader of the USSR, his quote is soooo true it is scary. . . .He knew exactly how to take down America, and unfortunately we have many in leadership within our great Nation that are going play-by-play using his playbook 50+ years later. . . .
Friday, September 11, 2009
Congressman yells 'You Lie' at President Obama during his speech before Congress last night. The outburst from Rep. Joe Wilson came directly after the president said, "The reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally." Later, Wilson apologized.
Well, I don't like anyone disrespecting a United States President like Rep. Joe Wilson did last night, but he knows the president was lying when he said that Obamacare would not apply to "Illegals". Even if the bill states that "Illegals" need not apply it can be ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
Today on Your World with Neil Cavuto, Judge Napolitano says the Constitution will require illegals be covered IF we cover everyone. President Obama should know this since he was in law school for 12 years and taught constitutional law.
California passed an initiative denying social benefits to Illegal aliens and it was ruled unconstitutional twice by the federal courts and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case, so the lower court ruling stands.
Sooooo. . . .Congress can pass Obamacare to NOT include "illegal" aliens. . . .The President can sign it and then the Supreme Court can determine it is unconstitutional then the illegals would have to be included and the Democrats mission would still be accomplished. . . . sneaky. . . .sneaky
BTW. . . .If the Democrats pass the "Immigration Reform Bill" they want in 2010 the 20 million illegals in the US would become legal and walla walla bing bang they could all sign up for Obamacare anyway. . . .So maybe Obama wasn't lying after all . . . . .
Well, I don't like anyone disrespecting a United States President like Rep. Joe Wilson did last night, but he knows the president was lying when he said that Obamacare would not apply to "Illegals". Even if the bill states that "Illegals" need not apply it can be ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
Today on Your World with Neil Cavuto, Judge Napolitano says the Constitution will require illegals be covered IF we cover everyone. President Obama should know this since he was in law school for 12 years and taught constitutional law.
California passed an initiative denying social benefits to Illegal aliens and it was ruled unconstitutional twice by the federal courts and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case, so the lower court ruling stands.
Sooooo. . . .Congress can pass Obamacare to NOT include "illegal" aliens. . . .The President can sign it and then the Supreme Court can determine it is unconstitutional then the illegals would have to be included and the Democrats mission would still be accomplished. . . . sneaky. . . .sneaky
BTW. . . .If the Democrats pass the "Immigration Reform Bill" they want in 2010 the 20 million illegals in the US would become legal and walla walla bing bang they could all sign up for Obamacare anyway. . . .So maybe Obama wasn't lying after all . . . . .
I will never forget this day. . . .The minute I saw this happening I knew we would be going to war. I didn't know against whom, but I knew someone was going to pay for striking our homeland. I was laid off at that time, and I had just taken Jon-Jon to school so I rushed back to pick him up. I did not want to be home alone. My brother Walter came by my house and we both knew that his son, Walter Keith Goodwin, PFC, would soon be called into active duty, since he was in the National Guard. (He has since served in White Sands, NM and Afghanistan) We prayed for our Nation.
Remember that September 11th started out for everyone as a normal beautiful Tuesday morning. This is a day when people should stop and remember:
- The passengers of American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 who didn’t have a clue that their planes would soon be heading to NYC and crashing into the World Trade Centers.
- The hundreds of people stuck on the top floors of the World Trade Center's that were calling their families to say a final goodbye and then as the smoke, heat and flames surrounded them they jumped to their deaths.
- The firemen and policemen that ran up the thousands of stairs to save as many as they could and became victims themselves, and remember the courage it takes to go towards disaster than away from it.
- Let's not forget the horror of the passengers of United Airlines flight 93 watching the terrorist slit the throat of the flight attendant with box cutters and then storming the cockpit, and the American heroes that made the decision to fight back to avoid the terrorist crashing their plane into more buildings. Their plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania
- Imagine the terror of the passengers on American Airlines Flight 77 after being hijacked; secretly calling loved one's and then learning the fate of the two other airliners that day that had crashed into the WTC. Their lives ended by crashing into the Pentagon.
- You cannot forget the thousands of American’s around the country that did not know the fate of their family and friends until weeks, sometimes months later.
- The volunteers from around the country that rushed to NYC to assist in searching for survivors and the visitors that flocked to the city to help rebuild their economy.
- The United States Military that was placed on Delta alert, which is the highest level.
- The Secret Service and everyone that kept President Bush safe, which maintained order on this horrific, chaotic day.
Regarding President Bush “Why is this man in the White House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. Why is he there? And I tell you this morning that he’s in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this.”—LT. GENERAL WILLIAM G. BOYKIN
“The fanatics who killed some 3,000 of our fellow Americans may have thought they could attack us with impunity—because terrorists had done so previously. But if the killers of September 11th thought we had lost the will to defend our freedom, they did not know America...and they did not know George W. Bush. ”—DICK CHENEY, 2004 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION
In the 8 years since this horrible day, why does it seem that everyone wants to appease the Muslims? They can't be offended or scolded in any way. Books that have been made into Movies where the bad guys were Muslim Extremist have been changed to Nazi's or what not, just so it would not offend the Muslims. (The Sum of all Fears) (Angels and Demons). . . . .What's up with that?
This is America. . . . The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. . . .and if you don't like the United States of America. . . .Get the HELL out. . . .cause I guarantee you. . . . this Texas girl won't be wearing a burka anytime soon.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Regulatory Czar wants to Regulate Life. . . .
Nazi Extermination letters to the Reich Minister: "a law that would give everyone the assurance of careful examination as to whether he is due to die or entitled to live"
When you read the article below concerning Cass Sunstein - Obama's Regulatory Czar - (Legal Scholar), and Ezekiel Emanuel - Obama's Health Policy Adviser (American National Institutes of Health Bioethicist). . . .See if you see the comparison. . . .
According to
Obama’s mockingly laughing at “death panels” is not very funny given his appointments of Ezekiel Emanuel and Cass Sunstein. Mr. Obama, don’t you dare mock us for being afraid over the writings of men that you appointed.
Cass Sunstein, whom Barack Obama appointed to the position of Regulatory Czar. Sunstein wrote in the Columbia Law Review in January 2004:
“I urge that the government should indeed focus on life-years rather than lives. A program that saves young people produces more welfare than one that saves old people.”
Barack Obama’s Regulatory Czar explained:
“If a program would prevent fifty deaths of people who are twenty, should it be treated the same way as a program that would prevent fifty deaths of people who are seventy? Other things being equal, a program that protects young people seems far better than one that protects old people, because it delivers greater benefits.”
Obama has to explain why he appointed Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel as both his health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget and as a member of the Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research. Emanuel has said JUST THIS YEAR:
“When implemented, the Complete Lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated… The Complete Lives system justifies preference to younger people because of priority to the worst-off rather than instrumental value.”
He explained:
“Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years. Treating 65-year olds differently because of stereotypes or falsehoods would be ageist; treating them differently because they have already had more life-years is not.”
Dr. Emanuel has said:
Many commentators note that 27 to 30 percent of the Medicare budget is spent on the 5 percent of Medicare patients who die each year.
“Many have linked the effort to reduce the high cost of death with the legalization of physician-assisted suicide…. Decreasing availability and increasing expense in health care and the uncertain impact of managed care may intensify pressure to choose physician-assisted suicide” and “the cost effectiveness of hastened death is as undeniable as gravity. The earlier a patient dies, the less costly is his or her care.”
And he has said:
Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.
To read the full horrific article go to:
When you read the article below concerning Cass Sunstein - Obama's Regulatory Czar - (Legal Scholar), and Ezekiel Emanuel - Obama's Health Policy Adviser (American National Institutes of Health Bioethicist). . . .See if you see the comparison. . . .
According to
Obama’s mockingly laughing at “death panels” is not very funny given his appointments of Ezekiel Emanuel and Cass Sunstein. Mr. Obama, don’t you dare mock us for being afraid over the writings of men that you appointed.
Cass Sunstein, whom Barack Obama appointed to the position of Regulatory Czar. Sunstein wrote in the Columbia Law Review in January 2004:
“I urge that the government should indeed focus on life-years rather than lives. A program that saves young people produces more welfare than one that saves old people.”
Barack Obama’s Regulatory Czar explained:
“If a program would prevent fifty deaths of people who are twenty, should it be treated the same way as a program that would prevent fifty deaths of people who are seventy? Other things being equal, a program that protects young people seems far better than one that protects old people, because it delivers greater benefits.”
Obama has to explain why he appointed Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel as both his health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget and as a member of the Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research. Emanuel has said JUST THIS YEAR:
“When implemented, the Complete Lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated… The Complete Lives system justifies preference to younger people because of priority to the worst-off rather than instrumental value.”
He explained:
“Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years. Treating 65-year olds differently because of stereotypes or falsehoods would be ageist; treating them differently because they have already had more life-years is not.”
Dr. Emanuel has said:
Many commentators note that 27 to 30 percent of the Medicare budget is spent on the 5 percent of Medicare patients who die each year.
“Many have linked the effort to reduce the high cost of death with the legalization of physician-assisted suicide…. Decreasing availability and increasing expense in health care and the uncertain impact of managed care may intensify pressure to choose physician-assisted suicide” and “the cost effectiveness of hastened death is as undeniable as gravity. The earlier a patient dies, the less costly is his or her care.”
And he has said:
Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.
To read the full horrific article go to:
Egomaniac-in-Chief. . . .
According to Obama to seal US-UN relationship - Barack Obama will cement the new co-operative relationship between the US and the United Nations this month when he becomes the first American president to chair its 15-member Security Council.
The topic for the summit-level session of the council on September 24 is nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament – one of several global challenges that the US now wants to see addressed at a multinational level.
What an egomaniac - Hey, President Obama - How about fixing our damn "Economy" before you take on the World. . . .
Egomanic - boaster, braggart, egocentric, egoist, narcissist, self-aggrandizer, blowhard, bragger, know-it-all, show-off, trumpeter, big head
To read the full article:
The topic for the summit-level session of the council on September 24 is nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament – one of several global challenges that the US now wants to see addressed at a multinational level.
What an egomaniac - Hey, President Obama - How about fixing our damn "Economy" before you take on the World. . . .
Egomanic - boaster, braggart, egocentric, egoist, narcissist, self-aggrandizer, blowhard, bragger, know-it-all, show-off, trumpeter, big head
To read the full article:
The US Census Needs to Come to Its Senses. . . .
The 2010 US Census will not differentiate between US Citizens and Non-Citizens. . . .Remember this when they mail out only the little short form (6 pages) to homes next year. . . .Illegal aliens will be counted the exact same as American Citizens.
Why is this a problem? States like California, Texas, Arizona, Florida, New York, etc. which has a large number of illegals will gain a large number of Congressional seats, and the other states will lose seats because of these bogus numbers.
If illegals are counted the same as legal US citizens then the Representatives we will be sending to Washington will not only be representing US Citizens, but they will be granting the illegals a voice in our democracy. Illegals can't vote, right? Just wait. . . .There is an Obama Czar working on that right now. . . .
Maybe "Legal" Citizens should protest by putting bogus numbers on their census cards or not fill them out at all. . . .Oh that's right. . . .That would be "illegal".
Why do we even need a Census Bureau to count American Citizens? From birth till death we are tracked by our Social Security numbers. Simple math (this many in. . . .this many out) They could just use these numbers if they did not have a specific reason to count "illegals", and since they no longer ask how many toilets you have. (but then what would community organizers like Acorn do till the next election?)
This summer there was a lady walking through our Mesquite neighborhood using a GPS device at every house and when I questioned her about it she said it was to register the *GPS coordinates of every entryway in America by no further than 40 feet for the Census. Does that not send a chill up your spine? The US Government now has GPS coordinates to within 40 feet of your front door. . . . .(BTW she was getting paid $17.00 per hour to do this and would not confirm or deny if she worked for Acorn)
You can bet there are probably more surprises coming soon, because Obama just moved the US Census Bureau from the Commerce Department to the White House in January of this year.
According to the By 1980 there were two census forms. The shorter form went to every person physically present in the country and was used to establish congressional apportionment. It had no question pertaining to an individual’s citizenship or legal status as a resident. The longer form gathered various kinds of socioeconomic information including citizenship status, but it went only to a sample of U.S. households. That pattern was repeated for the 1990 and 2000 censuses.
The 2010 census will use only the short form. The long form has been replaced by the Census Bureau’s ongoing American Community Survey. Dr. Elizabeth Grieco, chief of the Census Bureau’s Immigration Statistics Staff, told us in a recent interview that the 2010 census short form does not ask about citizenship because “Congress has not asked us to do that.”
*I am currently researching more about the GPS coordinates at every entryway for a future "Big Brother" article
2010 Census form:
2000 Census long form:
Is this person a CITIZEN of the United States?
Yes, born in the United States → Skip to 15a
Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands,
or Northern Marianas
Yes, born abroad of American parent or parents
Yes, a U.S. citizen by naturalization
No, not a citizen of the United States
Why is this a problem? States like California, Texas, Arizona, Florida, New York, etc. which has a large number of illegals will gain a large number of Congressional seats, and the other states will lose seats because of these bogus numbers.
If illegals are counted the same as legal US citizens then the Representatives we will be sending to Washington will not only be representing US Citizens, but they will be granting the illegals a voice in our democracy. Illegals can't vote, right? Just wait. . . .There is an Obama Czar working on that right now. . . .
Maybe "Legal" Citizens should protest by putting bogus numbers on their census cards or not fill them out at all. . . .Oh that's right. . . .That would be "illegal".
Why do we even need a Census Bureau to count American Citizens? From birth till death we are tracked by our Social Security numbers. Simple math (this many in. . . .this many out) They could just use these numbers if they did not have a specific reason to count "illegals", and since they no longer ask how many toilets you have. (but then what would community organizers like Acorn do till the next election?)
This summer there was a lady walking through our Mesquite neighborhood using a GPS device at every house and when I questioned her about it she said it was to register the *GPS coordinates of every entryway in America by no further than 40 feet for the Census. Does that not send a chill up your spine? The US Government now has GPS coordinates to within 40 feet of your front door. . . . .(BTW she was getting paid $17.00 per hour to do this and would not confirm or deny if she worked for Acorn)
You can bet there are probably more surprises coming soon, because Obama just moved the US Census Bureau from the Commerce Department to the White House in January of this year.
According to the By 1980 there were two census forms. The shorter form went to every person physically present in the country and was used to establish congressional apportionment. It had no question pertaining to an individual’s citizenship or legal status as a resident. The longer form gathered various kinds of socioeconomic information including citizenship status, but it went only to a sample of U.S. households. That pattern was repeated for the 1990 and 2000 censuses.
The 2010 census will use only the short form. The long form has been replaced by the Census Bureau’s ongoing American Community Survey. Dr. Elizabeth Grieco, chief of the Census Bureau’s Immigration Statistics Staff, told us in a recent interview that the 2010 census short form does not ask about citizenship because “Congress has not asked us to do that.”
*I am currently researching more about the GPS coordinates at every entryway for a future "Big Brother" article
2010 Census form:
2000 Census long form:
Is this person a CITIZEN of the United States?
Yes, born in the United States → Skip to 15a
Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands,
or Northern Marianas
Yes, born abroad of American parent or parents
Yes, a U.S. citizen by naturalization
No, not a citizen of the United States
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Record-Breaking "Nails" Broken. . . .

SALT LAKE CITY – A Salt Lake City woman who held a Guinness World Record for her long fingernails before they broke off in a car crash says it was the most dramatic event of her life.
But Lee Redmond, who lost the fingernails in February, says it's now much easier to do things and her hands seem to fly with the weight of the nails gone.
But Lee Redmond, who lost the fingernails in February, says it's now much easier to do things and her hands seem to fly with the weight of the nails gone.
The 68-year-old won't grow her nails out again, saying it took 30 years the first time and she may not live for another 30.
Redmond hadn't cut her nails since 1979 and entered the Guinness World Records book in 2002 for longest fingernails on a woman.
The Guinness Web site says her nails measured a total of more than 28 feet long in 2008, with the longest nail on her right thumb at 2 feet, 11 inches.
She said "it's now much easier to do things" Well, No Shit Sherlock. . . .It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure that out :) :)
Monday, September 07, 2009
Tax Cheats Going after "Tax Cheats". . . .
Here are the people in President Obama's Administration or people he Nominated that are considered "Tax Cheats": Timothy Geithner, Tom Daschle, Hilda Solis, Nancy Killefer and Ron Kirk. Vice-President Biden calls "paying higher taxes a patriotic act" then tell your co-workers to pay theirs.
What a bunch of hypocrites - since they expect us to pay our taxes - they need to look first to the tax cheats within this Administration and the Democratic party?
According to
Democrat Tax Cheat Champion is Charlie Rangel, the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. You know, Ways and Means, the committee that decides where and how to spend our (not his) tax money. The Sunlight Foundation has looked at Rangel’s various tax problems and determined that he failed to report taxable events 28 separate times. He has a beachfront villa in the Dominican Republic, where he failed to report rental income for years.
According to
Even as he fends off accusations about his own failure to pay taxes and fully disclose his financial dealings, Rep. Charles Rangel had quietly slipped into the health-care bill broad new provisions cracking down on taxpayers in proceedings with the IRS, The Post has learned.
The changes approved by the House Ways and Means Committee that Rangel chairs would strip away legal defenses and pile higher penalties on corporate and individual taxpayers facing IRS proceedings for what they claim are unintentional mistakes, experts said.
Rangel's bill would:
* Punish those who fail to alert the IRS to potentially questionable tax exemptions.
* Bar the IRS from waiving penalties against taxpayers who clearly erred in good faith.
* Double fines in certain circumstances.
"The bill raises penalties and eliminates many of the reasonable defenses that taxpayers have always been able to use when honest mistakes are uncovered," one lawyer told The Post.
In fact, the bill increases fines "in some cases even for honest mistakes," the expert added.
Republicans yesterday ripped Rangel's attempt to go after taxpayers, given his own failure to pay taxes on rental income from his villa in the Dominican Republic and his extensive reporting problems with his financial-disclosure statements to Congress.
"It is highly ironic that Chairman Rangel continues to work to crack down on American taxpayers who make honest mistakes on their tax forms when he himself has failed to pay his own staggering tax bills," said Michael Steel, spokesman for Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio).
"Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi should force him to step aside as chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee until this baffling array of allegations are resolved."
In addition to $75,000 in rental income he failed to report to the IRS a few years ago, Rangel recently filed new papers revealing he neglected to disclose to Congress more than $1.3 million in income and $3 million in business deals between 2002 and 2006.
The Post reported last week that he also failed to pay taxes on property in New Jersey that he neglected for years to disclose he owned.
His office maintains he is now up to date on all his taxes.
The Rangel plan also would prevent the IRS from waiving punishment in cases where tax officials thought the penalty was excessive.
Under another provision, the IRS would require that taxpayers self-report areas where they may have gone over the line seeking tax advantages. If they fail to self-report and problems are found, tax penalties skyrocket.
The IRS becomes "judge, jury and executioner," said a lobbyist.
In one provision, the measure doubles the fine against the taxpayer from 20 percent of the underpayment to 40 percent.
As with many of the complex tax provisions buried in the 1,018-page bill, the severity of the self-reporting language is a matter of debate.
Advocates argue that the provision is intended only to go after flagrant tax cheats, but that's not clearly spelled out.
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