Sunday, September 26, 2010

El Rushbo Quotes of the Week. . . .

"I made the comparison to Jimmy Carter long ago, saying that Obama would be his second term, only worse. But where Carter was a bumbling old fool, this guy's doing it on purpose."

‎"Honest to God, folks, because of the faith I have in the people of this country, I never really believed that the people would elect somebody who intends to destroy it."

"I remember the 80s; some people were asking, 'Well, what has Reagan done for the country?' And the answer was very simple: He made people feel good about the country again."

"I think the ruling class has no idea of the staying power of the Tea Party movement. And if they don't, they're going to learn the hard way -- and that's their business."

"The Democrat plan is very simple: Lie to the American people, present a whole bunch of fictitious, fraudulent people spouting platitudes, get elected, and then govern against the will of the people." 

"Lady Gaga's making more sense on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' than anybody in the Democrat Party, and she makes no sense." 

"The ChiComs… forget their authoritarianism -- they're not burdened with 15 years of regulations to build a nuclear power plant. They don't have to go through every other wacko leftist group in order to build a freaking sidewalk somewhere."

"This vision of America as a bunch of helpless people who can't get anything done until a commission advises President Obama insults my intelligence." 

and here is one of my favorite Rush quotes this week:

"Joe Biden says he's number two in line for the presidency, when he's number one? God, I wish he was number two, but that would make Pelosi number one. We're screwed."