Monday, August 02, 2010

The Post-American World. . . .WTF?

The name of the book Obama is reading is called:

The Post-American World, and it was written by a fellow Muslim.

"Post" America means the world After America !


Maybe we should all be reading:

The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War On America by Pamela Geller
The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War On America is the product of three years of research I've done on Barack Obama: his socialist internationalism, his ties to America-haters and anti-Semites, his race-baiting, and more. As president, Obama is presiding over America's decline, and is in many important ways the apostle of that decline. He is betraying Israel; warring against free speech; refusing to take real steps to stop Iran's nuclear program, despite the many genocidal statements Ahmadinejad has made against Israel, and the open contempt the mullahs have shown for his efforts to reach out to them.
Obama is turning allies into enemies and enemies into allies; submitting the U.S. to international law; bankrupting us with socialist schemes both domestically and internationally; bypassing the democratic process and the system of checks and balances by governing through a proliferation of "czars"; and using global warming as a pretext to redistribute wealth from the First World to the Third World.