Wednesday, August 04, 2010


ccording to

Angry White Dude didn’t make the trip to Phoenix last weekend for the Stand With Arizona event. From all accounts, it was a tremendous success. However, the SEIU and their La Raza thug friends made sure their bused-in trouble makers were present. It’s a good thing AWD wasn’t there. Watching illegal alien punks desecrate the American flag while standing illegally on American soil will get an illegal on the fighting side of AWD real fast.

So these are the people who risk their lives coming to America to become Americans? Instead of desecrating our flag, these illegal scum should fall to their knees and be grateful America is as weak as a whipped kitten! They should be thankful Americans have been wussified by decades of politically correct codes of appeasement! Because if they were from Central America and had illegally crossed into Mexico, they’d be beaten, robbed and raped…and in many cases be kidnapped until their families back home paid a ransom to the corrupt Mexican police and drug gangs.

It’s one thing to insult America from Mexico City. It’s quite another to do it on American soil while taunting taxpayers advocating the rule of law. I watched the entire Stand With Arizona event on streaming video. There was no hate speech from the speakers. No ridiculing of illegals. No disparaging remarks about a corrupt Mexico. No, the speakers simply called for the federal government to enforce the immigration laws itself has passed! Yet they were subjected to taunts and insults from a group of hard-core illegal leftist, racist, professional thugs paid by labor unions!

There’s a fire raging in the hearts of American patriots. It is a feeling of helplessness as our government forsakes Americans and protects illegal lawbreakers! America is becoming a tinderbox and a small spark may touch off something illegals, New Black Panthers nor Barack Hussein Obama want to experience.

Like Mick and Keith wrote so many years ago….”War children, it’s just a shot away.”