Friday, July 09, 2010

Dubai Says Airport Body Scanners 'Contradict Islam'. . . .

According to

I guess Islam doesn't contradict terrorism or mass murder. Well, as far as I'm concerned this gives us the green light to ban all flights going through Dubai, although it's doubtful that'll ever happen with the buffoons in charge of Homeland Security these days.

We wouldn't want to offend anyone.

Forget about London and France -- in Dubai, airport screeners won't be able to see your underpants.

Dubai police said full-body security scanners will not be used at the airports because the devices do not correspond with national customs and ethics, according to local press reports on Tuesday.

The scanners "contradict Islam," said Ahmad Mohammad Bin Thani, head of airport security. He said the idea was scrapped "out of respect for the privacy of individuals and their personal freedom."

The scanners will be replaced with other inspection systems that protect passengers' privacy, Thani said. He told the Gulf News that police are considering the use of face-recognition cameras.

Of course that will violate the "rights" of those wearing burqas, right?