In Oregon, they are currently testing a GPS in vehicles and at the pump, which would not only calculate and charge you for each mile driven, but also charge you more money when it calculates when you consumed your gasoline i.e. during rush hour, etc. It seems like "Big Brother" is always a giant step ahead of the people. . . .
I have always been leery of the advancement of GPS* technology. . . . .Did you know that auto companies now have the ability to shut down your engine if you happen to miss a payment or two? Just think about. . . .If Onstar can have a two-way conversation with you, unlock your doors, and know where you are at any given minute. . . . "Big Brother" can too.
Now that the US government is owner of the nation's largest auto manufacturers it just creates so many privacy issues. They not only have control of the technology that is being put into each new vehicle, but they could eventually be able to control the flow of traffic, stop people from going to protests, and all kinds of Orwellian type scenarios.
What starts out as just "new" technology can quickly become overwhelmingly intrusive in your life. It is just like the little black-box that is in the newer vehicles that control the airbags, brakes, etc. This information is now being used in a court of law to determine at the time of an accident, if and when you applied your brakes, did you have your blinker on, etc.
California has the technology during rolling blackouts to use "emergency power to control individual thermostats, sending temperatures up or down through a radio-controlled devices to manage electricity shortages." The eco-freaks won't allow them to build any additional power sources, but will allow this intrusion into their lives.
I absolutely despise the red light cameras and I told the kids years ago. . . . it's just a matter of time before they begin to issue tickets for speeding this way and sure enough this technology is now available. According to motorist.org "This type of enforcement emphasizes ticket volume and they can actually make our roads less safe."
It's all for our own good. . . right? "Big Brother" always knows what is best for us. . . .right?
According to prisonplanet.com: "We are at the precipice of the next major expansion of the surveillance state. Many people will willingly accept this because they’ve been conditioned for years that the convenience elements, via the cellphone, the supermarket loyalty card, the GPS satellite navigation system in the car, the Onstar system, override the mammoth applications that both government and monopoly corporatism have planned for all this and are already implementing."
"Big Brother doesn't just want to know where you are, he wants to know what you're thinking and if necessary, change your mind."
Some people will say concerning privacy issues: "Well if you’re not doing anything wrong - then what's the problem" "I don't have anything to hide". . . .Here's the way I look at it - If they are watching "ME" today. . . .tomorrow they'll be watching "YOU". . .
It makes you wonder how long the bells of "Freedom" will continue to ring in America?
*Big Brother - Authoritarian personality or any omnipresent figure representing oppressive control. Acts against personal privacy
read this smart card technology in the making. . . .scary stuff. . . .
update*: This summer there was a lady walking through our neighborhood using a GPS device at every house and when I asked her about it she said it was to register the GPS coordinates of every entryway in America by no further than 40 feet for the Census. Does that not send a chill up your spine? The government now has GPS coordinates to within 40 feet of your front door. . . . .
American Daily Review, blogger Douglas Gibbs had more than a few doubts: "GPS coordinates of your front door will make it easier for the government to monitor you," he said. "The U.S. Census Bureau is simply an excuse – a harmless looking means of obtaining the front door coordinates. The creation of GPS coordinates for front doors has nothing to do with the census, in all honesty, no matter how much the United States government tries to convince you that it does."