Senator Dodd should count his blessings that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, before his fellow Democrats managed to "Reform" America's current health care system.
The survival rate for prostate cancer in the United States is 99.3%. In Europe, where there is “universal health care” of the sort Democrats favor for here in America? The survival rate is more like 77.5%, in Canada it has an even lower survival rate. In other words, countries that have "universal health care" have a higher mortality (death) rate than Americans.
Can you believe Senator Dodd is still for "Health Care Reform" in America with his condition and these facts? Oh that's right, the "Democrats" exempted themselves from their own 'health care reform' . . . . (Page 114 of the health care bill)
Senator Dodd is 65 years old. Maybe he should start discussing his end-of-life options according to the new health care reform bill. (Page 425: Advance Care Planning Consult: Senior Citizens, assisted suicide, euthanasia? Page 427: Government mandates program that orders end-of-life treatment; government dictates how your life ends)
To see 10 things you probably did not know about health care." from the "Heritage Foundation go to: