The tragic end of someone living a "Secret Life" was revealed this weekend when the body of former NFL Titan Quarterback Steve McNair, 36, was discovered on July 4th, riddled with four gunshot wounds. Sahel Kazemi, 20, his "secret" lover of just a few months had one gunshot wound to the head. More than likely a murder-suicide.
Steve McNair took his young lover on vacations to Las Vegas, Key West, California, Hawaii and bought her expensive gifts. According to her family, she was expecting him to leave his wife and to build a life with him. To find out that he was most likely murdered by his lover is a double tragedy for his wife and children and will no doubt tarnish their memory of him.
A marriage destroyed by an affair is tragic, but if married people who cheat would give their spouse the attention that they give their lovers then their marriage might be saved.
Always remember what you do in darkness will be revealed in the light.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. . . .Romans 3:23
RIP Steve McNair